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I've telled thi befoer, get thissen a bike. 😉:D My average at 25 miles works out at 3:24 per mile - undulating terrain with a few hills with some traffic to negotiate but even at the end the average comes in at under 4 minute miles. Think I overcooked it a bit though on that first 25. :D
I haven't ridden more than 20 yards on a bike in nearly 50 years (friend's bike on holiday in Guernsey - fell off when I realised his brother was no longer holding the saddle 😱 ), so I'd have to go some to catch you up at that pace! 😱 😉
I haven't ridden more than 20 yards on a bike in nearly 50 years (friend's bike on holiday in Guernsey - fell off when I realised his brother was no longer holding the saddle 😱 ), so I'd have to go some to catch you up at that pace! 😱 😉
You weren't holding the saddle ! 😱 (sorry Northy could not resist :D) Get a go on one Northy 🙂
With the clocks going back, Autumn announced its arrival around here with it being overcast and misty all day. Damp in the air and on the ground (but wasn't raining) so I decided to put the mudguards on for the first time in 6 months or so. It was cool but not cold and I headed out for a quick ride into Cheshire which turned into quite an eventful one! Wet leaves, tractor mud, pheasants and suicidal squirrels were all hazards I had to watch out for in the Cheshire lanes. A few garden bonfires and people clearing fallen leaves added to the Autumnal feel.

After the coffee stop at Jodrell Bank and making good time I was debating with myself whether to go further but with the gloomy conditions I decided to head back and at around 30 miles I had the tell-tale steering wobble - hypo or p******e or both? Yes, it was the back tyre which was soft but not flat, a slow p******e. I could either change the tube, not ideal in the damp and gloom with crud all over the wheel (the back wheel is more awkward as well) or the one I went for, the easier option - keep pumping it up. The faster I went the fewer times I'd need to stop and another advantage I had was with me sitting on it - very little weight on the back wheel! There's more uphill on the way back and I stopped around 7 times in total but it gave the arms a workout as well as the legs.

Strava stats are 42.8 miles completed at an average speed of 15.4 mph and elevation gain of just under 1800 feet. This now takes me over 2500 miles for the year in 48 rides so an average of over 50 miles a ride. With 2 months of the year left to go I'll just keep racking up the rides and see where I end up.

Levels were as follows: at start 7.1 mmol/l, at 11 miles 8.6 mmol/l, at 16 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 21 miles 10.7 mmol/l, at 26 miles 8.4 mmol/l, at 32 miles 4.1 mmol/l and back home 7.9 mmol/l. Levels often carry on falling (including through the night) and I had a 10g CHO protein shake on return but 1.5 hours later they were at 5.9 mmol/l. I had my energy drink, 3 gels and the latte at Jodrell Bank cafe.

In spite of the mechanical issues on this one I love getting out for a ride and can forget about things and just enjoy it. People should try it. The bike definitely needs a clean and I'll look at the tube with it on the stand in the garage during the week.

Photo's a bit crap (blame the camera or the photographer) but the Autumn colours did look better than it shows on here. This is one of the lanes near Siddington (had it all to myself).

This is what the Garmin said (I'm hoping this works - if it's upside down then you'll just have to stand on your head :D)
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Good ave speed Matt. Weather here was nice but I know you cant say what its going to be like tomorrow o_O. I don't like them pesky clocks going backwards & forwards. Getting old ! :D Still loving the pickies
It was full Winter kit this week as the temperature fell and outside was given as 2 degrees - thermal bibtights, winter socks, base layer, long sleeved thermal jersey, neck warmer, overshoes, winter gloves and rain jacket when required (it's lightweight and folds up in the saddle bag). I had thought I'd go into the Peak District but the weather was given as occasional sleet and hail so I stuck to Cheshire - Goostrey and surroundings and put up with occasional icy showers instead. Still, it was another 50+ miles.

I'd fixed the slow p******e from last week (see above) and it turned out to be a tiny thorn in the tyre. I would never have found it at the side of the road so made the right call last week. I also cleaned and prepped the bike yesterday but after today's ride will need to do it all again. 🙄

A few other brave souls were out and about on their bikes including one just wearing jersey and shorts - respect.

Strava has it as 53.0 miles at an average speed of 15.2 mph and elevation gain of just under 1900 feet.

Put a Libre sensor on on Thursday and it has been reading high, often 3 or 4 mmol/l. Thought I'd stick with it and after 11 miles gave it a swipe and 19.3 mmol/l 😱😱😱. It certainly feel anything like that so stuck a strip in the reader and 9.8 mmol/l 🙄. I then stuck to strips but also checked against the sensor and the readings it was giving were absolute bobbins. A call to Abbott is in order.

Blood readings therefore were as follows: before start 6.4 mmol/l, 11 miles 9.8 mmol/l, 25 miles 11.3 mmol/l, 33 miles 8.0 mmol/l, 44 miles 7.8 mmol/l and back home 5.6 mmol/l. Quite pleased with those as I'm aiming for between 7 and 10 mmol/l when on the ride. It will likely carry on falling tonight and through the night so I'll keep a close eye on it but who knows? Bit of a shame about the Libre sensor. On the ride had one gel, malt loaf, energy drink I'd made and latte at the coffee stop.

The sun makes a rare appearance near Jodrell Bank

Garmin stats
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I have a Rohan top for when its cold. Folds up really small but is so warm 😉. I bought it cos of the name "Spark" top but its getting that time of year now. Good stuff 😎
I was all trussed up for my run yesterday too! 😱 Not as much as some though - I wear a Helly Hansen thermal top that I've had for about 30 years under a t-shirt, no jackets and no hat - get far too hot in a hat! 🙂 Felt quite toasty, except for my right hand/forearm, which was like a block of ice - I can only put it down to the fact that I wear my Garmin on my right wrist :confused: VERY painful as it warmed up afterwards 😱
I was all trussed up for my run yesterday too! 😱 Not as much as some though - I wear a Helly Hansen thermal top that I've had for about 30 years under a t-shirt, no jackets and no hat - get far too hot in a hat! 🙂 Felt quite toasty, except for my right hand/forearm, which was like a block of ice - I can only put it down to the fact that I wear my Garmin on my right wrist :confused: VERY painful as it warmed up afterwards 😱

Another issue with Winter gear is although it's designed for purpose i.e. in my case riding a bike in cold weather, it is definitely more restricting compared to shorts and jersey.*

*This is called getting the excuses in early for slower times during the Winter. 😉
T1D Looks Like Me - for World Diabetes Day tomorrow. Cool but not as cold as last week and dry (with some sun 🙂) I headed out into the hills of the Peak District this morning for a bit of a leg burner and I went through Warslow, Monyash, Crowdecote, Longnor, Hollinsclough and Flash - all places you've probably never heard of. 😉 Winter gear on as it wasn't warm and it did turn a bit chilly when the sun disappeared later on.

Although it was hilly I struggled a bit on this one with not a lot in the legs. Not sure why - just one of those things?

Strava has it as 45.1 miles at an average speed of 12.9mph and elevation gain of just over 4000 feet. 😱

With Abbott sorting out the dodgy Libre sensor it was down to strips and the scores on the doors are as follows: before start 6.0 mmol/l, at 12 miles 9.0 mmol/l, at 18 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 26 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 33 miles 11.5 mmol/l, at 39 miles 6.5 mmol/l and back home 6.8 mmol/l. Had 2 gels, malt loaf, energy drink I'd made and a latte from the cafe at Longnor.

High Needham (seems to consist of a couple of farms)


T1D Looks Like Me. Back on top of the world at Flash.

Garmin stats - same as Strava
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That looks a bit Flash ! :D that there picky 🙂. Very good numbers & picks, you get a pat on the back from me. Well done 😎
The forecast seemed to be changing almost by the hour from last night and this morning and included at various times light rain, heavy rain, dry, sleet and heavy snow 😱. As it turned out it was mainly dry (odd bits of drizzle) but with residual wet on the roads, oh and it was cold at 2 degrees. Set off later than I would have liked representing the T1 nation and headed into Cheshire towards Knutsford. The roads and lanes as well as being wet, had mulched up leaves and tractor mud on them in places - tricky conditions.

Strava readings are 56.3 miles completed at an average speed of 15.0mph and elevation gain of 1900 feet.

With it being so cold the meter stopped working so I shoved it down my bibtights to keep warm. Levels as follows - before start 6.1 mmol/l, at 11 miles 7.9 mmol/l, at 22 miles 8.1 mmol/l, at 38 miles 4.3 mmol/l, at 46 miles 4.6 mmol/l, at 52 miles 5.7 mmol/l and back home 7.1 mmol/l. Had energy drink which I sipped throughout the ride, malt loaf and 3 gels. (I use high 5 gels and get a mixed box as it's cheaper. The latest one had some mojito flavour gels. I was thinking close my eyes and I could be in dusty Havana with the slow rumble of old American V8's instead of at the side of the road in freezing cold, damp and gloomy Cheshire with k**bheads in BMW's racing past. 🙄 Still, it was good to get out. :D

Wet and cold near Marthall

Harvest home - empty maize field at Jodrell Bank

The Garmin (same as Strava 🙄)
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The weather was slightly warmer today compared to yesterday and dry (but still cool) and I headed out to Tatton Park at Knutsford took a loop through Byley to bump up the mileage but it turned into a difficult one particularly on the way back with my blood sugar seemingly in freefall. (Where's my insulin pump??!!!) This made for slow progress and it was dark by the time I got back and even though I've got lights I'm not keen on riding in the dark - turned fairly chilly on the way back as well. Still, not far off 70 miles done today.

On the T1 diabetic Strava group last week one of the riders had a difficult time on his ride and posted a message which summed up what it can be like cycling with T1. It's what I felt today - he said T1 and cycling are not always an easy mix, hypers, hypos and so on but you go out and show it it can be done so f**k you diabetes.

Having said all that I still love getting out for a ride. 🙂

This is possibly the last bigger ride of this year I'll do but who knows if the weather is okay and I get out early enough?

Strava stats are 68.9 miles completed at an average speed of 14.5 mph and elevation gain of just under 2200 feet.

Levels as follows!! (these are all blood readings) - at start 5.3 mmol/l (had a few biscuits), at 11 miles 5.2 mmol/l, at 21 miles 8.3 mmol/l, at 34 miles 5.4 mmol/l, at 42 miles 10.1 mmol/l, at 52 miles 4.1 mmol/l, at 60 miles 3.6 mmol/l and back home 5.6 mmol/l. I'm trying to aim for between 7-10 mmol/l when on the ride. My replacement libre sensor is playing up again with sometimes ridiculous figures (usually higher) compared to the blood readings so I'll have to speak to Abbott again. 🙄 On this ride I had an energy bar, energy drink I sipped throughout the ride, malt loaf and 7 gels (I was down to my last one) and I stopped at the cafe for a latte.

The sun made an appearance near Jodrell Bank

Tatton Hall (on the other side of the lake) at Tatton Park

Stag (sat down) at Tatton Park (hopefully you can make him out from my poor quality photo)

Garmin stats in the dark (photo makes it appear darker than it was)
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Wow Matt, 7 gels! 😱 Plus all the other stuff! How many calories does the Garmin say you burn on a ride like that? 70 miles is a pretty good distance! 🙂 Sundays will probably be my only enjoyable runs now until mid-March, because we're starting to get well into rush hour now before it gets light in the mornings. I don't have a lot of roads to cross, but a couple of the main ones can get so jammed you can't even rely on the lights to cross safely :( Wouldn't like to be on the road on a bike in the dark, I must admit 😱
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