Before Tea/Evening Meal

Understandable. I would freak out if I was sitting in the drivers seat of my car and the engine suddenly started revving it's pants off. It certainly doesn't sound like it would be linked to the vaccine after 2 weeks, which is a shame in some respects as it might have been a relatively simple and slightly reassuring explanation. Hope they get him stabilized soon and he can come home. Spending hours in A&E is just torment.... unless you are into people watching and then it can be a real eye opener! Hope he took a good book with him although it sounds like he is probably not well enough to be bothered. Have you had any update yet?
Thanks for your concern, nothing from him yet. He took his tablet with a book downloaded if he can concentrate on reading that.
Thanks for your concern, nothing from him yet. He took his tablet with a book downloaded if he can concentrate on reading that.
Hope you hear something soon and that all is ok, I have an aunt who suffers the same and has spent a few times sat in a&e, thinking of you both and hope he's home soon
And it was an 8.0 for me pre-dinner tonight surprisingly, I had missed out on lunch as I was busy and forgot about it, OH wasn't too happy about that when she arrived home..:(
My walk in centre only has nurses and have told me before the only tests they can run are urine tests as they have no doctors. As it's none sd an urgent treatment centre.
I'm lucky that my nearest walk in is also the local out of hours GP site, and on the main hospital site - directly attached - so if they think it needs A&E they can send us straight through. And if the nurse thinks a doctor needs to look they can book us on the list and OOH is the same waiting room as WIC.
7.1 for me. A very late tea though, I think my liver was maybe panicking as I had only had lunch today and that was more than 10.5 hours before I got round to tea.

Plus there was a little stress in the afternoon.... drove to pick youngest up from sleepover, took eldest with me too, and went a bit too tight around a corner (I'm usually in the middle lane for it and starting from stopped at the traffic lights but they were green) and over a full kerb and busted a tyre. So we then had a bit of a wait for AA to swap it for my spare, fortunately they didn't take too long to arrive and we even still managed to squeeze in a quick food (and jumper) shop before the 4pm supermarket close...

I guess at least my AA membership this year has paid for itself? Renewal is in a week so it was running out of time to give full value...
4.9 for me and a bit of a late midnight feast rather than evening meal although a rather frugal feast I should add but tasty none the less!.... Tin of tuna with mayonnaise and spring onion spread onto thick slices of homegrown beef tomato. Think I am going to need some nuts and half a square of dark choc to lift my levels up a bit more before bed.
Not quite 2 hours after tea, but the washing is finished and hung up and I'm too tired to stay up another 15 minutes so checked post meal BG early and it's dropped to 6! Only 29g carbs in the meal, looks like my body's insulin response has dealt successfully with that and the glucose my liver was chucking out to keep me going. Time to sleep now as alarm goes off about 7am
Understandable. I would freak out if I was sitting in the drivers seat of my car and the engine suddenly started revving it's pants off. It certainly doesn't sound like it would be linked to the vaccine after 2 weeks, which is a shame in some respects as it might have been a relatively simple and slightly reassuring explanation. Hope they get him stabilized soon and he can come home. Spending hours in A&E is just torment.... unless you are into people watching and then it can be a real eye opener! Hope he took a good book with him although it sounds like he is probably not well enough to be bothered. Have you had any update yet?
They kept him in overnight as the consultant wants some abdominal x-rays and scans. They think it may be an intestinal infection. He had a reasonable night and got some sleep but thinks he may be in a couple of days. I await more news.
It was definitely a good move to go there in the end.
Thanks everyone.
7.1 for me. A very late tea though, I think my liver was maybe panicking as I had only had lunch today and that was more than 10.5 hours before I got round to tea.

Plus there was a little stress in the afternoon.... drove to pick youngest up from sleepover, took eldest with me too, and went a bit too tight around a corner (I'm usually in the middle lane for it and starting from stopped at the traffic lights but they were green) and over a full kerb and busted a tyre. So we then had a bit of a wait for AA to swap it for my spare, fortunately they didn't take too long to arrive and we even still managed to squeeze in a quick food (and jumper) shop before the 4pm supermarket close...

I guess at least my AA membership this year has paid for itself? Renewal is in a week so it was running out of time to give full value...

Don't delay in getting a replacement tyre particularly if you have a Triple S (stupid spaces saver). I am in the RAC and got a good deal for an "at home" replacement through them.
Don't delay in getting a replacement tyre particularly if you have a Triple S (stupid spaces saver). I am in the RAC and got a good deal for an "at home" replacement through them.
It's a full size spare but going to call the garage now
7.2 today. I actually expected higher as I have been in a foul mood after last night's issues. Been raving against diabetes, amputation, wheelchair, awkwardness of doing everyday things from going to the loo thru cooking to going to my bank, etc. Grr - I want to smash a punch bag!
It was 6.6 but but did a 2 unit correction but did for a 16.3 not that long before as well as my background needs increasing a tad more it seems I needed I witnessed something I had call the police about ealiier on which wouldn't have helped.
5.1 this evening before supper
4.8 this evening. Though I've not quite worked out what to cook...
They kept him in overnight as the consultant wants some abdominal x-rays and scans. They think it may be an intestinal infection. He had a reasonable night and got some sleep but thinks he may be in a couple of days. I await more news.
It was definitely a good move to go there in the end.
Thanks everyone.
Update on OH, I have just returned from visiting and it sounds as if he dodged a bullet as they discovered a perforation in the ascending colon. That allowed an infection in the abdomen, so he has had an antibiotic shot. The blood pressure and heart rate have settled. He is on Nil by Mouth for 24 hours so on a fluids drip.
They are not sure yet if surgery will be needed but he expects to be in hospital for several days. He is absolutely bored to tears but that is a good sign that he is actually feeling a lot better.
They do not think it is life threatening but could well have been if we hadn't gone to A & E when we did.
4.3 for me at 6.30pm tonight; Busy weekend and a busy but lovely day, granddaughter's school had a training day so after dropping youngest at nursery we drove up the coast and enjoyed a morning 'messing' about in a leisure centre pool, then for lunch and a walk, by time I took her home I was feeling a tad worn out :rofl:
And it was an 8.0 for me pre-dinner tonight.

Had to see my dietician today after having my first blood test last week since being diagnosed with diabetes last May, I was very pleased that my A1c had come down from 89 to 4.3 in such a short space of time, although I was told that I needed to eat more carbs.....Funny old world init...