Before Tea/Evening Meal

It was 5.9 for me I aied on condition and rounded down something I would usually round up. Whichs worked as I was just 5.6(I just had a custard tart that im wasn't sure of carbs but took a bit of a guess based on things shop brought ones). Things seemed to have settled now. In a day time (well in one way at least as in actually nopw thinking about weather something needs reducing somewhere.
6.2 this evening, but still battling the bug and probably had too many carbs at lunch, full roast beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner 🙂
A high for me at 10.9 pre-dinner tonight must have been the cheese toastie I had about three this afternoon.
A high for me at 10.9 pre-dinner tonight must have been the cheese toastie I had about three this afternoon.
You do seem to be having some very high premeal readings. That is much higher than people are aiming to achieve 2 hours post meal.
Have you been doing some pre and post meal testing to see what foods are increasing your blood glucose by more than 2-3mmol/l
I can't see anywhere if you are on any oral meds.
Ideally you want to be aiming at 4-7mmol/l pre meal and no more than 8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
An evening HS here 5.2
4.5 for me even though I had a stack in the afternoon so time to look at reducing something. I'll try reducing my lunch radtio(it may be a background thing but I was getting massive jumps before which waybi put it up. It seems like having different background needs for different times of day is saying "hey choice when you want high blood sugars" 🙂
And it's a 4.2 for me this fine evening.....
5.8 which I amazed at after having a migraine and needing coke to take aspirin with (my proven mostly works every time method of fixing - I did a small bolus for it)
Off to see whats for dinner :D
5.7 this evening, following mid afternoon snack of strawberries and Greek yogurt.
5.8 which I amazed at after having a migraine and needing coke to take aspirin with (my proven mostly works every time method of fixing - I did a small bolus for it)
Off to see whats for dinner :D

I would think the caffeine in the Coke boosts the Aspirin's action as it is often an ingredient in the aspirin/paracetamol combination tablets..
It's crept up to 9.1 but I have a muggy headache. Found out the supplier of the takeaway on has a one star out of five hygiene rating. I usually insist on a four or better but think it was the greasy food rather than a lack of hygiene!
5.6 for me. My team leader (newly back from sick leave last week) commented today looking at all the cakes and sweets in the office that she's very impressed I'm not giving into temptation! I think the question is more whether I can keep it up for 6 months, a year, etc.... but they reckon 6 weeks to make a habit and it's been more than that now that I've made a habit of  not eating the available treats there
And it’s a 6.5 for me this fine day.

Recorded a 19.2c this afternoon in the garden.
4.8 for me!

For lunch I bought some Hummus to have with my low-carb chicken roll & various veg, and, um, ended up eating the whole 200g of hummus as it was so nice. Quite a bit of carbs in that, so I was happy to see a 5.6 two hours later.
I thought that but I think they mean the temperature in the garden.
Yep, it was the temperature, had the shorts on and a t-shirt, felt like summer was back.