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After last weekends ride with the DF I'm 'famous' for a week on the Strava Type 1 Diabetic club 😉 - Chris Williams is a pro who rides for TNN. :D (In case you hadn't guessed my surname is not Cycle).:D

After last weekends ride with the DF I'm 'famous' for a week on the Strava Type 1 Diabetic club 😉 - Chris Williams is a pro who rides for TNN. :D (In case you hadn't guessed my surname is not Cycle).:D

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Wow, impressive. I'm surprised the DF didn't take the credit and insist her photo appeared.
Wow, impressive. I'm surprised the DF didn't take the credit and insist her photo appeared.

She probably would have but luckily she was bundled off before she had chance to find out. :D
Excellent Matt! 🙂 I impressed myself when I appeared in the top 30 Concept 2 rowing table (for my age and build!) Good to see you up there among the 'greats'! 🙂 Come on, admit it, you tried extra hard to impress the DF, didn't you? :D
Excellent Matt! 🙂 I impressed myself when I appeared in the top 30 Concept 2 rowing table (for my age and build!) Good to see you up there among the 'greats'! 🙂 Come on, admit it, you tried extra hard to impress the DF, didn't you? :D

It probably looks more impressive than it is really as there are only 97 riders in that group. A lot of the TNN riders are in it though - Chris Williams, Brian Kamstra, Rik van Ijzendoorn etc and not suprisingly they normally top most of the leaderboards. It's pot luck really if on a particular week they're not taking part in a race or training as hard you can in theory (not me usually) get on the leaderboards. Yes, she's a hard fairy to please but it's true I did go that extra mile (or miles 😉) to impress the DF. :D
I hope they used plenty of sunscreen - as usual I covered myself in factor 50 yesterday and ended up with a nice, very light brown tan - arms, legs and face. However, I missed the area just around the Libre sensor (on photo above) as I didn't want to knock it and thought my sleeve would be covering it up anyway. On the drops with arms stretched out the area is uncovered and I've now got a pinky, red sunburnt bit just around the sensor. 🙄 Lesson learned. 🙂
I've been browsing through this thread and thoroughly enjoying the beautiful photos. Thank you. I'm not a proper cyclist, but ride to work and for errands and pleasure. When you mentioned sunscreen I thought you might be amused by my approach to those pesky rays. It involves a fine cotton gents dress shirt which I've 'adopted' as my own and a Wallace & Gromit style cycling sunhat which I made by cannibalising a wedding hat. Photo taken today after I'd been out and about on my bike for about 3 hours. I realise that I look as though I've escaped from my responsible adult, but I'm past caring.

I've been browsing through this thread and thoroughly enjoying the beautiful photos. Thank you. I'm not a proper cyclist, but ride to work and for errands and pleasure. When you mentioned sunscreen I thought you might be amused by my approach to those pesky rays. It involves a fine cotton gents dress shirt which I've 'adopted' as my own and a Wallace & Gromit style cycling sunhat which I made by cannibalising a wedding hat. Photo taken today after I'd been out and about on my bike for about 3 hours. I realise that I look as though I've escaped from my responsible adult, but I'm past caring.

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Ha, brill. Nifty and dare I say it, stylish, idea. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Not sure I'd consider myself a proper cyclist either - just tend to have a run out once or twice a week. As long as you get out riding that's the main thing. 🙂
Well, after saying goodbye to the DF last week it was back out on my own today and I was going to head for the hills but the breezy (although sunny and warm) conditions made me just go for a spin into Cheshire this afternoon. I headed out on one of my usual routes to Jodrell Bank but took in a couple of extra loops around the surrounding villages to bump up the mileage a bit. Normally when breezy I don't seem to get any benefit whatever direction I head in 🙄 but this time it did seem to work on sections although of course when you then hit the wind head on it can be hard work. Legs felt okay after last weeks outings.

Strava has given it as 50.6 miles completed at an average speed of 15.4 mph and elevation gain of 1900 feet.

Levels, mmm, where do I start? 🙄 Had a few issues over the last few days with (I think) my basal. The Libre was showing regular high through the night levels so I increased it by quite a bit. This had no rhyme or reason. I thought the insulin may have been compromised but no. So another of life's diabetic mysteries. Today with the Libre I got what now seems to be a fairly common spike (up to 14 mmol/l) in the first 10 miles but this continued without dropping up to 25 miles. Although I don't like doing it I decided to take a correction of 2 units. Levels then started dropping but the LIbre then had a funny turn and said 16.3 mmol/l 😱 - it then said sensor error and try again in 10 minutes. I used a strip and this said 4.3 mmol/l. When the Libre started working again in 10 minutes it was saying 8 mmol/l with a down arrow but the strips were showing 3.5 mmol/l. This is one of the downsides I suppose in that rapid changes and the time lag can make thinks tricky. Anyway, had a gel and malt loaf and was sipping my energy drink. Levels then picked up and on return was 7.0 mmol/l. Hopefully, this Levemir issue will be sorted out and it's a temporary blip.

Fields of gold near Jodrell Bank. I saw a combine harvester as well although it didn't appear to be brand new. In fact it looked old and manky. :D

Not again, haven't I seen this before?

Not far from Rudyard

Here's what the Garmin said (average speed, distance and ride time) - most people upload the Garmin data to Strava and refer to the data on Strava but there are often rounding errors (0.1 mph or 0.1 mile) between Garmin and Strava
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I'm in awe of your mileage. Today I cycled to my local street market for fruit and veg (about 4 miles in total). I usually ride a Giant hybrid, but for shopping trips I use my Brompton which I've fitted with a massive wicker basket:


For my own entertainment I change the basket decor according to my whim or the season:


I bloomin' love my Christmas basket. Why do things by halves?!

I'm in awe of your mileage. Today I cycled to my local street market for fruit and veg (about 4 miles in total). I usually ride a Giant hybrid, but for shopping trips I use my Brompton which I've fitted with a massive wicker basket:

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For my own entertainment I change the basket decor according to my whim or the season:

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I bloomin' love my Christmas basket. Why do things by halves?!

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I was thinking about my reply above regarding 'proper cyclists' and thought no, anyone who rides a bike is a proper cyclist. You don't need to wear lycra, have a carbon bike etc etc. There has been some discussion on cycling forums about the demise of the cyclist's wave i..e acknowledging fellow cyclists with a nod or wave. I think it ties in with this in that some people who rides bikes think they are superior to others. I think this is a society problem though. I always say hello or nod when I pass a fellow cyclist whether the person is on the latest carbon Pinarello or a rusty old mountain bike. Nine times out of ten I'll always get a hello back. 🙂

Fantastic, the basket decor is great. :D If I was commuting by train I'd probably get a Brompton (or another brand of folding bike 😉). I've got a Claud Butler hybrid which only gets the occasional run out these days.
There has been some discussion on cycling forums about the demise of the cyclist's wave i..e acknowledging fellow cyclists with a nod or wave. I think it ties in with this in that some people who rides bikes think they are superior to others. I think this is a society problem though. I always say hello or nod when I pass a fellow cyclist whether the person is on the latest carbon Pinarello or a rusty old mountain bike. Nine times out of ten I'll always get a hello back. 🙂
It's the same with runners - I'm always ready to acknowledge someone, but often get blanked :( Part of the fault may lie with the fact that so many use headphones now when running so they are in their own little world (dangerous on a bike, I would have thought). On the whole though, people are friendly 🙂

Great bike @Marsbartoastie 🙂
I was thinking about my reply above regarding 'proper cyclists' and thought no, anyone who rides a bike is a proper cyclist. You don't need to wear lycra, have a carbon bike etc etc. There has been some discussion on cycling forums about the demise of the cyclist's wave i..e acknowledging fellow cyclists with a nod or wave. I think it ties in with this in that some people who rides bikes think they are superior to others. I think this is a society problem though. I always say hello or nod when I pass a fellow cyclist whether the person is on the latest carbon Pinarello or a rusty old mountain bike. Nine times out of ten I'll always get a hello back. 🙂

Fantastic, the basket decor is great. :D If I was commuting by train I'd probably get a Brompton (or another brand of folding bike 😉). I've got a Claud Butler hybrid which only gets the occasional run out these days.

I find that generally other cyclists are friendly...and I do most of my cycling in central London where that is not the norm. There are a couple of groups that let the side down. I think of them as the 'Hoxton Hipsters' (beardy trendies who ride vintage fixies and are very image conscious) and the 'All The Gear, No Idea' mob (testosterone fuelled city boys with too much money who buy all the most expensive kit, but don't seem to appreciate the Zen quality of cycling).
It's the same with runners - I'm always ready to acknowledge someone, but often get blanked :( Part of the fault may lie with the fact that so many use headphones now when running so they are in their own little world (dangerous on a bike, I would have thought). On the whole though, people are friendly 🙂

Great bike @Marsbartoastie 🙂
Glad you like the Brommie, but wait until I post a picture of my very best bike...she's a stunner. Even the Hoxton Hipsters give her an admiring glance 🙂
I find that generally other cyclists are friendly...and I do most of my cycling in central London where that is not the norm. There are a couple of groups that let the side down. I think of them as the 'Hoxton Hipsters' (beardy trendies who ride vintage fixies and are very image conscious) and the 'All The Gear, No Idea' mob (testosterone fuelled city boys with too much money who buy all the most expensive kit, but don't seem to appreciate the Zen quality of cycling).

It must have been good timing to mention it as the GCN guys have just released this slightly tongue in cheek look at the cyclists greeting. :D

The hilly one I postponed from last week due to being breezy (lame excuse I know) well this week it wasn't breezy so this morning I headed out into the Staffordshire and Derbyshire Peak District - through the pretty villages (and town in the case of Bakewell) - Warslow, Hartington, Monyash, Ashford in the Water, Bakewell, Crowdecote and Longnor. Some tough climbs. 😱 The weather was overcast but the sun finally came through about 8 miles from home. Legs felt a bit sluggish as well. o_O Had an issue with contact lenses as well - I normally wear glasses but when on the bike I always wear contacts. After about 10 miles going down a steep bit my eye was watering and one of the lenses fell out. 😱 Thought about going back home but decided to carry on. I think the eye with the lens in compensated for the other one, but it was a bit weird. However, always good to get out. :D

Strava has it as 55.5 miles completed at a rather slow (but expected) average speed of 13.2 mph but with elevation gain of 4700 feet.

Libre sensor finished last week so it was old school and back to the meter and strips. I missed having the Libre. Anyway, checked quite a few times and started at 8.8 mmol/l, after 7 miles 9.2 mmol/l, after 25 miles 10.4 mmol/l, after 32 miles 8.1 mmol/l, after 37 miles 10.2 mmol/l, after 43 miles 7.6 mmol/l, after 47 miles 7.1 mmol/l and on return 6.2 mmol/l. I try and aim for between 7 and 10 when I'm on the bike. So fairly pleased with those. Only had malt loaf and my powdered energy/protein drink that I'd made in my bottle. Just need to start saving up for another Libre sensor. 🙄

Sheepwash Bridge at Ashford in the Water near Bakewell

At a place called Fawfieldhead near Longnor (seems to consist of a couple of farms) - I'm heading to the top left

Going up - heathery moorland near Morridge (didn't see The Slaughtered Lamb Pub anywhere :D)

Here's the Garmin
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2up ? Egh ! watch them bends in the road Matt 😎. I am into car number plates & a fella around where I live had 2up on a Rolls R. :D
2up ? Egh ! watch them bends in the road Matt 😎. I am into car number plates & a fella around where I live had 2up on a Rolls R. :D

2up? - do you mean the Diabetes Fairy? Luckily I only had to tolerate her for a couple of rides. :D Although, say it quietly - she wasn't that bad. 😉:D
I posted this pic in another thread (because of the fudge on the LHS). It was actually taken to show one of my knitting projects. I recently had a frame resprayed and I'm taking no risk of scratching it with my locks.
I'm in awe of your mileage. Today I cycled to my local street market for fruit and veg (about 4 miles in total). I usually ride a Giant hybrid, but for shopping trips I use my Brompton which I've fitted with a massive wicker basket:

View attachment 1647

For my own entertainment I change the basket decor according to my whim or the season:

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I bloomin' love my Christmas basket. Why do things by halves?!

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I have done the Brompton world championship :D. At Blenheim Place. A very good day out. Brompton are good & faster than you would expect 😎. Good for you Mbt
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