Freestyle Libre 2 to become real time continuous glucose monitor in UK from mid July 2023

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Someone has posted on Facebook this morning that from mid-july 2023, and following a software update to Librelink, the Freestyle Libre 2 sensor will become a real time continuous glucose monitor giving minute-by-minute readings on a compatible smartphone.

Apparently, the updated Librelink will also allow glucose readings to be sent to compatible smartwatches (presumably without the need to use non-Abbott authorised third party apps).

Abbott should be communicating this to Libre 2 users over coming weeks.
I wonder if that is why my LibreLink app isn’t opening at all. Not sure what to do now. Delete the app? Start again, and use the old system of finger pricking before I get a new sensor?
The android update showed up about an hour ago. After updating I got just a white screen, with no indication of progress of any kind. I waited for a while but nothing happened, so went the nuclear option of uninstalling and reinstalling. That worked, and the real time reading (actually every minute) is working 🙂. Unfortunately I lost the local history because of the uninstall, so all the statistics are now reset .

Now to find a way to display the data in my garmin.
I use Shuggah on my iPhone. It displays on my Garmin via a calendar complication, which also displays on my iPhone lock screen using a widget.
I’ve just posted this on another thread further down the page but having read this thread it may help some if I post it here also
“Hi. This may be help. A few hours ago I went to scan my sensor with my iPhone. All I had was a white screen on the app. I did the usual switch the phone on and off etc. No joy. I then checked my update screen on the App Store and noted that my app had updated automatically in the past few hours. This made me think there might be an app issue. I phoned Abbot helpline and after an unusually long wait got through to a helpful rep. It seems there is an issue with the update which means that the sensor cannot be read by the app on my iPhone. I asked is this a big issue. She was very reluctant to say anything except “ there are a number of customers with the same issue”. She has no idea when this will be fixed. She advised me to replace the sensor in my arm and use the abbot reader. As I do not have one of these she is posting one out along with a replacement sensor. She strongly advised me not to delete the app on my iPhone and keep checking. I’m guessing this is in case the manage to post a fix.
It seems that the update to the iPhone app has “ broken” the app for some users and she was unable to say when this would be fixed”
Oh, I see. I guess that's something to do with NFC being relatively more restricted by Apple.

On my Android phone I can just scan by putting the phone near the sensor (if the app isn't running it'll be started, or (now that I have two relevant apps) I get asked which one I want to use).
Jaap posted some ADB stuff giving the option for the NFC to go to the visible screen.
I just sacrificed a few days of my 'reader started' sensor to try this new CGM on the iPhone with a new sensor. Working great, no problems. Still wearing old sensor till it runs out. Interesting the new sensor is reading 1.5 mmol lower than the other arm. Will keep an eye on it to see if they converge or otherwise. Love watching it tick up and down every minute 🙂
I've had the same issue - restart phone etc.
has the deletion and reinstall worked for anyone?
Someone has posted on Facebook this morning that from mid-july 2023, and following a software update to Librelink, the Freestyle Libre 2 sensor will become a real time continuous glucose monitor giving minute-by-minute readings on a compatible smartphone.

Apparently, the updated Librelink will also allow glucose readings to be sent to compatible smartwatches (presumably without the need to use non-Abbott authorised third party apps).

Abbott should be communicating this to Libre 2 users over coming weeks.
Hi, just read this. I have a Freestyle 2 Librelink App - which suddenly stopped working this morning around 8am. Tried to scan sensor for lunch - nada ! Threw me into complete panic. Still not working. The App on my phone is a white screen. is this due to the software update. Livid nothing has been said and no prior warning. Though I might need to update App - but no Libre 2 link App to upload (unless you are in US). Any ideas? Feel in shock really. any help would be appreciated.
There never was, was there? There's one on the reader, but with the phone app it just shows whatever screen you last had it on and you can scan.
There was a blue thick line at the bottom which said scan. That’s not there now but I just need to press the signal sign.
I've had the same issue - restart phone etc.
has the deletion and reinstall worked for anyone?
It worked for me in android, but I lost the local history, patterns, averages, etc, but all of that is stored on the Web app, so no biggie, just annoying.
The App on my phone is a white screen as well. I didn't delete the app and keep trying to see if it has turned back on but nothing so far. I rang Abbott this morning and had to wait an hour to get through. The app has been removed from the Apple App Store so, if you have deleted the old app, you won't be able to reload it yet. It is very annoying as i don't have a reader so this is my only way of monitoring blood sugar levels. How long it is gong to be unavailable is anyone's guess.
The Freestyle Libre 2 app isn’t available to download from the App Store on my iPhone 12. I’m now in panic mode!!!
The App on my phone is a white screen as well. I didn't delete the app and keep trying to see if it has turned back on but nothing so far. I rang Abbott this morning and had to wait an hour to get through. The app has been removed from the Apple App Store so, if you have deleted the old app, you won't be able to reload it yet. It is very annoying as i don't have a reader so this is my only way of monitoring blood sugar levels. How long it is gong to be unavailable is anyone's guess.
The Freestyle Libre 2 app isn’t available to download from the App Store on my iPhone 12. I’m now in panic mode!!!
The app should still be available for you to reinstall but not via the app store. You need to find it in your app purchase history and reinstall it from there.
So it still can operate as before (with scanning). So maybe if I update and start each sensor with the reader, things'll behave as they do now (so I can still use Juggluco).

I prefer Juggluco because it has vibration-only alarms (with the LibreLink alarms I found them much too annoying), and also works on my watch. (I'm guessing LibreLink doesn't offer anything like that.) If necessary I guess I can just configure the LibreView stuff in Juggluco and uninstall LibreLink altogether.

I continue to use LibreLink just to get all the additional data into LibreView. When the option to upload to LV appeared on Juggluco my finger hovered over he option a number of times. Do you use that feature? My reluctance has been possible duplication of the insulin which I enter manually into LL, but by scanning into Juggluco. I don't scan into LL because it will duplicate. I'm also unsure if the other input fields will match up correctly.
Start on phone, phone will have readings without scanning, no use of reader whatsoever

Start on reader, reader will get alarms but not continuous readings and you’ll still have to scan it. Can still scan on phone as now but it won’t have alarms or continue you’d readings.
Thanks. I thought that might be the choice. I like having it on both phone and reader as prefer reader for use in night but looks as though now a choice between cgm but on phone only... no reader. or use both as scans not cgm. Not updated yet while consider option to go with...
Well, just goes to show how different we all are! I found the reader clunky, non-intuitive, a pain to enter information, and a nuisance to have to carry around as well as a phone. Scanning with an iPhone is no problem if you learn to get it in the right spot, but nevertheless I’m looking forward to the update like many others!
Has anyone successfully recieved the update yet? Mine just says new features to come, is it a case of not having g to scan at all? How does it work
Tia x
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