Before Tea/Evening Meal

And it was an 8.0 for me pre-dinner tonight.

Had to see my dietician today after having my first blood test last week since being diagnosed with diabetes last May, I was very pleased that my A1c had come down from 89 to 4.3 in such a short space of time, although I was told that I needed to eat more carbs.....Funny old world init...
Well done that is a wonderful result 🙂
Well, my system is clearly unhappy tonight. I was 10.1 an hour and a half ago and had been for a couple of hours according to the graph despite masses of stacked corrections this afternoon. I injected 2.5 more units Fiasp (supposed to be fast acting insulin 🙄) at 8pm but levels rose a bit instead of dropping, so I injected another 2.5 units at 8.30pm and I am still on 9.9 with an horizontal arrow now, so don't think I will be eating tonight or maybe just a chunk of cheese later before bed if it ever comes down. I hate days like this when insulin is just like water and levels refuse to come down. I have stuck in an extra 2 units of Levemir tonight and hoping that will tame the beast.

@Leadinglights So pleased they discovered the problem and he is receiving prompt and appropriate treatment. Sounds really nasty. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

@MikeyBikey So sorry you are having such a tough time. I can't begin to imagine how challenging it must be and sleep regularly interrupted by pain will make everything so much more difficult.
It seems really trivial but sending virtual (((HUGS))) your way as it is all I can offer.
Maybe see if you can find a good comedy program to watch as laughter, particularly a good belly laugh is the best medicine when everything seems so impossible! Hope you get some better sleep tonight. More (((HUGS)))
Well, Libre still sitting at 8.7 3 hours after that 5 units of Fiasp, so I did a finger prick and depressed myself even further.... 10.0mmols... so no evening meal for me tonight. :( That will teach me to eat baked beans for lunch. I have injected 19.5 units of Fiasp in total for lunch and afterwards in corrections....Granted, it was a whole tin of baked beans with 3 Sesame Ryvita and some corned beef (I was having a very rare day where I was ravenous and craving). Will be a long time before I have beans again, especially as I don't buy them and the tin had been in the back of the cupboard for rather too many years. I wouldn't mind if I had enjoyed them but I didn't. :( Not a happy bunny tonight. Hate levels being high. Makes me feel yuk physically and mentally. Grrh!
Well, my system is clearly unhappy tonight. I was 10.1 an hour and a half ago and had been for a couple of hours according to the graph despite masses of stacked corrections this afternoon. I injected 2.5 more units Fiasp (supposed to be fast acting insulin 🙄) at 8pm but levels rose a bit instead of dropping, so I injected another 2.5 units at 8.30pm and I am still on 9.9 with an horizontal arrow now, so don't think I will be eating tonight or maybe just a chunk of cheese later before bed if it ever comes down. I hate days like this when insulin is just like water and levels refuse to come down. I have stuck in an extra 2 units of Levemir tonight and hoping that will tame the beast.

@Leadinglights So pleased they discovered the problem and he is receiving prompt and appropriate treatment. Sounds really nasty. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

@MikeyBikey So sorry you are having such a tough time. I can't begin to imagine how challenging it must be and sleep regularly interrupted by pain will make everything so much more difficult.
It seems really trivial but sending virtual (((HUGS))) your way as it is all I can offer.
Maybe see if you can find a good comedy program to watch as laughter, particularly a good belly laugh is the best medicine when everything seems so impossible! Hope you get some better sleep tonight. More (((HUGS)))

Had a decent night's sleep but woke to early as dozed part of the afternoon. Thanks for caring! (star emoji)
And it was an 8.0 for me pre-dinner tonight.

Had to see my dietician today after having my first blood test last week since being diagnosed with diabetes last May, I was very pleased that my A1c had come down from 89 to 4.3 in such a short space of time, although I was told that I needed to eat more carbs.....Funny old world init...
Correction to the above post…

It should have read ‘From 89 to 43’ (not 4.3)
Tyre replaced. Vehicle health check while it was in has added replacing another tyre and replacing the drive shaft oil seal to the routine service in 2 weeks. Fortunately my bank account is in better shape than when it last needed work done, and this is cheaper work too!
And it was a 8.5 for me tonight.
Good evening all 5.1 for me, have spent day restocking fridge and food cupboard, washing and drying a mountain of clothes, tidying toys and cleaning up, how can two little people cause such chaos? :rofl::rofl:
Not tested yet, will do it at bedtime. I have just been to my local corner shop as we have run out of milk. The lady that works there is very friendly, the sort of shop that stays open on Christmas Day and knows all the neighbours. Anyway I dont know whether to be offended or feel complimented by her comment. I bought a packet of magic stars and she said "oh fancy something sweet?" I said "no they are for my daughter" to which she nodded her head and said "Diabetes!" I said "well yes but how do you know", and she gestured to me with her arms open wide and said "I used to be massive and lost weight when I had diabetes too"....she was implying I had lost weight but also that she thought I was massive previously if her open arms stretched outwards meant how big I was before! I dont think she meant anything except to share experiences, she then lent over towards me as I handed over payment and said "And you will lose more, trust me, much more"

Oh well, now I feel like eating the magic stars in defiance!
Update on OH, I have just returned from visiting and it sounds as if he dodged a bullet as they discovered a perforation in the ascending colon. That allowed an infection in the abdomen, so he has had an antibiotic shot. The blood pressure and heart rate have settled. He is on Nil by Mouth for 24 hours so on a fluids drip.
They are not sure yet if surgery will be needed but he expects to be in hospital for several days. He is absolutely bored to tears but that is a good sign that he is actually feeling a lot better.
They do not think it is life threatening but could well have been if we hadn't gone to A & E when we did.
Update on OH, they are playing a waiting game at the moment, but thinking he may need surgery which would mean a stoma, not sure if that would be temporary or not. Various doctors have said different thing about the level of activity he will be able to do, not being able to do the allotment or doing stuff in the workshop to yes OK but not heavy digging or lifting. He is still on NbM, antibiotics, and IV fluids. He was very despondent this morning when they told him but seemed a bit more positive this evening.
6.3. Having pretty much the same for tea as I had for lunch yesterday, except the bread is toasted and the soup is heated up!

(Our kitchen appliances circuit was still off this morning from yesterday lunchtime... seems a bit ridiculous to me that there's no one in the office building who can check the fuse box and had to wait 24 hours for a maintenance person to come.... apparently they were "due soon" when I left the office at 9.55 today...)
Scared to test as made a mistake and drank strawberry flavoured water with no artificial sugars instead of sugar free. drank about 300ml which is 7 carbs and I know a fruit drink is what people have to raise sugar levels which isnt what I wanted, I just wanted a tasty water with no sugar grr. Anyway I am 8.8 so possibly I would have been about 6.8 before having the drink, I drank it literally 10 mins ago and have just tested, is this the highest its likely to go or should I check in a couple of hours too?
4.5 for me tonight and levels behaving much more appropriately today which is such a huge relief. 2 units in and a pot of feta stuffed peppadew peppers for my evening meal. Tasty and one of my favourite snack/treats but not very substantial. Can't be bothered to cook though, so it will do.

@Jenny65. Put it out of your mind. 7g carbs isn't going to make a huge difference in the scheme of things and you don't need to know how high your levels go as a result of it because you are unlikely to be making it a regular part of your menu. We have all bought things we thought would be suitable and then found out they weren't. It is just part of the process of finding the right products that work for us. I am guessing one of your family will finish it off for you and hopefully you will find something else which will be more suitable. I really like the mexican Lime and elderflower sparkling crush that Lidl do. They also have a Morello Cherry one which I get occasionally and a Tropical Fruit which I don't care for. I usually put about 100mls in a tall glass and fill it up with water. They are designed to be drunk as they are but I find them too sweet so about a 1/3 of that to 2/3 water works well for me and of course they last longer.
It was 9.9. I've dropped to 4.2 t mid afternoon but had just come in from a short walk. Treated it as I would a hypo(because there isn't much difference) and was only 4.9 afterwards so had a small chocolate bar. I had Futher increaseed my Livermoir slightly this morning because things were sujesting I needed to to for late afternoon/early evening. I'm not going to say that was wrong thing to do just yet and I see how tomorrow goes then expertimwnt with Ceritin things the awser might be to keep the increase but knock my lunch time insulin back down again to compermise)
4.5 for me tonight and levels behaving much more appropriately today which is such a huge relief. 2 units in and a pot of feta stuffed peppadew peppers for my evening meal. Tasty and one of my favourite snack/treats but not very substantial. Can't be bothered to cook though, so it will do.

@Jenny65. Put it out of your mind. 7g carbs isn't going to make a huge difference in the scheme of things and you don't need to know how high your levels go as a result of it because you are unlikely to be making it a regular part of your menu. We have all bought things we thought would be suitable and then found out they weren't. It is just part of the process of finding the right products that work for us. I am guessing one of your family will finish it off for you and hopefully you will find something else which will be more suitable. I really like the mexican Lime and elderflower sparkling crush that Lidl do. They also have a Morello Cherry one which I get occasionally and a Tropical Fruit which I don't care for. I usually put about 100mls in a tall glass and fill it up with water. They are designed to be drunk as they are but I find them too sweet so about a 1/3 of that to 2/3 water works well for me and of course they last longer.
Thanks for making me feel better, I just thought it tasted too nice to be OK, and when I used my nutra check on the barcode, 25 calories per 250ml appeared and then i noticed the carbs :( but you are right I will make the odd mistake like this, x I will try those drinks you mention, the Elderflower one sounds lovely
Thanks for making me feel better, I just thought it tasted too nice to be OK, and when I used my nutra check on the barcode, 25 calories per 250ml appeared and then i noticed the carbs :( but you are right I will make the odd mistake like this, x I will try those drinks you mention, the Elderflower one sounds lovely
I like the apple and elderflower sparkling water from Aldi or apple and mango from ASDA. They have still versions as well. But lots of different flavours in both.
I found the Lidl still flavoured waters were absolutely awful. They were out of the sparkling ones that I usually get and I assumed they would be similar.... YUK! Useful to know I can go to Aldi and get a nice Apple and Elderflower if Lidl are out of stock with their sparkling range
Scared to test as made a mistake and drank strawberry flavoured water with no artificial sugars instead of sugar free. drank about 300ml which is 7 carbs and I know a fruit drink is what people have to raise sugar levels which isnt what I wanted, I just wanted a tasty water with no sugar grr. Anyway I am 8.8 so possibly I would have been about 6.8 before having the drink, I drank it literally 10 mins ago and have just tested, is this the highest its likely to go or should I check in a couple of hours too?
As @rebrascora says put it out of your mind it won't make a difference for this once. I had my granddaughters to stay this weekend and the youngest (15 months old) started feeding me some of her white chocolate buttons maybe 3 or 4, thought I shouldn't be eating these but it was such a lovely moment (she kept leaning over to kiss me as I ate them) I wasn't going to spoil it for the sake of a few extra carbs! Though as much as I enjoyed the moment I didn't enjoy the chocolate it was way too sweet.
As @rebrascora says put it out of your mind it won't make a difference for this once. I had my granddaughters to stay this weekend and the youngest (15 months old) started feeding me some of her white chocolate buttons maybe 3 or 4, thought I shouldn't be eating these but it was such a lovely moment (she kept leaning over to kiss me as I ate them) I wasn't going to spoil it for the sake of a few extra carbs! Though as much as I enjoyed the moment I didn't enjoy the chocolate it was way too sweet.
awe thats adorable, I would have done the same x