Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A not too shabby 5.5 today. Went to bed on a dark chocolate hob nob. Well, not literally, that would've been a bit messy.😛 Had cramp in the night & took me ages to get back to sleep, so expected higher BG this morning.🙂

I once went to be with angel cake. She really was a delectable treat 😛
Maybe dropping Lantus by a few units last night, was not a good idea. A disappointing 6.0 this morning
@Hazel1985 . 6 is absolutely fine, remember we need a bit of hypo prevention room too. I don't like waking up in the mid or low fours like I did today for that very reason.
Good morning everyone. A very tired 4.5 after less than three hours kip.
ooooh Parkin, I haven't had that in years and years and ye...well you get my drift lol.
Morning all. 9.3 here. Guess who forgot their Lantus last night. And that after muddling up my Novorapid earlier in the afternoon. I'm considering hibernation as a way to get me through the winter.
Morning all. 9.3 here. Guess who forgot their Lantus last night. And that after muddling up my Novorapid earlier in the afternoon. I'm considering hibernation as a way to get me through the winter.
Oops. It's easy done.
I was with you on that one, also at 3am.
Good morning, I'll squash on the 5.4 step with Northerner and khskel please. 🙂

Apologies for any offensive lyrics floating around at 3am as I performed my swearing cramp dance routine once again 😳😱
Bore da pawb... an 8.7 here after feeling shi ...awful for most of yesterday evening (went too low before tea) then my meal kicked in so went to bed at a high 12.7! still have a banging headache :confused:
God morgen min vakre diabetiker vill fullblods Palomino hester. A spooky 2.8mmols for lil ole moi this beautiful autumn morning.

Bring me sunshine in your smile. Bring me laughter all the while. A cheeky Morecambe and Wise number this morning because you all bring me sunshine and smiles 🙂
Bore da pawb... an 8.4 for me this morning. isn't it dark...
Morning all.🙂 7.5 here.😛 Winter's hoo...rain and snot. Hope ev1 has a good week.😛
Morning all, Its a chilly 3.4 today . @Diabeticliberty I hope your not feeling too bad.