Before Tea/Evening Meal

I was 5.3 after a day spent snacking and lounging around… oh, setup a Linux box as Time Machine, and bought some records in Leamington Spa and mooched around an art festival - most of it too middle of the road for me, lots of the same old stuff, although I did like some work by a local glass artist.

Stuffed myself with potatoes, meat and veg for tea, after eating piles of chickpeas. About an hour later BG was 6.7. Decided to go for a short walk, just found the block, down to 4.3 when I got back. Felt very energetic!
We went to the art festival yesterday, it was a shame for the exhibitors as it was rather wet. I was also impressed with the fused glass work. I thought some of the art works were rather samey, but still some unusual work.
We went to the art festival yesterday, it was a shame for the exhibitors as it was rather wet. I was also impressed with the fused glass work. I thought some of the art works were rather samey, but still some unusual work.

There was called Tom Godwin (Or Goodwin) who has some interesting stuff, Stonehenge with a angel's halo around it and some unusual SF type of things (Plus some of Coventry) but way too many animals and cheesy cards. The glass guy is Coventry based, but his stuff is expensive (Rightly so) and it'd get broken in our house. My tastes are probably a too modern for festivals like that, I want something to shock/startle me, not just go 'mm, that's nice'. Weather was nice today, but the place was very muddy.
After a walk home from the office... 4.1.
This was odd, as my levels have been a little bit higher than usual today for some reason.
Evening all.

It was a 7.2 for me pre-dinner this fine sunny evening.
I'm off for a bike ride shortly as I didn't go out at all last week so I've some making up to do.
After a day in Leicester exploring nice streets (Oh, how I dislike Coventry's dreadful post-war city planning!) and crate digging for records, plus having a bit of carb-y food (Some spring roads) and a lot of coffee, I got back to a 5.0 on the dot!

I have just listened to one of the many LPs I bought, some great stuff from Barclay James Harvest's early years. So early I wasn't born when they made some of it!

I was also quite pleased with this Mike Nesmith album:


(I've got 10 others to listen to!)

I rather liked the bits and pieces of Medieval Leicester that still survive (We have some far better ones in Coventry, but stuck amongst rubbish.)


This is even older than Barclay James Harvest!
Before evening meal 5.2, but an inexcusable 11.2 post meal. Too many carbs and not enough activity today :(
Before evening meal 5.2, but an inexcusable 11.2 post meal. Too many carbs and not enough activity today :(

That's a great pre-meal level. What did you eat to get to 11.2, if you don't mind my asking?
5.2 after another day buying records and getting stuff for holiday. Wednesday is pizza night for the rest of the family. I am having an stir fry with konjac noodles and a beer!
That's a great pre-meal level. What did you eat to get to 11.2, if you don't mind my asking?
I gave in to a wholemeal bap with homemade burger plus potato wedges (not many) and a small tin of reduced sugar baked beans. If only I read the packaging first!!
I gave in to a wholemeal bap with homemade burger plus potato wedges (not many) and a small tin of reduced sugar baked beans. If only I read the packaging first!!
No wonder you got over 11 with all those carbs.
Reduced sugar does not mean low carb. So yes read the label for the carbs. Ignore any 'Traffic light' info when it comes to carbs.
And mine pre-dinner this evening was a 4.8

What a beautiful day for a change, it reached 26.3c here in Bedfordshire.
And tonight it's a 6.4 for me pre-dinner on a rather hot (27.6c) afternoon.

Another six mile bike ride completed in the heat of the day today - Must be mad!!
5.7 after landing in Dubrovnik. Stacked on chocolate and Kind bars on the plane’
A none too good 10.2. It has been hovering around 9 since yesterday evening. After a physio session I either struggle to stop going hypo next day or struggle to avoid going too high. Makes no sense at all! :(
And it was a 7.4 for me pre-dinner on another fine sunny evening.