Before Tea/Evening Meal

What's the konjac stuff like? I've got both noodles and rice in the cupboard but haven't got round to trying them yet...

To me it's good for just adding bulk, a bit like pasta, rice and noodles, which I always found tasteless and didn't really eat very often. It's also high in fibre. It's pretty tasteless, but good in soups and stir fries. I make egg fried rice with the konjac rice. The thing I made tonight was good because the cream/paprika sauce stuck to the noodles.

The stuff comes in water and stinks of fish, but that goes once it's been rinsed. It must be popular in China, as the supermarket on the Uni campus I work on has a large section of Konjac based products (The Uni has a lot of Chinese students.)
The best thing about this meal is BG is 5.3 after eating!
And it was a 6.2 for me before dinner this evening....
Opps, so much going on I forgot to post. A 6.3 before supper. Following a HS before breakfast and 6.4 before lunch one of better days! 🙂
An acceptable 6.7 for me pre-dinner this evening, and that's after eating half a bar of chocolate at 4ish this afternoon - cant be bad.....
4.7 for me.
6.5 for me
6.7 I had glucose braeth test this morning" idea was to to see if I have sibo result was inconsluvie) I had drink pure gulcose I asked him how much it was "only a tiny bit" hey said" okay I thought probably won't effect me that much so just drunk it without doing anything well I shoot up to 17(well a little while afterwards I don't how long it was I just felt like I needed to test) in was 6.9 but a correction got it down(I was a bit worried about going to far the other way because I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything during the test(it probably would had to be stopped if I had to). But all worked out
And it was a 6.1 for me this evening.
5.4 after a 30g of carbs for lunch.

Fasting Friday, but I made a peanut butter cake and ate a slice of that.
And it's a happy 5.7 for me this fine evening.....
5.1 for me before a feast of chicken, feta, veg & king oyster mushrooms. Yum!
Sounds better than the meal earlier this week! 🙂

The Prawn dish? That one is one of my favourites - the rest of the family have pizza on Wednesdays to I have prawns. I did used to make Pizzas with 'lo dough' but they seem to have gone out of business and stopped producing. :-( Shame, as I really liked them.
5.1 for me before a feast of chicken, feta, veg & king oyster mushrooms. Yum!

Some stuff about the day - skipped breakfast, as I wasn't hungry, just had a black coffee. Actually, I had four, as I'm addicted and have a great bean-to-cup machine. Walked into Coventry city centre (Stopped off at our local high street to pick up a magazine, The Wire, which had an article about The Necks, an Austrian band I like.) and wandered around for a bit before stopped off for a coffee - a cheeky cappuccino - and around 15g of oat biscuits. Had a bit of chicken for a snack and then cleaned some vinyl (Records, not kinky clothing!) and listened to some 70s Jazz Fusion and a Procol Harum LP I'd bought a while back... worked on a short story idea I'd had, and then did a quick finger test before dinner.

Post dinner BG was still 5.1 (I also had some berries & yoghurt).

I was also interested in 'ketones' as I'm low carb, but the results are just a 'trace'.
And a rather late posting of my very close 4.1 pre-dinner this evening....