Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all! A rather not unexpected 6.5 this morning following a burger & chips plus profiteroles last night. It was an experiment. Burger was in a wholemeal bun. was 5.2 before & 6.0 two hours after, but paying for it with DP this morning.:(
12.2 today after a correction at 4.30am. Completely my fault this time because I went out for dinner last night, didn't have a clue how to carb count it and ate both bread and creamy risotto - and it was very nice 🙂
Morning all, a splendiferous 5.1 today, oh yes!

...and that sounds yum,@AJLang 🙂
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Good afternoon all 🙂 and woken to a 6.7 today. Glad I've got this weeks nights out of the way. Dentist soon to check over a dodgy filling :(
Morning...7.6 this morning.
Good morning everyone. 5.4 today 🙂
Hello, hello and thrice hello a lofty 4.5mmols for me this fine morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day 🙂
Good morning 🙂 and 6.5 today.

Hope the filling is sorted OK @Lindarose 🙂
Thanks Northerner. Had it xrayed and for now just had fluoride over suspect tooth. Not too sure that's the end of it but giving it awhile to see if it settles. My teeth are a pain Literally!
Morning , after a whole week in the "5"s I've jumped back into the "6"s with a 6.1 today . Bit disappointed but I blame my sister who turned up for a visit with a rather lovely apple cake ! Would have been rude not to have a slice eh ?
It's a 6.7 for me. Rather surprising as had a hypo yesterday afternoon and then readings ranging from 10 - 8.3 at bedtime. The joys of the Big D.
Morning , after a whole week in the "5"s I've jumped back into the "6"s with a 6.1 today . Bit disappointed but I blame my sister who turned up for a visit with a rather lovely apple cake ! Would have been rude not to have a slice eh ?

The $640000 question is have you posted my piece to me yet 😉
Good morning everyone. 8.8 for me. Feel like a yo yo.