Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.1 for me this evening before eating. Hope everyone has had a good day
And it was a 6.4 for me pre-dinner tonight......
3.8 today. Guess my liver wasn't feeling helpful this evening :rofl:
And a 5.3 for me pre-dinner this evening....
5.2 before eating this evening
Congratulation @Wannie just beat me. 🙂

And a 5.4 for me pre-dinner this evening....
Same as @Wannie 5.2 this evening. My liver is clearly feeling more helpful than yesterday, even though I'm eating much later
And a 5.6 for me pre-dinner this damp and dismal day.....
6.4 for me this evening, skipped lunch busy doing other things, had 40g berries, 30g of mixed nuts and 50g of greek yogurt about 2.5 hrs ago when I felt as if I was starving, so not too bad 😉 will wait for it come down a bit before my evening meal 🙂
5.2 just before a huge bowl of home made daal.
And a 5.9 for me pre-dinner this evening.
I was 12.something but I did have 1/4 of a pizza for lunch. Wasn't a huge spike but kind of drifted up and didn't come back down. Should have split the bolus for it, got half of it about right at least by keeping a lid on it.
6.2 for me this evening 2.5hrs after Christmas dinner (which I am very happy with had smaller portions and politely refused Christmas pudding) and before food this evening, when I will be having a salad followed by a small slice of Christmas cake. Hope everyone has enjoyed their day. 🙂
And a 5.7 for me today pre-Christmas dinner at 2.30 today, and only 7.8 two hours later - and I also had Christmas pudding with cream too.
Evening, a little late posting but very good numbers for me yesterday and today.

Pre-tea on Christmas Eve (the only meal I ate yesterday, though did have a coffee mid afternoon and some alcohol about half midnight - after the midnight service and before bed) was 6.2, and 2.5 hours post tea/feast was 6.8 (estimated as didn't weigh anything but approx 1000 calories and 72g carbs).

Today I thought I would do numbers just to see and not worry if they were high, didn't do a separate pre-Christmas dinner reading as was frantically trying to get it all on the table and served (we had to eat early just after 12 as bf was working this afternoon), but 2 hours post-dinner reading (and 1 hour after Christmas pudding and cream as we left a slight gap) was 7.6! I did have some bucks fizz but less than 2 units alcohol total and estimated carbs were 150g (very special treat!). Fasting this morning was 6.1.

Then had a couple of chocolates and a nap, late tea of a small piece of Christmas cake (not much icing) and cheese, pre reading 4.8 and post 7.0
4.9 this evening before eating late.
Forgot to do pre tea tonight but post tea was 7.7 so I'm pretty happy with that anyway. My pre-meal readings are only rarely under 4.8 so that's probably less than a 3mmol rise and I still had more carbs than usual for lunch and tea today. I made some nice (hopefully, not tried it yet!) soup this evening with chicken stock (from the chicken carcass & a broccoli stalk), some over ripe conference pears, some rocket & baby leaf salads and a bit of clotted cream, plus extracted the remains of the chicken from the carcass after I had used it for the stock and had about 3oz of tiny bits of meat to add in after I had blended the salad/pear. It's a darkish green as I used my Instant Pot to cook the leaves &pear (having already made the stock in that) so leaves were more cooked than if I had done the soup on the top of the stove. So I can have a portion for at least one meal tomorrow, and one for work on Wednesday, then some for the freezer for other work/quick lunches.
And a 5.7 for me this wet and windy evening.....
5.4 for me, trying to reign the carbs back in a little today but still Christmas pudding so a piece for tea after ham/chicken with coleslaw
Hectic day! forgot to take my BG this evening but not expecting any drastic changes today as apart from one little piece of christmas cake I've been very good 😉