Before Tea/Evening Meal

And it was a 7.0 for me pre-dinner yesterday.
I think I was 5.3 yesterday, before a trip to Nando's for a birthday meal for my son (14).
After a low carb Nandos and a bottle of beer, I came home to find it at 4.8 two hours later.
Despite the carbs in beer, I don't seem to see any sort of rise in BG.
Although I have noticed after eating more carbs I see lower levels for a while.
And it was a 4.9 for me pre-dinner this fine sunny day.

Loads more gardening completed today and I managed to get an eight-mile bike ride in as well.
A disappointing 10.4. Because of the wheelchair repair I had my breakfast late and think the basal got out of sync. A bit annoying as a time had been agreed previously but I got a text at COB yesterday changing things!
And it was a 7.2 for me pre-dinner this fine evening, I thought it would have been lower as I had unintentionally skipped lunch as I'd been out cycling and forgot to have it when I returned home.
And 6.1 before an evening snack. Patient transport got me an appointment an hour early and picked me up 4. 25 hours after. With travelling ninr hours disappeared. Too tired and bored to cook anything so had a cuppa soup and slice of toast! :(
A happy 6.4 for me this fine evening......
5.4 for me… cutting back on testing for a while, though, as the results seem to be the same.
And it was a 6.8 for me pre-dinner on this fine sunny day and 21.4c in my garden this afternoon.
And it was a 5.7 for me pre-dinner this sunny evening.
And on this glorious evening, it was a 6.9 pre-dinner tonight.
After a busy day implementing some new requirements, and snacking on various things all afternoon, I was at 5.2.
Well today I was 5.5, after an experiment with a Five Guys burger. We finish early on Friday - tradition locally with some industries - so I just spent the morning discussing requirements and thinking about how to redesign a module to fix an issue. Before lunch I was 4.9, and I really fancied a burger, so I got one at Five Guys and reckon with the toppings it was around 40g of carbs.

That burger tasted so good (It was always a favourite food of mine) and it was the first one I've had since September 2021.

After that went for a walk around the city centre and bought a lot of records (Some old British Jazz Fusion, some modern electronica and some seventies prog) and did a test at the hour mark whilst having a coffee: 6.6

Two hours later, 5.5

So my conclusion is that buying records is good for my blood sugar, so I will have to go out and get some more every friday!
A bit late today. After a disturbed night I gel really tired and decided to catch 40 winks at 5:00. Problem is I only just woke up and have discovered EP (evening phenomena) - must be DP's sister! Anyway it is 9.4 with the graph showing EP!
And it was a happy 5.7 for me pre-dinner this fine, sunny and very warm evening.

Had a new washing machine delivered this afternoon so I've spent the last couple of hours
plumbing it in and giving it a trial run, appears to work okay so I'll take all the labels off now.