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Thanks Matt. We've already planned our day. A bit of a cycle in the morning (it's lovely in London when the roads are closed to traffic), a pub lunch and then we'll take up our places to watch the race. Just east of Somerset House should be good where the riders have to slow down to make the turn. Fingers crossed for good weather. Which stage will you be watching?

Sounds like a good plan. 🙂 It's stage 3 for me on Tuesday in East Cheshire. Originally I was planning to ride over to Tatton Park at Knutsford as I'd see them twice - once passing through and then for the finish. However, I'm thinking of heading to Macclesfield and braving the Cat and Fiddle 😱 - not done it yet and it's in the top 100 climbs book. The Cat and Fiddle pub itself closed last year but there is a cafe close to the top. I will then follow the route the riders take down the A54 before I turn off at Bosley and head for home and I should get back in time to see the finish on telly. 🙂

Weather at the moment is looking pretty good for next week. 🙂
Watching the race on a steep climb is the very best option. It's the only time the riders slow down enough for you to see them properly. The landscape on stage 3 should be stunning. Enjoy!
Watching the race on a steep climb is the very best option. It's the only time the riders slow down enough for you to see them properly. The landscape on stage 3 should be stunning. Enjoy!

I've seen them a couple of times in Stoke at the start of a stage but as you say you don't get to see a right lot as they go by so fast. It does get very busy with spectators on the climbs, although it's a great atmosphere. However the riders still seem to go by very quickly. :D🙄

I've posted these before but anyway worth posting again - these are from the ToB in 2012 on Gun Hill.

Between the spectators - Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish (in yellow)

Peloton on it's way up

These are from the start in 2013 at Stoke on Trent. I did have one with current Vuelta leader Nairo Quintana on the start line but I can't seem to find it at the moment.

Bradley Wiggins being introduced to the crowd.

Mark Cavendish wearing the National Road Race Champions jersey - signing in.
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Thanks Mark. Wow...the backdrop to the climb photos is stunning. You're a lucky chap to live close to such fine countryside.
Thanks Mark. Wow...the backdrop to the climb photos is stunning. You're a lucky chap to live close to such fine countryside.

Ey up, who's Mark? 😉:D (My Mum would sometimes reel of both my older brother's names before she got to mine when asking me something. She then sometimes resorted to calling me number 3 boy :D:D:D).
Sorry mate. I have no idea where that came from, but I blame all memory fails on the menopause. Grrr 🙄
Sorry mate. I have no idea where that came from, but I blame all memory fails on the menopause. Grrr 🙄

It's no problem - I was only joking and knew what you meant. 🙂 The photo you mentioned above is taken towards the top of Gun Hill near Leek and in the background is the Peak District looking in the direction of Buxton. It was a glorious day that day - early Autumn but warm and sunny and people were still basking in the post London Olympics glow. I've done that hill quite a few times but it doesn't get any easier. 😱
Well, I put my diabetes issues to one side (not a big deal but just being a pain in the arse at the moment) and headed off to the Tour of Britain Stage 3 and what a fantastic day it was. I went towards Macclesfield and then up the Cat and Fiddle, not a particularly steep climb in terms of maximum gradient but relentless - over 6 miles of climbing and nearly 1200 feet. I won't be winning any king of the mountains awards on Strava but made it to the top in reasonable time without stopping and the views were fantastic. I headed back down a short way to pick a good viewing spot on a bend in the road. The weather was quite humid, some sunshine but windy at the top. As expected it was very busy with cyclists and spectators but a great atmosphere. In the race itself at that stage there was a 3 man breakaway including Ian Stannard of Team Sky with a 6 minute lead before the peloton came through. Even though it's uphill they still go through in a flash. I then followed the route they took and headed along the A54 before turning off at Bosley to head back home.

Strava has it as 43.9 miles completed at an average speed of 14.7 mph and elevation gain of 3145 feet.

Levels at start 13.3 mmol/l, after 15 miles 11.6 mmol/l, after 22 miles 4.9 mmol/l, after 32 miles 13.6 mmol/l, after 39 miles 8.0 mmol/l and back home 3.2 mmol/l. Had malt loaf and energy drink. So not really very good. Still waiting for the Tresiba confirmation from the GP (via the consultant) and I'm not pinning all my hopes on it but it's got to be worth a try. Also got a Libre sensor on its way so hopefully that will help.

View from behind my vantage point


Hey diddle diddle - looking towards the Cat and Fiddle pub (currently closed). Crowd starting to build.

3 man breakaway approaching. No I'm not 20 feet tall or on stilts - I was stood rather precariously on the barrier in my cycling shoes. 😱


Peloton approaching.


Peloton passing by - be quick or you'll miss 'em


That's it they're gone peloton looping around towards the pub.


Here's the Garmin - got a free flapjack and coffee at the top courtesy of sponsors Skoda - very nice of them :D

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Thanks Matt. You've whet my appetite for the final stage on Sunday. I'm no photographer and I'm a shortie, but I'll do my best to get some photos. With the race being run in laps around the city centre we should have the opportunity to see the riders several times. Living in London has its disadvantages, but things like this remind me that it's an exciting place to be.
Thanks Matt. You've whet my appetite for the final stage on Sunday. I'm no photographer and I'm a shortie, but I'll do my best to get some photos. With the race being run in laps around the city centre we should have the opportunity to see the riders several times. Living in London has its disadvantages, but things like this remind me that it's an exciting place to be.

It was brill. Really enjoyed it. Only found out when I got back that Ian Stannard went on to win the stage from a breakaway group of 4 that started right at the start of the race. He then went solo with about 40km to go on the A54. Amazing effort by him.

Enjoy the final Stage in London. 🙂
Out on my bike today to enjoy the final stage of the Tour of Britain. London looked amazing in the beautiful autumn sunshine and lots of people turned out to make a noise. My first vantage point proved useless in terms of photography as it was completely shaded. I then moved into the sunshine (not good for my lily white skin...but needs must. The cyclists pass so quickly that taking pictures wasn't easy. Being just a little over 5 feet tall makes things even more tricky. Anyhoo...I managed to bag a few snaps:
What a lovely day. 🙂
Out on my bike today to enjoy the final stage of the Tour of Britain. London looked amazing in the beautiful autumn sunshine and lots of people turned out to make a noise. My first vantage point proved useless in terms of photography as it was completely shaded. I then moved into the sunshine (not good for my lily white skin...but needs must. The cyclists pass so quickly that taking pictures wasn't easy. Being just a little over 5 feet tall makes things even more tricky. Anyhoo...I managed to bag a few snaps:
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What a lovely day. 🙂

Looks great - excellent shots. 🙂 A British winner as well with Steve Cummings taking the title. 🙂
Well I think in the Cycle household I used up most of my er, weekend free time credits in Birmingham yesterday 😉🙄 but not wanting to miss out on the nice weather I managed to get out for a quick ride earlier this afternoon on one of my usual routes into Cheshire around Jodrell Bank. The weather was great and felt warm in the sunshine although there was a slight Autumnal chill in the air and the breeze also started to pick up on the way back.

Strava has given it as 44.6 miles at an average speed of 15.5 mph and elevation gain of just under 1800 feet.

Having had recent issues with the Levemir it does seem to have started behaving itself again these past few days 🙄. The Tresiba scrip wasn't ready on Friday but I should be able to pick it up tomorrow. I've got a Libre sensor on at the moment so today at the start it was 6.4 mmol/l, then rose to 8.1 mmol/l and after 10 miles it did it's usual and was up to 11.3 mmol/l, it started to drop to 10.1 mmol/l, the 8.6 mmol/l after 21 miles and remained in the low 8's before dropping to 6.2 mmol/l on return. Fairly pleased with those. I only had some of my energy drink on the ride.

An update on the maize situation at Jodrell Bank - er, no change it's still there. 🙄

Country roads take me home to the place where I (now) belong, North Staffordshire - erm doesn't quite scan. Near Rudyard. 😉🙄

Here's what the Garmin says (Strava has lost 0.2 mph and 0.1 mile 🙄 )
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My niece came third (female) in her first 50 mile TT at the weekend! 🙂 2 hours 15 mins! 😱 🙂
My niece came third (female) in her first 50 mile TT at the weekend! 🙂 2 hours 15 mins! 😱 🙂

I saw that on Strava. What a ride! It was in North Yorkshire, mainly on the A19 around Thirsk and Northallerton. Averaging 22.2mph over 50 miles. 😱🙂
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