Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.6 for me, despite an apple and cappuccino this afternoon.
A trip to a record shop in Rugby!
A really long day as I only just got back from my late morning Limb Fitting appointment just after 6:00 (30 - 35 minutes away). And on the return journey an unsecured wheelchair fell on my foot opening a fourth wound! BG after all that 7.8.
And it's another 7.4 for me this evening...
I would imagine you are a bit fed up with wheelchairs by now @MikeyBikey
And it's another 7.4 for me this evening...
I would imagine you are a bit fed up with wheelchairs by now @MikeyBikey

Yes totally fed up with being in a wheelchair (and wheelchairs falling on me! :(). The lack of understanding also gets me. People want to help then put things where you can't reach like a high up cupboard or top shelf of the fridge. Here, in the residents' lounge chairs often are not put back in place blocking the way. There are at least three people in wheelchairs so you would think others would learn - or is it old dogs and new tricks!
After an afternoon at the Bowls Club, it was a 6.4 for me pre-dinner tonight.

As my wifey said tonight "its blooming cold out there" so stay warm everyone.
5.4 for me. Day trip to Stratford with daughter and a Nando’s, picked up some more vinyl!
A slightly disappointing 9.8. Goes back to this morning when I ate extra sloe release carbs in preparation for physio to avoid the peaks caused by fast release one. Then my transport did not arrive and although I did quite a bit of exercise it rose from mid-afternoon. Second transport failure this week. Podiatry tomorrow perhaps/maybe!
I got a 7.8 for myself tonight after stuffing myself with a bag of crisps and two chocolate biscuits with my afternoon tea.

Brrrrr, its flippin' old again tonight, I might have to turn the heating on if this keeps up.
I got a 7.8 for myself tonight after stuffing myself with a bag of crisps and two chocolate biscuits with my afternoon tea.

Brrrrr, its flippin' old again tonight, I might have to turn the heating on if this keeps up.

Sorry you are feeling your age. Hopefully you will feel younger after a good night's sleep
4.8 after a long walk across Coventry to get some lunch, pick up a record (New Peter Gabriel) and have a hair cut! Walked back, stopped off for coffee and heard home.

Didn’t have any tea, but scoffed a load of crackers and had some low carb toast, then went to a gig in Brum (Sisters of Murphy, a Sisters of Mercy tribute act, who were excellent) and had a pint of beer!

At 5.1 when I got in.
And it was a 5.4 for me pre-dinner this cold and foggy evening.

Spent two hours this afternoon trying to get the Christmas lights to work outside, off to the shops
tomorrow to get some new ones.
I think all this lack of sleep, phantom pain and stress (worry about leg and transport) is getting to me! :( In a week 7-day TIR has dropped from 89% to 65%!
Walk to the city centre, no vinyl today, lunch (Which including a slice of white bread with a Turkish breakfast - it came with two, but I only had one)

5.7 before tea. (And after Kvarg yoghurt and some peanut butter).

In between listening to some music and writing a short story, read a few papers from the past about research into glucotoxicity and beta cells.
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And it's a very happy 6.0 for me on this much warmer evening at 5.1c....

Been watching Christmas films all afternoon just for a change... 🙂
A far better 6.6 with 7-day TIR improving from 51% this morning to 54%. It was 89% a week ago but a bad week in so many ways followed by a dreadful night really skewered it!" :(
5.8 after two crackers and cheese, a cappuccino and a kvarg yoghurt with peanut butter (Plus nuts). Was a bit naughty and snacked quite a lot all afternoon - after a trip to Leamington (Steely Dan record) and discovered the town has a newly opened Grape Tree which means no more trips to Solihull or Rugby to stock up on almonds!
And it was a happy 6.1 for me pre-dinner this wet evening..