Before Tea/Evening Meal

I think there is more of a tendency to call a swede a turnip in the north. The large orange one with purpleish skin is technically swede but I grew up calling it turnip. Real turnips are smaller and white and slightly peppery I believe, more like big broad white radishes. My Mam who was a farmer's wife, said the same thing about kale being sheep feed and wouldn't eat it, but then so is swede and she seemed happy enough for us to eat that. I hadn't seen mangles until a couple of years ago when a local farm sowed them for sheep feed in a couple of fields adjacent to a public footpath and they were huge... what a massive crop! I was very law abiding and didn't scrump any to try it though!
Definitely one to add to the shopping list. Loved both in stew and I can use that instead of potatoes in soups

On another note the winner is
@42istheanswer who was 5 off the actual value (guess 46)

Followed closely in 2nd place by @MikeyBikey 10 off the actual value (guess 51)

I've gone from 81 at the end of July to my blood test on Monday having a hba1c of 41.
Fabulous result @notmez ! Just sneaked in under the prediabetic zone! Huge "WELL DONE"!
Definitely one to add to the shopping list. Loved both in stew and I can use that instead of potatoes in soups

On another note the winner is
@42istheanswer who was 5 off the actual value (guess 46)

Followed closely in 2nd place by @MikeyBikey 10 off the actual value (guess 51)

I've gone from 81 at the end of July to my blood test on Monday having a hba1c of 41.
Massive congratulations!
7.1 - forgot to eat lunch after having had a couple of chocolates mid morning as I was busy reading youngest's new book, then trying to dismantle their wardrobe sufficiently to move it from the room that was a shared "playroom"/closet (but is now oldest's bedroom) to their new dressing/chillout room (previously oldest's bedroom). My liver obviously decided to help out, came to eat tea as I was feeling a little faint, maybe partly dehydration as well as relying on my glycogen stores!

I don't want to have to buy a new wardrobe, this one was quite pricey considering it's mostly chipboard, was feeling much better off when I bought it a couple of years ago! So hoping I can get it apart without it breaking. Current task is persuading the nails holding the back on to come out, need to go back to that after eating
An 8.1 pre-dinner this evening due to three chocolates I ate around 4.25 this afternoon I guess.
Congratulations and well done on your HbA1c @notmez, wonderful result

4.3 for me this evening
And tonight it was a 5.1 pre-dinner, a bit low for me but I did miss my afternoon snack.
5.7 for me last night. Evening meal of tinned tuna with sweetcorn, onion and mayonnaise made into wraps with lightly microwaved savoy cabbage leaves. Quick, easy, low carb and filling.
Is this huge Savoy in the Guinness Book of Records?
It should have been, if I hadn't been slowly demolishing it for a week. I'm down to the last quarter and still not sick of it yet. It has always been my favourite cabbage, although I also love Durham Early (being a Durham girl), but finding one of those in a supermarket is nigh on impossible!
And a 7.2 for me this evening.
5.8. Having my main course in 2 parts as the pumpkin isn't cooked yet but the duck and parsnips were cooling down...
5.9 for me tonight before a late Sunday dinner of roast pork sent over by my sister as I didn't make it to her house yesterday for the sit down version. Just meat with some fabulous crackling and veggies and gravy. I passed on the sage and onion stuffing she sent as I was never a fan before diagnosis but definitely not wasting insulin on such stuff. Chickens will eat it.
I love sage and onion stuffing! Especially roasted in little balls so it's crispy on the outside...
Pumpkin still not cooked enough so I have skipped to the chocolate course :rofl: