Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.7 tonight better than last night. Wondering if yesterday evenings reading of 7.3 was a result of the pain/stress and pills after tooth extraction and immediate denture to replace 4 missing rear top teeth (3 had been missing for years)?
A surprisingly good 10.2 as to reduce any hypo risk in case I had another attack of nausea I dropped my morning insulin by 40% and ate sparingly. I was planning to inject more later but still feeling rough forgot! :(
4.9 this evening after a very pleasant hour long exercise walk on the beach
It's a 4.8 for me today.
Had a two-mile workout on the exercise bike early, that's half a mile more than usual.
5.8 this evening, despite going for a walk and cleaning conservatory whilst sorting out my granddaughters' toys.
It’s a 4.1 for me and that’s after resting all day because of the heat outside.
8.4 for me, which is annoying, because mid way between lunch and evening meal, and in the middle of painting the summer house, I was 5.4 with insulin left on board, so I had a freebie bit of flapjack, which turned out to be not so freebie after all. I suppose I was doing the windows, so I wasn’t exactly putting my back into it and burning energy.
Good evening

BG 5.1
I have an actual number to post now I have a meter! 6.6
Well its a 6.4 for me tonight and tbh I don't get it, have missed tea/dinner tonight and don't want to eat is it missing food that causes the higher reading or is it stress? My youngest granddaughter isn't well and was sent to hospital by GP which meant oldest granddaughter needed picking up from nursery and looking after so have been rushing about since 2.30pm.
Thankfully she's ok & at home now.
That's excellent news. Are you doing anything specific for the cholesterol. I find it worryingly high.
She didn't actually mention anything directly about treating that today (first proper appointment). My HDL was good, triglycerides and LDL too high. Might have been because if you don't put in a postcode, my QRisk2 is only 7.1%. 10.4% with my current postcode but I wasn't born here and I'm not sure what type of data feeds into the postcode differences

ETA with QRisk3 even with postcode it's below 10%
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Just sitting down to food now and it is 4.7 for me on the Libre which is better that the 3s it has been reading off and on for the last hour or more 🙄 .
Having a very low carb meal and done lots of exercise today so no bolus insulin and not having any Levemir tonight either and think I may even need to eat a square of dark chocolate before bed to bump my levels up a bit. Not complaining, an injection free meal and a chunk of chocolate are pleasant treats.
Yesterday it was 5.0 at 4pm
7.8 tonight! Would have been lower but I was 3.5 mid-afternoon, treated it and dropped to 2.9 so treated it again twice!
5.3 for me this evening
9.2 for me this evening. Levels have crept up since late afternoon because I haven't been as active today and I reduced my Levemir this morning because I hypoed a combination of less insulin and not enough exercise. To be fair this morning's levels were still dropping but the effects of yesterday's exercise is clearly wearing off now, so no bolus free supper tonight and a 2.5 unit increase in evening basal and hopefully that will keep me somewhere near level tonight. Now just got to figure out what I am going to eat....