• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

BG 5.1
4.2 and falling, my fault, I was in the 4s after a 20 minute enthusiastic burst of gardening earlier, because the sun went in temporarily, so I had a full sugar drink, then started rising swiftly, so thought, oops, overdid it, and whacked in a couple of units of insulin, so then of course I dropped again! Just made it to mealtime without dipping into the red. Please may it cool down soon? (and rain, preferably)
4.3 at 5pm but gone into orbit since then. Currently 11.7 and waiting for a hefty correction to bring it down. My daytime Levemir seems to be releasing quicker during the heat of the day and then running out in the evening. I have upped my night time basal by 2 units as well as a whopping 4 unit correction with Fiasp as I needed 3 stacked corrections last night to deal with a similar rise. Off out for a walk in the cool of the evening and hope that will help too.
Good evening, reading before eating tonight 5.6
5.3 before eating, but I should know better than to eat a risotto without prebolusing, so I shot up to 11.2 afterwards. now at 9.2. so will probably be in the 7s by bedtime, which is where I like to be.
Looking back it was a 5.8 for me - though it was rising at the time!

Worked well this evening though, topped out at 8.1 :)
Tonight its a 5.1
5.4 for me but that was after coming down from a 16.4 early evening due to a very delicious afternoon cream scone and into a couple of hypos before nicely levelling out in time for my evening meal of chilli with coleslaw and salad which I have just eaten and I didn't bolus for, so heading out for some exercise (brisk walk) to set me up for bed.
Good evening everyone on this much cooler and wetter evening. 6.5 for me this evening, 2 hours after Strawberries and Greek yoghurt, which I couldn't resist and did enjoy. :)
5.1 for me and my meter has given me another smiley face, I did a little chart of todays levels (bored I guess :)

Well it's a 4.6 for me. A tad lower than usual. Might be the extra exercise I put in :)
5.6 for me, no strawberries and yogurt mid afternoon today
Forgot to do this last night, it was 6.1 which is higher than I expected but still OK. Weigh is falling off which I am happy about, I wont update my signature until the end of the month but it looks like im losing 3 pounds a week which I am really happy about. I have increased my walking to 15000 steps a day and a further reduction in carbs so allow myself 80g a day instead of 100g and have increased my vegetables, ensuring a lot of leafy greens as I am almost vegetarian now as I have become a little squeamish eating meat (both my parents and sister were vegetarians, my sister and niece are now vegans. I was the only meat eater in the family for a long time, but only ate chicken and gammon, sometimes beef but mainly I ate cheese, eggs etc (hence the high cholesterol) My son asked me what a typical lunch would have been for me pre-diabetes as we munched our low carb healthy salads together (he also had a fatty liver but by working out 6 days a week and losing 5 stone he as gone to 15% body fat and the metabolic age of a 24 year old - he is 33) Anyway, I stopped chewing on my lettuce and said "well it would have been 2 rounds of full fat cheddar cheese, tomato and salad cream sandwiches on thick crusty white bread, a packet of crisps and a coke zero". Listening to myself I realise how I came to be where I am now.

I have discovered healthy low fat, low carb vegetarian food now so not relying on cheese anymore, I need to discuss this at the lipid clinic (on an 8 month waiting list) as I want to avoid statins if possible but with a total level of over 9 it may not be possible, I have given up smoking though and with giving up cheese and high fat foods it may be that I have managed to reduce it somewhat to a more normal all be it still high level.

Sorry waffling here, hope everyone is having a good day
Forgot to do this last night, it was 6.1 which is higher than I expected but still OK. Weigh is falling off which I am happy about, I wont update my signature until the end of the month but it looks like im losing 3 pounds a week which I am really happy about. I have increased my walking to 15000 steps a day and a further reduction in carbs so allow myself 80g a day instead of 100g and have increased my vegetables, ensuring a lot of leafy greens as I am almost vegetarian now as I have become a little squeamish eating meat (both my parents and sister were vegetarians, my sister and niece are now vegans. I was the only meat eater in the family for a long time, but only ate chicken and gammon, sometimes beef but mainly I ate cheese, eggs etc (hence the high cholesterol) My son asked me what a typical lunch would have been for me pre-diabetes as we munched our low carb healthy salads together (he also had a fatty liver but by working out 6 days a week and losing 5 stone he as gone to 15% body fat and the metabolic age of a 24 year old - he is 33) Anyway, I stopped chewing on my lettuce and said "well it would have been 2 rounds of full fat cheddar cheese, tomato and salad cream sandwiches on thick crusty white bread, a packet of crisps and a coke zero". Listening to myself I realise how I came to be where I am now.

I have discovered healthy low fat, low carb vegetarian food now so not relying on cheese anymore, I need to discuss this at the lipid clinic (on an 8 month waiting list) as I want to avoid statins if possible but with a total level of over 9 it may not be possible, I have given up smoking though and with giving up cheese and high fat foods it may be that I have managed to reduce it somewhat to a more normal all be it still high level.

Sorry waffling here, hope everyone is having a good day

Sorry but at 9.0 I suspect you will need a statin as you may have FM. Otherwise keep up the good work! :)