Before Tea/Evening Meal

Sorry didn't post yesterday was out christmas shopping and forgot to do my BG before eating, was starving though as I'd missed lunch, but at least I purchased my childrens and granddaughters presents.
Anyway after a 2nd day of christmas shopping, and making cakes which I heroically resisted testing, and 2.5 hours after fish (& 6 chips) lunch my reading was 6.6 tonight.
And it was a 5.4 for me this evening......
Mine was 4.9. Got distracted and forgot to do a post tea reading though :rofl:. So I'll have to make the "chicken fried rice" (lighter than is standard on the rice...) again tomorrow lunchtime to test it I guess... Just had a mini supper of some wensleydale with cranberries and a nice mug of nettle tea too, very much enjoyed that! I love cheese at Christmas, though usually have it with crackers. I won't buy a multi-type box but might buy a pack of my favourite Jacobs Cornish Wafers. I'm pretty sure my partner will help me eat them on Christmas Eve...
And my pre-dinner this evening was 4.4 BG.
6.4 before tea this evening.
5.2 before.
5.2 afterwards.

I was a bit surprised to be at 5.2 as a visit to Costco before tea involved sampling chocolates, fruit juice, donuts and nicking a large chunk of pizza from the kids.
4.2 for me before dinner this evening - Have had a very busy day walked to shops as I was too lazy to clear snow off car and drive, though I did clear path at the back of my house of snow and the frost/ice underneath it! Then mostly household tasks and sorting dogs.
5.3 after evening meal
Wow, an 8.5 for me pre-dinner tonight, must have been the beefburger I had at three fifteen this afternoon. Oh well, it was a treat.
6.0 after a nice walk. Possibly a tad of dehydration as well as released glycogen. 6.6 after so at least meal was processed well
5.6 this evening before eating, though I may give a meal a miss tonight had quite a large lunch for me and not feeling hungry.
Hope everyone's had a good day 🙂
And it was a 4.7 for me pre-dinner this evening.
Mine was a surprising 10.3 just after I got in from sorting beasties for the night which admittedly was a bit stressful as keeping water flowing was a challenge and power and the yard was failing.... Taking 15 mins to boil each kettle to make a warm mash and defrost pipes in -8 conditions as well as lights fading to the point you could hardly see!
Power was fine at home though when I got in so injected 6 units, 4 for food plus 2 correction with the intention of starting cooking in half an hour as it would take over an hour for my levels to come down into range to eat.... The power then suddenly went out completely so I crawled into bed with a hot water bottle (filled from the hot water tap) and promptly fell asleep because that's what I do when I am warm and cosy and it is dark. Woke up at 11.10pm on 4.1 surprisingly with an horizontal arrow and realised that I had bolus insulin on board and no carbs, so ate some JBs and chocolate from the bedside table because I didn't want to get out of bed and start cooking then (power was thankfully back on) and went back to sleep. Woke again at 12.30am on 3.1, so had more JBs and again at 4.22am with Libre just saying "LO" so had more and then again at 6.30am on 3.8 and looks like throughout that time there was only about 15mins when I climbed out of the red at about 5.30am😱. My bad for not checking after each hypo treatment, but I just go straight back to sleep so quickly and felt sure, with no evening Levemir dose, my levels would come up and fully expected them to go high rather than stay low. The longer and better I sleep the lower my levels seem to go.
Oh well, that is another incident which will need some explaining to my consultant 😳
unable to post this evening as I've run out of strips, which should have been delivered today hopefully tomorrow now!
Hope everyone has had a good day 🙂
And it was a 5.8 for me pre-dinner this evening.......
5.4 for me this evening but several corrections needed this afternoon to get there. Having pork loin steaks with pan fried aubergines tonight. I love aubergines because they soak up fat and meat juices so well, similar to mushrooms... Yum!