Before Tea/Evening Meal

And a 6.2 for me this fine but chilly evening.
5.1 for me this afternoon when I had a little look at what was going on.
5.6 today pre dinner and 3 lots of JBs over the day.
Done a 50% bolus reduction for dinner and will correct later on if need be (and another basal reduction tonight).
Must be a day for lower pre-meal readings @harbottle - I was surprised by a 4.6 at lunchtime.

Didn't check pre-tea but decided to have a couple of beers for the first time since diagnosis tonight watching England v Wales, so did a pre-beer check which was an hour post tea and was pleased to see that was 7 after a relatively low carb tea (but it did include a little dark chocolate). Curious to see how much the alcohol counterbalances the carbs in IPA for me
Yes, I was quite surprised. It's generally between 4 and 6 in the afternoon... need to see what my hba1c is, must get a new test. If it's still I good I might get asked to stop the Metformin again!
And a 5.7 for me pre-dinner tonight.
Must be a day for lower pre-meal readings @harbottle - I was surprised by a 4.6 at lunchtime.

Didn't check pre-tea but decided to have a couple of beers for the first time since diagnosis tonight watching England v Wales, so did a pre-beer check which was an hour post tea and was pleased to see that was 7 after a relatively low carb tea (but it did include a little dark chocolate). Curious to see how much the alcohol counterbalances the carbs in IPA for me

Before I had to go dry (because of pain killers for phantom pain) I found o had the balance a pint of Guinness with 2/3rds of a pacer of crisps. Obviously Type 2 behaviour might be different.
Before I had to go dry (because of pain killers for phantom pain) I found o had the balance a pint of Guinness with 2/3rds of a pacer of crisps. Obviously Type 2 behaviour might be different.
So far in my limited experiments with alcohol wine has balanced out cake to leave blood sugars stable.

2 hours after starting to drink my beers (I've had 3 small cans), I had dropped from 7.0 to 5.9 - from one hour to 3 hours after dinner and no extra food with the beer. So I don't think it is going to make me hypo like it could for Type 1, but it does seem thus far this evening that beer is still OK in purely blood glucose terms and the carbs aren't going to spike me. I shall do a bedtime reading (which I don't usually do) later too to check how it goes once my blood alcohol level starts to drop!
Disappointing 8.7 for me. I have done 2 hours of physical activity hauling haylage and feed buckets 3/4 of a mile up a hill to the horses four times, so about 6 miles of brisk walk with a heavy load, pausing in between to load and offload etc and my levels just kept going up until in the end i whipped out my insulin pen and jabbed a couple of units to bring it down. Just eating some cheese now whilst I wait for it to come down to 5 or 6 and then I will think about having something proper to eat. Hate it when I work hard and don't get rewarded. I would rather have a hypo and have to eat a couple of JBs as have to inject more insulin when I am exercising! Grrr!
Will need a basal reduction tonight no doubt. 🙄
Alcohol never brings my levels down :( so I don't get a carby treat, even if I have several rum and diet cokes or glasses of wine, my levels stay steady as a rock even through the night and if I have a little glass of port with my cheese which I love, it puts my levels into orbit unless I inject for it. Funny how we are all different!
Don't believe it, it is on it's way back up again8.5 with an upward sloping arrow so I have just rage bolused 4 units. Take that diabetes and stuff it in your pipe and smoke it. See just even talking about a glass of port sends my levels up. Arrgh!!
So far in my limited experiments with alcohol wine has balanced out cake to leave blood sugars stable.

2 hours after starting to drink my beers (I've had 3 small cans), I had dropped from 7.0 to 5.9 - from one hour to 3 hours after dinner and no extra food with the beer. So I don't think it is going to make me hypo like it could for Type 1, but it does seem thus far this evening that beer is still OK in purely blood glucose terms and the carbs aren't going to spike me. I shall do a bedtime reading (which I don't usually do) later too to check how it goes once my blood alcohol level starts to drop!

I found I got the biggest drop with wheat beers like:

I suspect the yeast also plays a part. The most unpredictable are some of the real ales so I generally avoided them. Many are overrated by the CAMRA woolly hat brigade!
Alcohol never brings my levels down :( so I don't get a carby treat, even if I have several rum and diet cokes or glasses of wine, my levels stay steady as a rock even through the night and if I have a little glass of port with my cheese which I love, it puts my levels into orbit unless I inject for it. Funny how we are all different!
Yep, all different. The first time I drank alcohol after diagnosis I was using a free Libre sensor and after two drinks BG started dropping, and dropping… until the thing was throwing alarms.

A few drinks combined with a short walk from the pub sees very low levels, indeed, the lowest I see - although that could be helped by the Metformin which can cause hypos when used with alcohol, apparently. Having said that, a short run also sees levels fall down into the threes. I usually have to go and sit down for half an hour to recover! (And with a Libre I can see it creep back up slowly)
Yep, all different. The first time I drank alcohol after diagnosis I was using a free Libre sensor and after two drinks BG started dropping, and dropping… until the thing was throwing alarms.

A few drinks combined with a short walk from the pub sees very low levels, indeed, the lowest I see - although that could be helped by the Metformin which can cause hypos when used with alcohol, apparently. Having said that, a short run also sees levels fall down into the threes. I usually have to go and sit down for half an hour to recover! (And with a Libre I can see it creep back up slowly)
Libre exaggerates the lows due to the fact that it extrapolates previous readings to predict the blood glucose level from interstitial and in reality you generally come up again quite a bit quicker than Libre shows, which is why those of us on insulin are told to finger prick when hypo, because otherwise we would over treat hypos every time due to Libre showing our levels have continued to drop after 15 mins, whereas a finger prick shows they have come back up.

But yes, there is no doubt about it, we all respond differently to different situations, which is why testing is so invaluable.
6.1 tonight and an epic bacon (specifically air fried bacon) and sausage sandwich has been had.
So far tummy hasn't complained about it. *fingers crossed*
5.7 for me tonight. Had a big plate of pea shoot and mixed salad leaves with a drizzle of balsamic, a sprinkle of stilton cheese and a big dollop of coleslaw.
Then I had roast pork with gravy with savoy cabbage (still a bit or that epic cabbage left) and cauliflower cheese.... Didn't have any breakfast and just a bowl of soup for lunch and I have done a lot of walking again this evening, so was ready for some food. Not having any basal tonight and fingers crossed I can get through without dropping into the red again.
5.7 for me tonight. Had a big plate of pea shoot and mixed salad leaves with a drizzle of balsamic, a sprinkle of stilton cheese and a big dollop of coleslaw.
Then I had roast pork with gravy with savoy cabbage (still a bit or that epic cabbage left) and cauliflower cheese.... Didn't have any breakfast and just a bowl of soup for lunch and I have done a lot of walking again this evening, so was ready for some food. Not having any basal tonight and fingers crossed I can get through without dropping into the red again.

Your epic cabbage helped me to my 55 in Octordle yesterday. 🙂 I was going to put SOAPY but realised SAVOY would fit so I saved 6 extra points! x