• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

7.4 now, although went up to almost 18 at work today. I don't think there's anything I can do about it until the situation is all over and the place is closed down. It's made worse by the fact that the boss (who is responsible for the impending closure) lives in a caravan on the premises, and just knowing he's there makes us angry. He's not allowed in the care home, so we don't have to see him or speak to him, but his being close by is enough to send my BG and BP soaring!
I also took it on myself to find a new home for the care home fish as otherwise he'd have let them starve, or flushed them down the loo or something after we've all left! They went today so at least they are safe.
5.6 tonight

I did have a high of 10.6 (+2hrs) today due to my need for a crunch and having more of a safe snack than I should have done so gave myself a slap on the wrist 🙂

@Lisa65 Really hope you’re ok :care: Well done on the Fish rescue!
5.6 tonight

I did have a high of 10.6 (+2hrs) today due to my need for a crunch and having more of a safe snack than I should have done so gave myself a slap on the wrist 🙂

@Lisa65 Really hope you’re ok :care: Well done on the Fish rescue!
I will be Quill, thanks for caring xx
7.4 now, although went up to almost 18 at work today. I don't think there's anything I can do about it until the situation is all over and the place is closed down. It's made worse by the fact that the boss (who is responsible for the impending closure) lives in a caravan on the premises, and just knowing he's there makes us angry. He's not allowed in the care home, so we don't have to see him or speak to him, but his being close by is enough to send my BG and BP soaring!
I also took it on myself to find a new home for the care home fish as otherwise he'd have let them starve, or flushed them down the loo or something after we've all left! They went today so at least they are safe.
Good for you Lisa, he doesn't sound very nice x
7.4 now, although went up to almost 18 at work today. I don't think there's anything I can do about it until the situation is all over and the place is closed down. It's made worse by the fact that the boss (who is responsible for the impending closure) lives in a caravan on the premises, and just knowing he's there makes us angry. He's not allowed in the care home, so we don't have to see him or speak to him, but his being close by is enough to send my BG and BP soaring!
I also took it on myself to find a new home for the care home fish as otherwise he'd have let them starve, or flushed them down the loo or something after we've all left! They went today so at least they are safe.
I do feel for you as my last 3 years at work was very miserable, a new manager was just horrible and bullied people by his comments and changing things which we knew worked because it had done for a long time, he took away responsibilities that had been earned by hard work and I would go home and just burst into tears. He made the working environment stressful and made disrespectful comments about other people behind their backs. People said I had grounds for a formal grievance. I just decided I had had enough and decided to retire, I had worked until I was 67 but it had been a job I absolutely loved.
Is leaving an option for you.
I do feel for you as my last 3 years at work was very miserable, a new manager was just horrible and bullied people by his comments and changing things which we knew worked because it had done for a long time, he took away responsibilities that had been earned by hard work and I would go home and just burst into tears. He made the working environment stressful and made disrespectful comments about other people behind their backs. People said I had grounds for a formal grievance. I just decided I had had enough and decided to retire, I had worked until I was 67 but it had been a job I absolutely loved.
Is leaving an option for you.
We're all being made redundant as soon as the residents have places to go. So I'm hanging on to the bitter end!
twas 5.6 tonight

@Lisa65 really hope when the place you’ve been working at closes down you soon find another job :care: well done on re-homing the fish :star:
And it was an 8.0 for me tonight when we had shop-bought pizza for dinner as a treat.
A bit of a late posting. Annoyed that BG crept from 7.0 to 9.3 in 90 minutes before supper. Could not decide if I need more basal, it was a headache that has now eased or the start of Phantom Pain as foot was tingling. Phantom Pain got worse and now struggling to sleep wafting for pain killers to take effect! :(
And a happy 7.2 for me this evening...
4.9 for me.
7.0 (down from 8.2 a little earlier)
Thought it would be lower to be honest but I’m having a horrendous Fibro flare and pushed through to blitz and rearrange the kitchen like a bloody clown.
First flare since Christmas Day so its floored me a bit.

Cgm said 5.9, FP said 4.9. Take your pick!

Today was a better day at work, some of my friends were working too, and we're all in the same situation, so it helps to support each other.
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