Before Tea/Evening Meal

And it was a 5.7 for me pre-dinner on this very grey day, no rain though I'm pleased to say so I
got on with painting a preserver on my garden fence.
5.1 for me after a day of not doing much - listened to some vinyl, trip to Leamington Spa, and getting stuff ready for a camping trip tomorrow. (I hate camping!)

Not sure what I'm going to do for food as we just got an e-mail to say the power was down on the campsite overnight due to problems with equipment - I was planning to take a mini-fridge with some yoghurt and raspberries!
It's an 8.1 for me this evening, I'm posting this while it's thundering and lightning outside and absolutely
chucking it down in bucket loads. - no bike ride for me this evening.
5.0 for me today, after travelling up north for camping. Cheered up this morning by my hba1c being 36… a year after a hba1c of 39.
It's an 8.1 for me this evening, I'm posting this while it's thundering and lightning outside and absolutely
chucking it down in bucket loads. - no bike ride for me this evening.

what caused the 8.1?
Yesterday I was a bit naughty, took a bus ride to Clitheroe from the village I was staying in overnight to look at a record shop. (Picked up some great stuff!) Anyway, nipped into Cafe Nero and had a sausage roll (42g of carbs) and waited for the bus back. 2 Hours later did test and BG was 6.2. By teatime it was 4.8.

That’s probably the highest amount of carbs I’ve had a single meal for 19 months, but I’m glad to see that the response appears to be totally normal.
It's a 6.9 from me today. Running late as having to boil kettles to do the washing up. As the whole block has a centralised beating/hot water system nobody has hot water. Particularly grim for a few frailer residents who have carers twice a day! :(
And it was a 7.0 for me pre-dinner this evening.

A super thunderstorm here this evening, flooded the main road here, fortunately, the traffic was still able to get through.
Grey all day today, anyway, it's a 6.2 for me pre-dinner tonight.
A very favourable 6.3 for me pre-dinner this still a very grey day, not a glimmer of sunshine.
5.1 for me today
Forgot to come back and post it but was 4.5 yesterday. After a fairly carby lunch of buttermilk chicken burger and chips (but also fatty as chips were a bit greasy!) and a fair bit of walking so I was very pleased with that.
6.1 which I was pleased with as I'm still crook with scraped chest etc and hurty all over plus still with the bad eating choices. Last night a family member 'treated me' to chips in a tray with gravy I hadn't asked for but they know I'm always wanting chips so it's my own fault. I said loudly This is my last chips ever and enjoyed them till I took bg an hour later and it was 13.2 😱