Before Tea/Evening Meal

6.1 for me today before tea. I had a nice chicken salad and some strawberry & vanilla fromage frais. And a nice hot mug of berry tea as I did some coughing this afternoon and have a slight sore throat (though covid test negative)
7.7 for me this evening and that was after 2 hours of exercise lugging feed up the hill to GGs and a 2 unit correction because it continued to climb after I stopped. Had 3 units for a big portion of chicken and vegetable soup. I ate a whole 600ml tub!!.... it was very nice and warming. How having a decaf coffee with cream before bed and a clementine and have had to jab another 1.5 units as I am just heading into the 9s. Not going to have any Levemir tonight though.... Will know in the morning if that is a bad decision!
And it was a 5.7 for me before dinner tonight.
And it's a 4.7 for me pre-dinner on this cold and frosty evening.
5 for me before my evening meal had a hot chicken salad followed by raspberries and low fat greek yogurt 5.9 2 hours after eating
Mine was 4.5! Probably because I had a higher calorie breakfast and no lunch. Had a pasta salad for tea because it was there and quick, added some mature cheddar for fat and protein to balance/slow down some of the pasta carbs and post meal was 7.7 so slightly higher increase than preferred but overall not bad
5.0 today, 2 bags of rubbish deposited at the tip along with the large pieces of cardboard from my recycling bin (theoretically due to next be emptied on 30th Dec which will be 4 weeks after it was last emptied, but bin operatives may be on strike again that week so I've no idea how long before it actually gets collected and big pieces of cardboard are the easiest to separate from the mixture of recycling types in it, to make more space)
And a 5.7 for me this evening......
6.4 or me. Injected 6 units and waited for it to come down into the 5s but after half an hour it was still 6.4 and I gave up and ate (a very rare sandwich....chicken tikka salad). Now stuck in double figures and another 2x 3u corrections gone in to try to bring it down. I've been high most of the day and lost count of the number of corrections I have needed. Arrrggh!! Think it may be HRT running out or stress hormones responsible. Hopefully those extra 6 units won't kick in too heavily whilst I sleep but I have shot myself 3 units of Levemir as well just for good measure. Not good when I get frustrated with it but if it behaved I wouldn't need to be heavy handed! No doubt we will see in the morning how it all turned out!
4.4 for me before eating and 5.8 two & half hours later. Had a busy day trying to contact an engineer to come and fix a drip on boiler, expected to hold for 3+ hours, tried link to web form, it kept telling me access date invalid and closing itself, finally managed to complete form about 10 mins ago after trying since yesterday. In between went to daughters award ceremony, she swims for special olympics and was over moon to win a trophy for her contribution to swimming, team and her peers, naughty I know but all I could think was where will it go and I've to make sure its looked after for year 😉
did some shopping, washing, returned my granddaughters to mummy and daddy etc etc
Hope everyone has had a good day
Well, I was too heavy handed with the insulin and needed 4 JBs at 5am to get me out of the red 🙄. At least the hypo warmed me up though as I had woken a few times prior to that hunched into a tight ball because I was cold and then with sciatica because my back didn't like being hunched up like that 🙄... Not the best night's sleep!
5.1 for me this before eating, hope everyone has had a good day 🙂
And it is a 4.7 for me pre-dinner this evening.
Oops. I had a mince pie with (3 cups of) mulled wine after the church carol service this evening, thinking there would be enough alcohol to kind of counteract the carbs. Nope, 12.0 pre-tea (about 90 minutes after starting on the snack)...

And I have made wagyu beef burgers for tea too, served as cheeseburgers in buns.... If I had known my BG would be so high I wouldn't have had the carbs of the bun but it was already made so...

That's actually my highest reading since I started tracking :rofl:

(And yes I washed my hands again and double checked, after first QCing the new tub of strips...)
And it’s a 7.2 for me this evening.
4.7 this evening. Very low carb breakfast and lunch but added some crackers to my dinner (pic to be posted in the Food Ideas thread). And my boyfriend has just appeared with the presents from his family, his from his brother's family is cookies and his brother's partner has told him not to wait to eat them in case they go off so he says I have to have one with him tonight...
5.3 for me this evening at 5pm. Missed evening meal as youngest daughter didn't want to sleep tonight! Too late to have a meal so had a packet of flame grilled steak crisps, and to be honest its so long since I had a packet I enjoyed it more than a 3 course meal, according to packet 13g of carbs.

Hope everyone had a good day