Food ideas with photos

It's been a long time since I posted. This is today's dinner: Teriyaki chicken thigh, with 2 baby potatoes, sprouts and baby carrots. 326 cals and 28.4gm carbs.

Teriyaki chicken thigh dinner.jpg
Should have been going to lunch with cousin Val to celebrate her 70th birthday. Instead she's gone down with a nasty virus, caught from the grandkids, so I'm at home.

861 cals, 62.4gm carbs of which 37.7gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Poached egg, 2 Chicken Italia sausages, tablespoon baked beans (8gm carbs)

D: Teriyaki chicken thigh, 2 new baby potatoes, carot batons 7 sprouts, 2 broccoli florets, tablespoon peas with cabbage (26.2gm carbs)
1018 cals, 86.54gm carbs of which 36.0gm sugars

B: Apple, cinnamon and almond shake (20.9gm carbs)

L: Poached egg, 2 Chicken Italia sausages, tablespoon baked beans, 1 small toast (19gm carbs)

D: Teriyaki chicken thigh, 2 new baby potatoes, carrot batons, 7 sprouts, 2 broccoli florets, tablespoon peas with cabbage (27.6gm carbs)
I've made a gammon, sweetcorn and cauliflower cheese bake.

I mixed sweetcorn and chopped gammon into cauliflower cheese, topped with sliced new potatoes and sprinkled with extra mature cheddar.

Serving size 1/6 of bake, 461 cals, 29.8gm carbs. To be served with green vegetables

Gammon sweetcorn and cauliflower cheese bake 3.jpg


  • Gammon sweetcorn and cauliflower cheese bake 4.jpg
    Gammon sweetcorn and cauliflower cheese bake 4.jpg
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837 cals, 87.9gm carbs of which 51.5gm sugars

B: One Oatibix, unsweetened almond milk, blueberries (24.7gm carbs)

L: HM Tomato juice, red pepper, onion, sweet potato and light coconut milk soup (17.3gm carbs)

D: Loin pork chop, 2 new baby potatoes, carrot batons, sprouts, apple gravy (28.9gm carbs)
1227 cals, 90.6gm carbs of which 43.2gm sugars

B: Boiled eggs and soldiers (17.8gm carbs)

L: HM yellow vegetable soup (21.0gm carbs)

D: 2 chicken thighs, 2 new baby potatoes, carrot batons, peas, cauliflower, creamed cabbage and spring greens, cranberry gravy (34.9gm carbs)

E: Housework
A new one from the low carb cookbook I got at Poundland. Aubergine coated with parmesan and ground almonds, and fried. I am very happy with the results. Not one to eat everyday if you are controlling calories but pretty low carb and really tasty. I will try to cook them in the oven next time, to save some oil. For health but also because it isn't cheap!

Yesterday I made this for myself and a relative who's also had T2 for over 20 years. She loves chopped up soft boiled eggs and steaks, so we thought it might be interesting to combine the two.
Sirloin steak seasoned with salt and pepper and cooked in olive oil. Topped with soft boiled eggs chopped and mixed with butter. Stir-fried broccoli (frozen) and fresh pak choi in a bit of olive oil (cooked in soy sauce and oyster sauce, and then dressed with a bit of sesame oil). The stir-fry was badly overcooked due to me being distracted while preparing the eggs, which I thought would be simple but were a pain. Not sure I'll be putting them on a steak again. But I still enjoyed it. If I did try to make the same meal again I would sprinkle some freshly chopped chives on the egg and season it a bit.
loving the pics 🙂

Salmon fillet (75% off from Aldi) seasoned with Salt and Pepper, fried in olive oil and served crispy skin side up. Served with a stir fry of fresh Chinese Cabbage, Broccoli (frozen), Cauliflower (frozen) and fresh Sugar Snaps, in a bit of Plum Sauce just to coat the veg.
Time for another post. I found out yesterday I have a small cartilage tear in my knew which happened during aquafit of all things. Back to exercising lying on the bed (I can't get up off the floor!!), and doing physio on my knee for a few weeks!!

1423 cals, 61.7gm carbs of which 41.1gm sugars

B: 1 Scrambled egg on toast (9.3gm carbs)
L: Grilled sausage, bacon and tomatoes (18.7gm carbs)
D: Salmon fillet, cauliflower cheese, sprouts, carrots (16.6gm carbs)
S: None- I'm over my calorie limit
E: Physio on my knee and exercises lying down
Time for another post. I found out yesterday I have a small cartilage tear in my knew which happened during aquafit of all things. Back to exercising lying on the bed (I can't get up off the floor!!), and doing physio on my knee for a few weeks!!

1423 cals, 61.7gm carbs of which 41.1gm sugars

B: 1 Scrambled egg on toast (9.3gm carbs)
L: Grilled sausage, bacon and tomatoes (18.7gm carbs)
D: Salmon fillet, cauliflower cheese, sprouts, carrots (16.6gm carbs)
S: None- I'm over my calorie limit
E: Physio on my knee and exercises lying down
You are amazing, well done for sticking to this. My blood results are all wrong so I have come off the low-carb approach as told one diet leads to another. Medication has had negative effects too. Everyone's body is so different.
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Pasta, veg and flaked fish, made too much, also cooked too much pasta 🙄 About 37g carbs for the portion I had (also did the cook/chill on the pasta)

I've made a gammon, sweetcorn and cauliflower cheese bake.

I mixed sweetcorn and chopped gammon into cauliflower cheese, topped with sliced new potatoes and sprinkled with extra mature cheddar.

Serving size 1/6 of bake, 461 cals, 29.8gm carbs. To be served with green vegetables

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I do love the sound of this meal! Did you eyeball ingredients or follow a recipe? x
I do love the sound of this meal! Did you eyeball ingredients or follow a recipe? x
I actually made it with leftovers. So you could say I eyeballed it. I batch cook so things last for several days. I had left over cauliflower cheese, the remains of a roasted gammon joint which I diced, frozen sweetcorn, boiled new potatoes that needed using up, and an onion lurking in the fridge. It was based on something that was popular about 30 years ago - Suffolk Hotpot, which was available in Bejams and M&S. Sainsburys are now doing something similar - a gammon bake, but I think they may use leek instead of cauliflower.
Bit high on sugars today. Can be tricky keeping the cals at around 1200 but the sugar content of the carbs below 50gm which is my target

1111 cals, 87.5gm carbs of which 61.8gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.6gm carbs)
L: HM Tomato, sweet potato, red pepper and coconut milk soup (17.3gm carbs)
D: 4oz pork and apple burger, cauliflower cheese, green beans, petit pois, baby carrots, apple gravy (42.0gm carbs)
S: None- I'm over my glucose limit
E: Physio on my knee and exercises lying down or on a chair

Pork and apple burger meal.jpg
Better control today. as you can see, I have a good plateful, so don't go hungry. I even had enough spare cals and carbs for a spritzer.

1146 cals, 72.1gm carbs of which 50.0gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.6gm carbs)
L: Poached egg on toast, grilled bacon and tomatoes (16.5gm carbs)
D: Slice of roast gammon, cauliflower cheese, green beans, sprouts, baby carrots, apple gravy (19.9gm carbs)
S: Mango and passion fruit spritzer (7.5gm carbs)
E: Physio on my knee and exercises lying down or on a chair

Gammon steak meal.jpg
Last night I had 2 rounds of black pudding with fried mushrooms, savoy cabbage shredded and cooked in the microwave with a knob of butter, tender stem broccoli again cooked in the microwave for 3 mins and served with a dollop of sour cream and chive dip and some pickled beetroot. It was very tasty and filling and just about 30g carbs.