Freestyle Libre 2 to become real time continuous glucose monitor in UK from mid July 2023

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Just updated the iOS version of the app to get the latest version and all I get is a blank screen then it crashes:( I have seen lots of other people getting this issue too. Thank goodness Shuggah is still working!
I updated the app during the warmup period of my sensor and got the blank white screen. Deleting and reinstalling the app fixed this and now it’s working fine with the automatic readings for me.
Thanks @Lucyr - just done that and it now scans at least! Lost my data on the app though. LibreView is still ok and shows everything, so that’s something!
I just updated the app and got the message that it will start showing readings every minute when I start my next sensor, which will be on Friday.
I just updated the app and got the message that it will start showing readings every minute when I start my next sensor, which will be on Friday.
Mine is showing current readings already, the home page now doesn‘t have the blue scan button, just the icon in the top right. It sits on the current reading which alters every minute. This is on my current sensor which has 3 days left, so I didn’t need to wait until starting a new sensor to get this functionality. Not sure if it is different for the Android version?

This is the home page now :

Not sure if it is different for the Android version
I have an Android phone, so I guess I'll have to wait - I can't afford I-phone, lol
Thanks @Lucyr - just done that and it now scans at least! Lost my data on the app though. LibreView is still ok and shows everything, so that’s something!
Seems that deleting and reinstalling the app gets the real-time readings on existing sensors as seen a few people report they’re getting it 🙂

Just need to find a way to get it onto Apple Watch now
The iOS app seems a bit flakey, sometimes get the white screen, takes a while then displays the home page other times it crashes. Hopefully someone at Abbott will get some fixes out quickly.
I usally start my sensor with the reader but also use my phone,so will I get continously reading when my app updates?
I usally start my sensor with the reader but also use my phone,so will I get continously reading when my app updates?
The updated app is using the Bluetooth messages that were previously only used for the alarms. If you started the sensor on the reader then I wouldn’t have thought the phone app would be able to receive the Bluetooth as the sensor would be connected via Bluetooth to the reader? I may have this wrong though?
Since having to use a phone to scan for a couple of weeks (since I lost my reader), I can now totally understand why this is such an attractive prospect. The reader is so quick and easy to use and small and comfortable to handle that it never seemed troublesome to scan and I wondered why people really wanted this full CGM option. After two weeks of having to open the phone and then open the app and wait whilst it buffers before I can scan and then wait for a result.... I now "get it". The touch screen seems to be less responsive too and I am incredibly frustrated by it and cannot understand why anyone would choose this system over a reader, so can now definitely see the value in having at least one step of the process removed.
Admittedly I am also having to cope with the frustration of getting used to a new phone (an iphone from using an android for many, many years and hating that as well), so I know that I am likely not judging the situation impartially but really not impressed with using a phone and pretty sure I will be going back to the reader, even once full CGM is working on the phone. I think the reader's functionality could be improved but on the whole the very small benefits of the phone app in no way counteract the awkwardness of using it. Maybe if I was more tech savvy and used one of the unofficial apps it would work better for me but I am not sold on the Libre app or the iphone for that matter.
I wasn't given a trader when I started on freestyle libre so I'm used to using my phone however, we went 200 miles to the seaside for a weekend and the amount of time my the sensor and phone lost connection with each other was ridiculous, it wouldn't allow me to scan at all and I had a hypo of 3.1 which was undescoverable by the phone ( good job I took my finger tester with me the O.G lol)
The updated app is using the Bluetooth messages that were previously only used for the alarms. If you started the sensor on the reader then I wouldn’t have thought the phone app would be able to receive the Bluetooth as the sensor would be connected via Bluetooth to the reader? I may have this wrong though?
Not reader/ phone related but my phone can connect to more than 1 Bluetooth device at once, don't know if that's an option for phone and reader scanning tho?
don't know if that's an option for phone and reader scanning tho?
As I understand it it's a restriction of the sensors rather than the phone or reader. (I'm not sure precisely what's going on. I note that Juggluco is fine "stealing" the Bluetooth connection even if the reader was used to initialise a sensor.)
Thanks @Lucyr - just done that and it now scans at least! Lost my data on the app though. LibreView is still ok and shows everything, so that’s something!
I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. Also lost all my previous data. :(
Not reader/ phone related but my phone can connect to more than 1 Bluetooth device at once, don't know if that's an option for phone and reader scanning tho?
No. A Libre sensor is smaller than a phone so uses smaller electronic components which have less functionality.
A Libre sensor can only connect to one device via Bluetooth.
You can see this with the alerts. The alerts use Bluetooth and are only sent to the device which started the sensor. The CGMing of Libre 2 is done by taking the data from the same Bluetooth message that is used for alerts.
Further update on my experience with the iOS updated LibreLink app today - I scanned my two Novopens into the reinstalled app and it was after this (800 doses from the NR pen and around 450 from the Levemir pen) that the app started giving me the white screen and not responding, ultimately crashing.

I’ve now deleted and reinstalled the app, not scanned my pens at all and so far it has been working just fine and giving me real-time BG (which is rising due to this stress!). I was getting a bit nervous as this sensor is ending on Friday and as it was I would not have been able to start a new one!

I think for now I need to just manually record the insulin as I used to do before that feature was added, not a big deal. The more important thing is that the app gives me readings from the sensor and will let me scan and start a new one!
I’ve lost my app! I’ve an iPhone SE updated it from Libre Link. Just got blank page. But I can’t get my app back to delete it! It’s showing on my app page but when I press it the blank page comes up. Help please! Eggysaurus Rex!
Edited to add. I’ve sorted it. Thank goodness, I was panicking. 😱
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Started a new sensor just now so it’s bedding in…

Guess that’s au revoir Shuggah then.
Seems that deleting and reinstalling the app gets the real-time readings on existing sensors as seen a few people report they’re getting it 🙂

Just need to find a way to get it onto Apple Watch now
As far as I can tell there’s no way of getting the readings onto Apple Watch without using a third party app eg xDrip4IOS/Shuggah. Which means you have to turn off Bluetooth for Librelink, so it’s back to scanning! Sigh.
Was panicking again as I kept getting signal loss and it was asking me to scan! There’s no scan button now. Had a fiddle with my phone settings and it’s working now. Honestly, I’m stressed to death with it all. I know I should get down wiv the kidz but sometimes I just can’t get back up again! :rofl: Anyhoo, last BG reading was 5.7, checked on meter, 5.7! Fingers crossed that’s it all sorted now otherwise I’m resigning from being a diabetic.😉
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