Before Tea/Evening Meal

4.7 for me tonight, had a busy day though swimming, walking my dogs, looking after my granddaughters etc will be glad when its bedtime 😉
Snap, a 4.7 for me too and a busy day as well.
6.8 tonight. Not too bad I suppose, I had a very low carb lunch so was hoping it would be a little lower, but haven't drunk enough water this afternoon so that might be a factor.
And it was a 5.5 for me tonight, had a bowl of soup and one slice of bread for lunch so I'm happy with that. Now had dinner and I'm fancying something else, like a treacle pudding and custard.
I thought it would be interesting to see how people's day had gone before they have tea/evening meal.

I will go first. The heat seems to be affecting me. I had hoped for 7+ or - 1 but got a naughty 10.9 so injected and waiting an hour. These dinosaur insulins take a while to kick in. This is where a Libre would be useful!
I find this heat makes it very difficult to eat like to day I skipped lunch but was sick this evening may be said reflux I don’t know.
Scores on the doors were a 6.0 on the nose for me.

Popped up to 8.7 within the hour, but coming back down now. It was spaghetti though, which sometimes has a bit of a second wind later in the evening to keep me on my toes!
Naughty 9.2 tonight. I had Fish 'n' Chips for lunch and too many chips despite throwing around 66.666666667% away. And I ordered the smallest portion of chips. A large must be for a family with four or five children. The waste must be ridiculous! Where I used to live the guy would do me half a small!
A nice 5.2 for me tonight pre-dinner, it's been in the 5's all day must be doing something right..
6.6. Had an early tea but had only had salad for lunch. Tea was BBQ at a friend's house and I had an actual bread roll with my burger! Estimated total carbs about 50g, but post meal was still less than a 3mmol rise so I guess maybe I can get away with slightly more carbs with a lot of protein and fat ‍♀️. I didn't give in to the temptation of cake or sweets but did eat quite a bit more than I have at one meal for the last couple of weeks.
4.3 for me before what I suppose is supper but didn't have any lunch as I was busy all day and zonked when I got back in the house in the evening so had a couple of small snacks and then crashed. Woke up at 9.30pm and had a walk and then sorted animals for the night, came home and did some much needed clearing up in my kitchen and then cooked..... so it's probably past supper but not quite breakfast.... Cabbage, the obligatory courgettes (well actually it's one that got away... so more a marrow...sttll enjoying it though) and smoked bacon..... Oh and a chunk of mature cheddar accompanied by the tiniest glass of port but there will be a glass of water flavoured with a slice of lime, cucumber and a few leaves of mint to follow and then off to bed... for the second time 🙄 once I have done Wordle.
A nice 5.2 for me tonight pre-dinner, it's been in the 5's all day must be doing something right..

House Special! (or is that different in the evenings?) :D :rofl:
Evening! 6.5 before tea. I don't think tea should push it up too much (veg with chorizo & an individual serving pack of twiglets) but we shall see
And it was a 5.3 for me before dinner tonight at 6.30....
Looks like a 5.8 for me but not sure what I am going to have yet..... other than courgettes of course 🙄
6.2 for me at 5pm before tea, not surprised as took my granddaughters out for day and all food on offer was bread or potatoes. Had a ham and cheese panina, declined the chips and creamy coleslaw, as I was hungry wish I could say I enjoyed it.
6.2 for me at 5pm before tea, not surprised as took my granddaughters out for day and all food on offer was bread or potatoes. Had a ham and cheese panina, declined the chips and creamy coleslaw, as I was hungry wish I could say I enjoyed it.
The coleslaw wouldn't have added many carbs.
6.2 for me at 5pm before tea, not surprised as took my granddaughters out for day and all food on offer was bread or potatoes. Had a ham and cheese panina, declined the chips and creamy coleslaw, as I was hungry wish I could say I enjoyed it.
The way I see it, coleslaw is just another way of adding cabbage to my plate and the creamier the better as far as I am concerned. Creamy or cheese coleslaw is one of the foods which makes low carb eating really enjoyable. It is rather a shame you passed on it in my opinion.