Food ideas with photos

Going to tea with a friend - I understand lemon drizzle cake is on the menu, so I've planned around it!

834cals, 84.2gm carbs of which 43.3gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

Br: Poached eggs, toast (16.3gm carbs)
D: Roast pork new potatoes, runner beans, cauliflower, apple gravy (27.7gm carbs)
S: Lemon drizzle cake (24.3gm carbs)
Soup making day today

956cals, 47.5gm carbs of which 27.1gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Strawberry and almond shake (9.2gm carbs)
L: Cheese and mushroom omelette (0.6gm carbs)
D: Salmon, new potatoes, runner beans, cauliflower (21.7gm carbs)
E: Aquafit

Cheese and mushroom omelette.jpg
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895cals, 79.0gm carbs of which 37.0gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Chocolate almond shake (9.2gm carbs)

L: Poached egg, baked beans, toast (22.9gm carbs)

D: Sausages, new potatoes, peas, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, sprouts, gravy (31.0gm carbs)

Baked beans and egg.jpgPork and apple sausages.jpg
A few of my recent meals...

Homemade bean chili with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese.

Frozen seasoned veg mix from the polish shop, I found it funny as it's supposed to be "Spanish style". It did taste good. Not the lowest carb as contains potato slices and chickpeas, but made a very complete meal in just 10 minutes, I combined it with smoked sausage, also from the polish shop, sliced and cooked in the same pan.

And today's lunch, a satisfying salad with twaróg (polish curd cheese) and vegan pesto dressing from Asda. Very tasty.


I had it with a piece of naan bread. I bought some last week and I found a whole bread had too many carbs for me go have in one go. So I cut them in 3 pieces each, left a couple for my meal and put the rest immediately in the freezer to avoid temptation :D
PS: I used to freeze part of my bread just to avoid food waste, because I was buying bigger packs and I wouldn't have time to eat all before it went bad. Now I see this as a way to have more flexibility, and sometimes more moderation, with my bread consumption. It can be I buy a nice loaf and I'm tempted to eat all in 2 days, but I know is not a good idea so I slice and freeze half of it to get it out of sight. But it can also happen I fancy a breadroll with a particular meal, have to buy the pack of 4 but I don't plan to eat any more the next days, I can pop the rest of the rolls in the freezer and don't have the pressure to eat them quickly. In the past I've avoided buying something similar because I thought "ugh, I want one of those but if I open the pack I have to eat the same 3 days in a row!" and I like variety.

I know I'm not discovering gunpowder with this, but maybe someone finds it a useful tip.
PS: I used to freeze part of my bread just to avoid food waste, because I was buying bigger packs and I wouldn't have time to eat all before it went bad. Now I see this as a way to have more flexibility, and sometimes more moderation, with my bread consumption. It can be I buy a nice loaf and I'm tempted to eat all in 2 days, but I know is not a good idea so I slice and freeze half of it to get it out of sight. But it can also happen I fancy a breadroll with a particular meal, have to buy the pack of 4 but I don't plan to eat any more the next days, I can pop the rest of the rolls in the freezer and don't have the pressure to eat them quickly. In the past I've avoided buying something similar because I thought "ugh, I want one of those but if I open the pack I have to eat the same 3 days in a row!" and I like variety.

I know I'm not discovering gunpowder with this, but maybe someone finds it a useful tip.
Definitely, the same with my low carb baking recipe it is for six muffins unless you have a family then it would be destroying all the hard work to eat them. I love the freezer for things like this and the microwave too as a min defrost those so I have no excuse if I want a quick eat and run breakfast. I also freeze things like almond milk for recipes as to have it all would clog my sink with waste not to state I'd be penniless too.
1070cals, 97.2gm carbs of which 46.5gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Cafe latte shake (21.4gm carbs)

L: Poached eggs, baked beans, bacon, toast (22.9gm carbs)

D: Cajun spiced prawn fish cake, peas, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, gravy (37.1gm carbs)

E: Aquafit, Gardening (while it's dry)
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Not a lot different from yesterday as I'm running down the fridge and freezer.

1186cals, 79.1gm carbs of which 55.8gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Cafe latte shake (21.4gm carbs)

L: Poached egg, tomatoes, bacon, toast (15.8gm carbs)

D: Chicken casserole, green beans, carrots (25.9gm carbs)
B. Blueberry Muffin 15.4 carbs 469.6 kcal
L. Corn beef salad raspberries and yoghurt 20.3 carbs
D Beef Stir Fry 15.4 carbs 469.6 kcal
Total 43.3 1228 cals
i am doing more exercise this week as hubby off and weight and BS is up.
B. Blueberry Muffin 15.4 carbs 469.6 kcal
L. Corn beef salad raspberries and yoghurt 20.3 carbs
D Beef Stir Fry 15.4 carbs 469.6 kcal
Total 43.3 1228 cals
i am doing more exercise this week as hubby off and weight and BS is up.
Recording the cals and carbs really does help, doesn't it?
Recording the cals and carbs really does help, doesn't it?
it makes you see how much your having but Im not used to high calorie. I am not losing now . First week was s lot then i was happy not as much but this week and I am walking more its fluctuating up not down but its overall really. I like the diet though as i am able to try new things.
B yoghurt rasps and almonds 5.63 carbs
L Tuna salad 20.96
T Chicken Piri Piri stir fry. 15.98
snacks Coffee and tea and courgette bread 4 carbs max 46.6 cals were 989
Hi all

Just wanted a place to share my daily intake in the form of photos with others and look forward to seeing other people’s too

Today for breakfast I had Greek yoghurt and strawberries for breakfast and for lunch I have just had vegan sausages with caramelised onions and roasted tomatoes brocolli and gravy. Fingers crossed at 2 my glucose level will be ok as I enjoyed this dish View attachment 21899View attachment 21900
This is a good idea on what to have for dinner also looks yummy xx
Love some of the ideas I'm always on the go and doing about 10 miles a day and reach for carbs to fill me up fill me up any ideas on what to have while on the go would be great x
Love some of the ideas I'm always on the go and doing about 10 miles a day and reach for carbs to fill me up fill me up any ideas on what to have while on the go would be great x
Nuts. like macademia and almonds are low carb easy to have more though snacks.
I try not to eat between meals .
if your at home n not meeting people cheese or slices of meat are good to tide you through.
i believe if you have enough protein its supposed to help. Not sure if your looking to lose weight ?
If not then nuts, keto cookies, low carb blondies , occasional fruit is still a low healthy choice but not if sugar is high and your trying to lose imop.
1054cals, 91.6gm carbs of which 36.5gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Boiled egg and soldiers (17.8gm carbs)

L: Grilled sausage, tomatoes (13.2gm carbs)

D: Lemon sole, new potatoes, runner beans, carrots, broccoli (44.7gm carbs)

Lemon sole dinner.jpg
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1054cals, 91.6gm carbs of which 36.5gm sugars (includes daily extras of Benecol and milk)

B: Boiled egg and soldiers (17.8gm carbs)

L: Grilled sausage, tomatoes (13.2gm carbs)

D: Lemon sole, new potatoes, runner beans, carrots (44.7gm carbs)
may i ask what bread you use? i made courgette bread might be better toasted but egg n soldiers sounds heaven. Awaiting a cooked breakfast.
may i ask what bread you use? i made courgette bread might be better toasted but egg n soldiers sounds heaven. Awaiting a cooked breakfast.
I use a Warburtons 400gm medium sliced wholemeal loaf with no added sugar. 8.9gm carbs per slice. They toast up nice and crispy. I freeze the loaf and just take the slices as I need them. If you need bread and spread, they are best spread when still frozen. I did try all the low carb breads but in the end decided to stick to real bread, but just less of it. I did test myself and found two of these slices did not spike my glucose, so I have been having it ever since.
I use a Warburtons 400gm medium sliced wholemeal loaf with no added sugar. 8.9gm carbs per slice. They toast up nice and crispy. I freeze the loaf and just take the slices as I need them. If you need bread and spread, they are best spread when still frozen. I did try all the low carb breads but in the end decided to stick to real bread, but just less of it. I did test myself and found two of these slices did not spike my glucose, so I have been having it ever since.
Yea, its definitely getting one what works for you. i will look out and try that one . Don’t know if because cold n wet
or because been smelling n seeing food at market but just had strawberries as yoghurts nuts has not made me feel full. I knew i could not fast until brunch but some days i get the munchies. Oh dear he's out tonight so hope it settles after lunch .