• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

4.9 for me, after a fairly relaxing day that was also quite productive.
5.1 for me.
I seem to have reintroduced cappuccino into my diet... not affecting levels at all.
5.1 for me.
And it was a 5.2 for me pre-dinner this evening....And that was after a bag of crisps and a chocolate
chip muffin with my afternoon tea.
4.4 - No idea why.
It was 8 and falling for had some insulin on bored for a cappuccino I had earlier
Let’s have a look.
10.7 since 14.30. Under bolused for lunch as it looked like I was in the mid 4’s & dropping just prior? Was doing pretty well up to that point considering I’ve been down with a Lurgey that’s left me with a cough.
A rather late posting this evening, been out, anyway, it was a 7.9 for me pre-dinner today.
Was rather naughty today and had a bounty and a few chocolates not long before I left the office.
BG was 5.7 before tea.
And after an afternoon at the Bowls Club, It was a 5.1 for me before dinner.
A 5.7 for me this evening, and, it's not rained all day, there's a thing.
5.7 followed by a night out at an Ethiopian restaurant in Coventry, in which I partook of quite a lot of carbs.
Got home to find BG at 5.8’
And it was a 6.1 for me pre-dinner on a day without any rain for a change.
I didn’t do one, but earlier in the afternoon I was at 5.4.. which was a relief after last nights carb-fest. I did enjoy the strange Ethiopian bread!
A rather late 6.4 for me. After last night I struggled all day and decided to catch an hour's sleep at 5:00. Woke four hours later...