Food ideas with photos

@rebrascora That Cottage Pie looks really nice. I’m going to try a veggie version too, maybe with lentils. Could I ask how much mince you used? And how much cauliflower for the topping? And - sorry for all the questions - how many portions it made/or what size baking dish you used?
@rebrascora That Cottage Pie looks really nice. I’m going to try a veggie version too, maybe with lentils. Could I ask how much mince you used? And how much cauliflower for the topping? And - sorry for all the questions - how many portions it made/or what size baking dish you used?
Thanks for the compliment.
I think it would be a 500g pack of mince but I really don't weigh or measure anything. I just put a bit of this and a bit of that into my cooking knowing roughly what I am aiming for, until it looks and tastes about right. Then I find a suitable sized container/casserole to put it in.... that one was actually a bit tight as it just boiled over ever so slightly. I have just been and poured water into it to check the size and it looks to be a 2 litre casserole dish. It makes 6 portions.

It was a whole large head of cauliflower that I boiled, drained really thoroughly (important) and I added half a tub of cream cheese and a dessert spoon of wholegrain mustard to make the mash. Then I topped it with some red Leicester and black pepper which was a "speciality" cheese Ian bought me, that needed using up and the black pepper was a bit strong to eat the cheese on it's own, but worked on the top of the cauli absolutely great and gave it a bit of bite.... that is why the surface is a bit speckled with the specks of peppercorn.
I would highly recommend having it with piccalilli if you like it. It really lifts the flavour.
1139cals, 89.1gm carbs of which 38.7gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Pepper frittata and salad (17.9gm carbs)

D: Chicken Kyiv, new potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, carrots (45.1gm carbs)

Pepper frittata and salad.jpg
Massage today - really looking forward to it

1346 cals, 92.8gm carbs of which 42.7gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Poached egg, bacon, baked tomatoes (6.2gm carbs)

D: Chicken Kyiv, new potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green beans (45.1gm carbs)

S: 2 crackers, 40gm Wensleydale (15.4 gm carbs)
Getting stuck into my genealogy today.

819 cals, 79.1gm carbs of which 44.6gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Tomato vegetable soup (homemade) (19.0gm carbs)

D: Roast lamb, new potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, broad beans and mint gravy (34.0gm carbs)
Back to aquafit today to see if my knee has recovered

924 cals, 81.2gm carbs of which 44.6gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)
L: Tomato vegetable soup (homemade) (19.0gm carbs)
D: Gammon and pineapple, new potatoes, macedoine, cauliflower, broad beans and gravy (36.0gm carbs)
E: Aquafit
Good morning! I finally made my soya mince version of Barbara's cottage pie. Well, there were a few omissions and substitutions (not only the cauliflower mash instead of potato) so is not the most traditional cottage pie but still tasty, I am happy with the result. Even better, I have two more portions in the fridge!

I used some red wine in the filling and decided to try a glass... okay, maybe 2 😉 it surprised me, as I'm not a fan of red. It also made me a bit tipsy, now that I think about it, it's probably been over a month since I last had alcohol.

I agree with you. Solid foods are more satisfying and even if some smoothies or meal substitute shakes can be very nutritious I wouldn't feel like I had a meal if I'm not chewing anything! I get they can be practical for some other people though.
I think it was one of Michael Pollen's "Food Rules"....... Don't drink your calories.
Treating myself to a lovely facial today and a bit of food indulgence. I've found I function best with a protein shake first thing in the morning, as I sometimes feel queasy (no doubt all the medications including the dreaded Metformin). Then usually a salad or home made soup for lunch and a meal with 3/4 plate of veggies for dinner. I also eat between 9am and 5pm. So a bit of a mish-mash of the various suggested eating plans. If I get hungry in the evening I have either sparkling water or mint tea.

1310 cals, 63.5gm carbs of which 40.3gm sugars

B: Vanilla almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Chinese style BBQ spare ribs (10.4gm carbs)

D: Cauliflower cheese topped cottage pie, macedoine and gravy (26.9gm carbs)
I gave in and looked up "macedoine" today. It is mixed cubed veg for anyone else scratching their head like me. Thought perhaps it was a new type of veg that I hadn't heard of before. 🙄
I gave in and looked up "macedoine" today. It is mixed cubed veg for anyone else scratching their head like me. Thought perhaps it was a new type of veg that I hadn't heard of before. 🙄
Thanks for clarifying. In Spain we have the word "macedonia" but we used for mixed chopped fruit. A sort of fruit salad. I guessed it was a different meaning here tho, @Felinia could perhaps have the fruit as a dessert but I doubt she would mix it with the meat and gravy! :D
Thanks for clarifying. In Spain we have the word "macedonia" but we used for mixed chopped fruit. A sort of fruit salad. I guessed it was a different meaning here tho, @Felinia could perhaps have the fruit as a dessert but I doubt she would mix it with the meat and gravy! :D

Yes, I should have said that apparently it can mean chopped/diced fruit or veg, but I am guessing veg in this case.
Thanks for clarifying. In Spain we have the word "macedonia" but we used for mixed chopped fruit. A sort of fruit salad. I guessed it was a different meaning here tho, @Felinia could perhaps have the fruit as a dessert but I doubt she would mix it with the meat and gravy! :D
I remember my father telling me of the time he had a meal with American troops when he was in the Army. He was stunned when he watched his companion put a dollop of ice cream on top of his meat and gravy!!!
Yes, I should have said that apparently it can mean chopped/diced fruit or veg, but I am guessing veg in this case.
Yes veggies. There are various sorts and I like to keep a pack in the freezer in cases of emergency, along with peas, spinach and broad beans. If I can find it, I go for the variety which has green beans, cauliflower and broccoli niblets along with the usual peas and carrots.
The marinade is 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp lime juice, 1 tsp maple syrup. Salmon is marinated for 30 minutes, then baked in the juices.

1184 cals, 71.1gm carbs of which 35.4gm sugars

B: Poached egg, bacon, tinned tomatoes, toast (14.1gm carbs)

L: Ham salad (6.4gm carbs)

D: Marinated salmon, new potatoes, cauliflower, broad beans, macedoine and gravy (33.6gm carbs)
B. Creamy Greek style natural yoghurt with mixed seeds, mixed summer berries chia, psyllium, cinnamon and a tiny sprinkle of Nutty Granola. 2 cups of coffee with milk.
L. Some Manchego cheese and green olives. Aubergines and green pepper fried in olive oil. Cup of red bush tea.
EM. Chilli on a bed of cooked shredded cabbage (my favourite.. savoy) with a big dollop of full fat luxury coleslaw.
Half a glass of diet cola, a splash of cherry flavoured spring water, a splash of leftover pickled beetroot juice and topped up with water. Probably sounds disgusting but I quite like it and makes a long tasty drink.


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B. A little left over chilli just on it's own..... Wasn't going to have breakfast as wanted to get out and get some work done but when I got up the heavens were open and someone forgot to turn the tap off, so I pottered on in the house and just kept having a spoon of chilli and then another one as and when I felt like it or my levels dropped a bit low. Also had 2 cups of coffee with milk (I am out of cream :( )

L. Cucumber sticks with sour cream and chive dip. Olives with Manchego cheese plus a chunk of blue Stilton. Glass with a third diet cola, a dash of ACV and a dash of balsamic, topped up with water and a teaspoon each of psyllium and chia seeds added, stirred well. There may also have been a dried fig to top up a slightly low reading.

EM. Pork casserole with onions, leeks, carrot, swede, a bit of potato and a chopped apple made in the slow cooker with a bottle of cider, a stock cube, thyme and rosemary and a good dessert spoon of oat bran to thicken it, which worked very well. It is a nice gloopy consistency! Very tasty but think maybe I put a bit too much apple in it.... I have lots on the trees to use up🙄 Don't need any dessert as it was clearly included in the main course! Will try to get a photo I will be having more then.