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Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.8 🙂
Pleased with a 6.3 tonight as despite starting the day with a HS I spiked into the amber zone both after breakfast and lunch. The antibiotics both seem to raise BG and are already playing hacoc with my stomach. Also have a muggy head but I am on double the maximum dose on the NHS website.
Been running well above 9 all day after knocking the basal back to 15 last night. After my sensor saga at lunch time I had dropped to 7 by tea time and I decided to put my basal back up to 18 as I seem to need it at the mo.
A couple of old friends came round mine and we ordered a curry. I had a chicken shaslik (tandoori chicken with peppers and onions) and some spinach and mushroom bhaji. It was delicious and after two hours my BG has stayed at 6.9.
I'm not working tomorrow so hopefully will have a more restful night and no huge peak tomorrow morning.