Before Tea/Evening Meal

Bit late posting but mine was 6.6 pre-tea last night. I think just the effort of all the cooking I'd been doing for kids, but they have plenty of food they like cooked for the next couple of days now! (And I did have a scoop of the bolognese sauce for my tea to go with the reheated food I cooked for me the other day...)
An unforqte 12.7 I had a bit of a lazy afternoon as pain was playing up and lunch bit later then usual(usually do on Sundays and I do it diffent radtos for luch and dinner so there's a chance that hour makes a difference and it changed to my tea time difference I did have a few glugose tablets pre lunch as well as a 4.3 and supusted I was dropping because wasn't long 8(I tested as I was going to have a cake at church but when I went to get my insulin out realised I had forgotten so could not eat said cake) but I could have perherps just dosed for lunch without eating the glucose tablets. That's when arrows come in handy(but the libre just really didn't seem to work on me)I guess but it looks like one person in my area has managed to get dexcom one without any questions so I might inquiry about that time I see my team which won't be for a while I know the other stuff still isn't available but there's sujustion that might be.(expect my phone isn't completable)
5.9 for me this evening, following a roast dinner at lunchtime 🙂 no potato's but 2 tiny yorkshire puddings with roast beef and a 'pile' of vegetables
4.3 for me after a walk in Hamsterley Forest this afternoon. The gravel paths had all turned into streams and we got soaked but it was still enjoyable. Anyway..... so sorry to rub you dietary controlled Type 2's noses in it, but I bought a 6 pack of Lidl mince pies, so I am having experiment No.2....
Injected 6 units an hour ago and I have eaten half an apple (approx 7g carbs) and several chunks of various lovely cheeses first which i am hoping will buffer the carbs in the mince pie and slow them down a bit. Just about to start eating the pie now.... on 4.7...
5.9 here. Not eaten a lot today and a moderate activity day with no exertion just pootling about and a short visit to my mum to give her a childproof backlit kindle with MASSIVE font size so she can read even if we have powercuts.
4.4! Not sure quite what I did to deserve that, only walking was to and from various shops in town, but very happy with it.
Type 2's noses in it, but I bought a 6 pack of Lidl mince pies, so I am having experiment No.2....
Mince pies in October? what is this is ridiculous? 😉
5.2... which seems fairly standard for me these days. That's after another lazy day, apart from a few trips out to buy some records! (New and second hand!)
No, not ridiculous, just delicious!
There are very nice I admit but Christmas things is for December 😉 (or as close to as possible)
I was showing an 8.9 pre-dinner tonight, I think that's the highest recorded for that time of the day, must have been the cappuccino I had around 4.30.
Not wanting to rub further salt in the wound with Type 2 diabetics here but I followed up my successful mince pie experiment No2 with an Indian takeaway 3hrs later (Ian rang me full of cold and wanting me to go get him an Indian takeaway so we shared) and I had a monumental triumph over my diabetes, so I am sharing it....
and the overnight graph after a 1 unit correction at bedtime...

I did need a 2unit correction an hour and a half after the mince pie just before heading out to get the takeaway as my levels started to rise a bit (6.8 with an upward sloping arrow which I appreciate is a lot lower than most would do a correction but I have learned to keep those rises from getting above 8.... and another 1 unit correction when I climbed into bed on 8.7 with an horizontal arrow (1.5units would have been perfect but I played it safe) and woke on 7.6 with a little bit of DP starting to raise my levels.

I appreciate there are a couple of tiny red marks on the graph meaning I didn't achieve a unicorn, but I checked them both and they were above 4 so I am not at all concerned about them.
4.8 this evening before eating.
@rebrascora I dreamt of mince pies and fresh cream last night, no doubt I will dream of a an indian takeaway tonight 😉 :rofl:
Hope everyone's had a good day
4.8 this evening before eating.
@rebrascora I dreamt of mince pies and fresh cream last night, no doubt I will dream of a an indian takeaway tonight 😉 :rofl:
Hope everyone's had a good day
Sorry!! :(
I have to confess that the mince pie was heavenly but the takeaway was nothing to write home about. Tried to make low carb choices. I only had half of one onion bhaji (the reita was shockingly sweet) and a half a chicken chat. I ordered mixed veg bhaji as my main and was really disappointed to find that it contained quite a lot of potato (Never had potato in it before from other places, so that caught me out.... had already injected) and I had a couple of dessert spoons of Ian's veg pilau rice which also contained potato 🙄 and 2 dessert spoons of his Malayan chicken which of course was sweet. It was our first time trying that takeaway and sadly I will not be going back. 😡
Mine was a 4.8 before tea (Which was the remains of yesterday's home made chicken and cauliflower curry).

I just realised I haven't taken my 500mg of morning Metformin today, as well. Oops!
I chose to test lunch today so no pre-tea reading. But the post- lunch one was 6.3 so I'm fairly sure the pre- tea one would have been in range if I had checked it. Carrot, pumpkin, ham and lettuce soup for tea today. With a handful of cocktail sausages. Plus a can of S. Pellegrino Essenza dark morello cherry and pomegranate fizzy water - apparently it has 2 calories but not sure where from as the nutritional information says 0 Fat, 0 Carb, 0 Protein :rofl:
Sorry!! :(
I have to confess that the mince pie was heavenly but the takeaway was nothing to write home about. Tried to make low carb choices. I only had half of one onion bhaji (the reita was shockingly sweet) and a half a chicken chat. I ordered mixed veg bhaji as my main and was really disappointed to find that it contained quite a lot of potato (Never had potato in it before from other places, so that caught me out.... had already injected) and I had a couple of dessert spoons of Ian's veg pilau rice which also contained potato 🙄 and 2 dessert spoons of his Malayan chicken which of course was sweet. It was our first time trying that takeaway and sadly I will not be going back. 😡
Oh no Sorry the takeaway wasn't great, no I've never had a veg bhaji with potato in can't comment on the pilau as I didn't usually have rice when I had a takeaway. Very glad you enjoyed the mince pie though 🙂
Pre diagnosis I would have had a peshwari naan because I was a sugar and carb monster,but that would be a worse choice than veg pilau which I got for Ian but there was masses left over and I just like something to mop up the juices (OK... mostly spice flavoured ghee.... but shame to waste good fats) so I have a couple of dessert spoons of rice to clean up my plate and obviously inject insulin for it. I just felt robbed when I opened up the veg bhaji and found chunks of potato and then again in the rice. :(

I should also clarify that I have a takeaway once in a blue moon..... but.... it seems there have been 2 blue moons this month o_O what with a shared fish and chips last week and then shared Indian last night! I think I need to rein it in a bit.
It was 7.4 before my tea