Before Tea/Evening Meal

i was 4.8
And it is a 5.2 for me pre-dinner this evening.

A nice ham and cheese omelette arriving shortly I hope, followed by the last of the
Christmas pudding with cream....That will bump up the BG me thinks.
5.1 for me. McDonald's Big Tasty after a busy day at work... And a piece of Christmas pudding to finish, then I need to get my laptop out and finish off the paperwork that there wasn't time to finish in the office
And an healthy 5.6 for me this evening.
I was 5.7 before tea (jacket potato with tuna, bit of cheese, coleslaw and green beans)
5.4 before tea
5.3 two hours later (Salmon baked with fennel, onion, orange)
It was a bit late as I was quite busy this evening, but 5.7 pre tea and 6 something (forgotten the number after the decimal and not going back downstairs where I keep my meter to check now) 2 hours after, just before I came up to get ready for bed.
And it was a 5.9 for me pre-dinner this evening....
Was 7.8 before supper. Happy with that. Was 5.2 going down (a bungalow) at mid-day so had a couple of Rich Tea and ordered a thin crust pizza. Had things right but gave in to two Amaretto biscuits as was given for Christmas with my afternoon coffee! 🙂
And it was a 5.9 for me pre-dinner this evening.
And it's not stopped raining all day......... Be a water shortage soon... 😉
4.9 before a Chinese take-away. I did have a small amount of rice and noodles. 5.6 a couple of hours later.
A shocking 18.1 for me! And it's not because I have eaten a box of chocolates! About 11:00am phantom pain kicked in quite savagely. Before lunch I tested and it was 21.7 so no lunch and 10 units extra Actrapid. Mid-afternoon 20.1 so 10 more. The problem is I am in a vicious loop. The level of pain kicks in the adrenalin which causes the liver to dump glucose for the energy to run from a sabre toothed tiger (or social worker 🙂) So it is extra top up of my evening dose and see what happens, and no tea for now!
And it was a 5.9 for me pre-dinner this evening.
And it's not stopped raining all day......... Be a water shortage soon... 😉

Our local Water Company once claimed water restriction could not be lifted as it was the wrong type of rain. I was maybe less shocked than many as I was used to ThamesUnlinked announcing the wrong type of snow whilst you froze on the platform! :(

after a walk from the city centre and lunch at a cafe (Turkish breakfast, although I'd already had two slices of low-carb bread beforehand, 5g per slice) I was at 4.7, but I it seems to move up to be closer to 5.5 when it gets low like that.
Our local Water Company once claimed water restriction could not be lifted as it was the wrong type of rain. I was maybe less shocked than many as I was used to ThamesUnlinked announcing the wrong type of snow whilst you froze on the platform! :(
Always the wrong type of leaves on the line for trains from London through Kent when I was a kid... Pretty sure the types of trees alongside the railway didn't change so what type of leaves should have been predictable...
4.7. late tea again but had a fairly substantial number of carbs with treats at lunch and mid afternoon... But the freezer has plenty of soups and stews to go back to low carb. I might let myself have one last day of slightly more carbs than usual tomorrow for the bank holiday then leave the rest of the chocolates to the kids
5.1 this evening. Pretty good given that I had a donut as a treat this afternoon as part of a late lunch. Back to work tomorrow so will be aiming to get back to normal calories/carbs to keep losing some of the excess weight.