Before Tea/Evening Meal

7.2 which I'm happy with considering it's been raing like mad here so haven't done alot again. And it's really cold even in the house.
Forgot to take my BG tonight before eating, have been busy all afternoon transforming my conservatory into a 'witches' lair :D granddaughters are coming tomorrow and want a Halloween Party, well to be honest, oldest one does, quite sure baby doesn't understand and I know Halloween isn't until 31st but they won't be here that night.
Hope everyone's had a good day
I was spot on 5.0 tonight. I was a bit naughty and ate a small portion of chips, so I think I may wait until tomorrow before taking another reading. 🙂
I'm happy with my 5.1 pre-dinner tonight seeing how I've been watching the TV for the best part of the day with only one short excursion to the shops.
6.2 today and just tested with 6.8 two hours after my meal.
I've been making keto bread today - I dropped my loaf on the floor last night after only managing to get four slices off it!! So I made another one today and it is safely sliced and in the freezer now.
I had cheese on toast for my tea with three huge radishes.
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Today's loaf.
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Yesterday's doomed loaf.
I was spot on 5.0 tonight. I was a bit naughty and ate a small portion of chips, so I think I may wait until tomorrow before taking another reading. 🙂

2 hours later… 4.7?!!
2 hours later… 4.7?!!
I have found sometimes that happens and sometimes it is real (if it is a small portion) and sometimes the blood sugars rise in an hour or two later than the standard two hour testing window because the high fat slows down the moment when the peak kicks off. Sometimes if you have been avoiding carbs for ages a teeny naughty introduction of carbs can stimulate the system to leap into action but it is only okay now and then.
@harbottle It took my few chips 3 hours to reach my blood stream last night, so it could be yours kick in later when you are not looking. 😉

According to Libre, I was 3.4 before my evening meal, which I have just eaten, but didn't feel hypo and a finger prick showed 4.9 so Libre is exaggerating again. 🙄 Anyway, I had a huge plate of ham salad with half a grated apple, smoked cheese and mixed seeds and dressed with balsamic vinegar and a big dollop of cheese coleslaw washed down with a glass of spiced rum and diet cola. Enjoyed it far more than my fish and chips last night and far better for me.... well except for the rum. :D I would estimate about 15-20g carbs total but haven't bolused for it as I have worked hard tonight up at the stables and my levels are low to start with. I have reduced my basal by 1 unit tonight as well so we shall see what my Libre graph shows in the morning.... Good decision or poor?? It is in the lap of the Gods!
4.5 before and 8.5 two hours later... however I had in the meantime (about half an hour later than my main meal) had a tiny piece of cake as a treat so I suspect that was more the culprit
4.5 before and 8.5 two hours later... however I had in the meantime (about half an hour later than my main meal) had a tiny piece of cake as a treat so I suspect that was more the culprit
What sort of cake and was it worth it??
It took my few chips 3 hours to reach my blood stream last night, so it could be yours kick in later when you are not looking. 😉

I was still getting 4.7 hours later, and the same value the following morning.

I tend to find that potato/chips don't raise my BG much.

When on holiday in Italy I had some cannelloni (My daughter ordered it and didn't like it, and it was so nice I had to eat it all myself.) and that didn't cause a blip until 2 hours later, which I put down to the fact it was a mix of protein/fat and carbs in the pasta. (It came back down quite rapidly afterwards)
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A 5.1 for me. After a day spent doing not much, and eating a slice of pizza and a bit of cake. Saw a rare excursion into the 7s, but it came down quite suddenly into the 5s.

Not even done my daily walk today! Just about to work on a short story, do some programming and listen to Italian progressive rock.
And an 8.0 for me pre-dinner tonight, could have been the cheese and biscuits I had around three this afternoon.
6.0 for me as I tuck into a bowl of savoy cabbage sweated in butter with some thinly sliced and chopped salami and a teaspoon of chiili jam..... just because it needed using up and I wanted to give the cabbage some zing. It is not a concoction I have had before but it is working as a quick low carb warming supper. just a bit of sugar 4-5g carbs in the chilli jam.

@gll I pitted my Fiasp against a sweet mince pie earlier and it won although Libre suggests I had a little dip into the red (it exaggerates 🙄) in order to give it enough of a head start to beat the mince pie to the top of my range .... I topped out low 8s though, so mission accomplished.... more or less!
5.7 tonight
Had to have a cupcake today that my granddaughter had brought me, size of a fairy cake, wouldn't upset her by saying no. Went for a long walk (8,000+ steps) plus pushing a pushchair, or carrying one of them, played in park etc. Tested when we got back at 4.30pm almost 3 hrs from cupcake was pleased with 4.8 but an hour later 5.7, an hour later 6.2 where it has stayed. Could effect of a small cupcake be impacting all these hours later?
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I pitted my Fiasp against a sweet mince pie earlier and it won although Libre suggests I had a little dip into the red (it exaggerates 🙄) in order to give it enough of a head start to beat the mince pie to the top of my range .... I topped out low 8s though, so mission accomplished.... more or less!
now I want a mince pie for errr science :rofl:

8.5 at +4 hours. maybe some tweaks needed. Can only assume I hit the double figures - will check again in an hour.
Had a bigger portion of rice tonight as I was just plain hungry. The chilli was lovely so not too many regrets 🙂