• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Forgive me for I have sinned

the skin on the roast chicken....soz i just couldnt help myself!!!

My weakness!! How can ANYone resist it!!

As for sinning - I just haven't stopped over the last week or so. Dread to think what my next HbA1c will be :eek:

Oh dear, not just one doughnut, but the one I bought for my O/H too, as he is still in the pub after his work night out.
was in greggs the other day (every day!) and the lass said if your getting that and that you can get a doghnut and save 19 pence! What was I supposed to say??? I also had a packet of 3 yum yums, supposed to share in the office but I could only share with me myself and I!

I have now sinned to the tune of a bottle of white wine and a raspberry muller rice. Oh for the days when they werent a sin . . the muller rice anyhows!
I also had a packet of 3 yum yums,

:eek: Oh God, I miss Yumyums!! I used to have a pack for breakfast on a regular basis before diagnosis!! Four for 99p in most supermarkets, BARgain!!

Thank Goodness I became Diabetic, I spose, as I would probably have gone pop eventually!!

A fat slice of malt loaf, toasted with Olivio. Yum.
:eek: Oh God, I miss Yumyums!! I used to have a pack for breakfast on a regular basis before diagnosis!! Four for 99p in most supermarkets, BARgain!!

Thank Goodness I became Diabetic, I spose, as I would probably have gone pop eventually!!


Bargain indeedie, I'm sure they used to be half the size they are now, oh well I'll survive:p

A fat slice of malt loaf, toasted with Olivio. Yum.

butter on malt loaf hell yeah
Me, I'm a fan of black bun, wish I could find it a bit easier doon here! Well tasty gear:D
I'm a third of the way through a packet of Rich Tea biscuits.....

And I don't care. Not testing today. Num num num.....

I decided today that I'm having a diabetic free day. I've had as many celebration sweeties as I could shove into my happy fat face and followed it with crusty white bread, butter and ham, a greggs scone with more butter, and a fairy cake with a jelly sweet on the top... plus another couple of celebrations.

2 hours later I tested and I was 4.7 .... go figure ... ;)

I decided today that I'm having a diabetic free day. I've had as many celebration sweeties as I could shove into my happy fat face and followed it with crusty white bread, butter and ham, a greggs scone with more butter, and a fairy cake with a jelly sweet on the top... plus another couple of celebrations.

2 hours later I tested and I was 4.7 .... go figure ... ;)


blimey :eek: that would of sent me to hosi i reckon , 4.7 thats weird
chinese takeaway for dins. Lovely. There's a chocolate muffin sat on the side too and i really really want it...

but it belongs to the OH

*shifty eyes*
blimey :eek: that would of sent me to hosi i reckon , 4.7 thats weird

might have been a blip, tested again 5 mins ago (2 hours after last test) it was 5.6.....
That jam doughnut that has been laughing at me all day has just been eaten!!!
Went out for lunch - half roast chicken, peppercorn sauce, baked potato. Followed with ginger pudding smothered in custard. Came home and tested about an hour after eating - 9.1. Went for a nap for a few hours, got up and tested - 6.4 (seem to be dodging the bullets today although not bullet proof yet!).

Catching up with fav programmes, I lapsed once again and polished off the bottom layer of a 205g box of Thornton's diabetic chocolates which my boss gave me (he bought everyone else on the team selection boxes, but went out of his way to get diabetic chocs for me... aah bless!!). 1 hour later, 7.4..

I know I've been really, really lucky today - I'm going to have to learn to walk in the snow if I'm going to get any exercise tomorrow... not one of nature's mountain goats when it comes to dodgy terrain!!

5 puddings in 24 hours. Woops.

Good going!! Lol :D

yesterday I had lasagne followed by a slice of warm rockyroad style dessert - was choccy cake with marshmallows, maltesers & those white chocolate buttons with hundreds n thousands in them. Well yummy!! I felt it last night though. lol