• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

Sorry FH - Familial hypercholesterolaemia

Has your son had his cholesterol and HbA1c checked?
I am not sure what tests he had, but they suspected gall stones which is when they discovered his fatty liver on an ultrasound, I would assume the blood tests would have covered glucose as well but either way his diet and lifestyle is excellent now, he doesn't drink, smoke and goes to the gym 6 days a week, he has an app so makes sure he only eats what he is meant to and also has lots of water, he does see his doctor with any ailments, like he was passing a lot of water and this was discovered to be an enlarged prostate.

I share your concern about FH as that is one of the things the Lipid Clinic are going to investigate. Both my parents had high cholesterol and both were very slim and healthy, my dad did end up on statins, my niece who is 30 and a size 8 and a personal trainer so eats a good diet and exercises has just been also told she has high cholesterol so this looks to be likely I think, I just have to wait until my appointment in February I guess.
6.3 tonight, its taking its time to come down from lunch today which included a low carb (keto recipe) muffin, 2hrs after lunch at 3pm was 6.6 which I didn't think was bad. Glad I'm not hungry tonight :)
After a very long exercise walk this afternoon my BG was 4.4
5.1 here
11.2 here, I went out for tea with my son, had a flat white, and a bit of his cake, then completely forgot to inject any insulin, as it wasn’t my cake! Did a correction with my mealtime, and am currently sitting on 4.6. but I expect that to go up, it was a protein rich meal, casserole of lamb, with runner beans, and cheese to follow.
6.5 before tea after being 5.2 after breakfast and same before and after lunch, have to accept now that bread in any shape does not like me, had fish in a very light breadcrumb with sea salt & black pepper and 5 hours later 6.5 :oops: 2 hours after tea dropped to 6.1
Well after a good start this morning I felt low before lunch and ended up having 7 jbs before it started climbing from 3.2. Pleased with 7.2 this evening. :)
6.2 before tea/dinner/supper tonight at 8pm, quite surprised because I was 5.2 before lunch and 5.6, 2 hours later. Got me wondering whether its because I only had a small lunch, less fluid during afternoon and late eating tonight, been too busy with my granddaughters, any thoughts?
Still haven't eaten dinner (evening meal) and probably won't now. My day often loses structure as it goes on so, whilst I always wake up every day :D and can therefore regularly participate in the 7-day waking average thread, I might be a bit more hit and miss here on this thread because I don't always have an evening meal.
Just didn't want to appear like I'm not interested in participating...
Yesterday 4.9 and that was 2 hours after a small fish and chips for lunch !!!
6.2 tonight, did have a family Sunday lunch with pudding (rhubarb and yogurt) just smaller portions.
And this evening it was a 4.9 again. All good
Twas below 8 at lunchtime but 10.1 before evening meal but waited an hour after injecting. Did have generally inactive day though. ☹️
7.3 this evening, had a tooth extraction this morning and feeling a bit battered and bruised. had 2 poached eggs for lunch don't know what i'll eat tonight probably more ibrufen!
A far better 6.2 tonight. I will not be eating much as feel a bit off. Think it was a combination of a mid-afternoon hypo cambinrd with painkiller induced constipation - both now resolved! :)
@MikeyBikey - why haven't you asked for a Libre?

I have done for about four years. First few times Dippy the DSN said I was on animal insulin (!) and then I was not on a pump (!). I then changrd clinics but it corresponded with the first lockdowns. My first face2face was a couple of months ago. The locum I saw has raised it with my main consultant who has written to say she will see me in clinic on the near future. I will be emailing her beforehand.
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