Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.2 for me :D

I also did a little experiment at a monthly meet up with friends, it was near enough to get the bus this month (and I had dropped youngest off for a sleepover with a friend) so I decided to try having a glass of red wine and a cake (baked by one of the friends) and see if wine helped prevent a big BG rise from the cake... I would have had something else like protein or soup too, but the pub that had been arranged to meet didn't do food! So I just had the glass of wine and a chocolate muffin, which was basically a lunch (I had eaten brunch about 10.45am this was about 3.15pm). Pre-"meal" BG 5.2, estimated carbs (didn't have the recipe to work out exactly!) 53 (including carbs in the wine), 2 hours post-"meal" BG 5.5!o_O
I also realised that I ended up doing "dry September" as my last alcoholic drink before today was in August when I was diagnosed! I hadn't particularly planned on leaving it quite that long but still not finished decorating youngest's new "dressing room"/chillout room so not sorted & moved all the stuff out of the living room to invite the friend I normally meet up with regularly for dinner over...
4.5 for me tonight, so no sign of my Covid booster from this morning, raising my levels so far. My arm is decidedly tender now, but only when I touch it and if that is the worst I suffer, it is a small price to pay.
Hope everyone sleeps well.
5.6 this evening before eating
6.9 tonight before bedtime, I had a weird day, got up late, had breakfast at midday! went to have my flu jab, ordered omelette and salad in town (went shopping after my covid and flu jab, asked for no chips and extra salad, omelette arrived on top of a mass of chips, with 1 lettuce leaf, half a tomato and a slice of cucumber, ate the omelette and mega salad and left the chips!. That was at about 5pm....forgot to eat anything else until 9pm and had some cashew nuts and a black coffee, terrible back pain and my arm hurts...not sure if my reading is inflammation or the covid and flu jab or if it's not that bad, but I thought bearing in mind how little I have eaten it would be lower. Can't sleep now due to the coffee (only had it black as no milk) tomorrow is another day. Has anyone else had upper right back pain, sort of in my shoulder. It's similar to when my bra hurts around my ribs and behind, I got these twinges there when I smoked but it appears to have come back much worse tonight.
6.9 tonight before bedtime, I had a weird day, got up late, had breakfast at midday! went to have my flu jab, ordered omelette and salad in town (went shopping after my covid and flu jab, asked for no chips and extra salad, omelette arrived on top of a mass of chips, with 1 lettuce leaf, half a tomato and a slice of cucumber, ate the omelette and mega salad and left the chips!. That was at about 5pm....forgot to eat anything else until 9pm and had some cashew nuts and a black coffee, terrible back pain and my arm hurts...not sure if my reading is inflammation or the covid and flu jab or if it's not that bad, but I thought bearing in mind how little I have eaten it would be lower. Can't sleep now due to the coffee (only had it black as no milk) tomorrow is another day. Has anyone else had upper right back pain, sort of in my shoulder. It's similar to when my bra hurts around my ribs and behind, I got these twinges there when I smoked but it appears to have come back much worse tonight.
I used to get something a lot like that and back then it was diagnosed as gall bladder problems for me. That was after they checked it wasn't my heart first. I would get it checked out if I were you.
I used to get something a lot like that and back then it was diagnosed as gall bladder problems for me. That was after they checked it wasn't my heart first. I would get it checked out if I were you.
Yes it is similar to gall stone pain i had my gall bladder out 25 years ago though so its not that xx
Yes it is similar to gall stone pain i had my gall bladder out 25 years ago though so its not that xx
There's a chance it could be heart, women often don't get the classic symptoms, so I would get checked just to be sure it isn't if I were you
Getting things checked out is not so easy. My OH is unwell, a bit of a flame up of a gastric issue which started on Thursday, and he has felt dreadful, a period of hot and shivery but now he has a very high heart rate and some atrial fibrillation symptoms (for which he takes medication). We have used the 111 web service and are waiting a call back within 2 hours.
We have a walk-in centre which is no longer walk-in you have to go through 111 to get an appointment.
Otherwise, it is A&E, and we know what the wait will be like there.
Getting things checked out is not so easy. My OH is unwell, a bit of a flame up of a gastric issue which started on Thursday, and he has felt dreadful, a period of hot and shivery but now he has a very high heart rate and some atrial fibrillation symptoms (for which he takes medication). We have used the 111 web service and are waiting a call back within 2 hours.
We have a walk-in centre which is no longer walk-in you have to go through 111 to get an appointment.
Otherwise, it is A&E, and we know what the wait will be like there.
Sorry to hear that. He hasn't had the Covid jab recently has he because I am certainly having some of those symptoms this afternoon after the jab yesterday. Felt fine this morning, but this afternoon I don't feel good at all and the heart racing and palpitations are a bit disconcerting. Thought I was having a hypo several times this afternoon with heart racing and feeling sick and wobbly legs but BG fine each time I checked, so I am guessing mine is a response to the vaccine yesterday morning.
10.6 I was in range at lunch time I had gotten things settle so I'm going blame mixture of flu vaccine/intense pain flare up. Got COVID vachie Tuesday as well so might be in for a bit of ride blood sugar wise this week. I've came up with another idea of what might be wrong but bit fed up with it being me the one coming up with ideas instead of my doctor's.
There's a chance it could be heart, women often don't get the classic symptoms, so I would get checked just to be sure it isn't if I were you
Ok will mention this at my next check x
Getting things checked out is not so easy. My OH is unwell, a bit of a flame up of a gastric issue which started on Thursday, and he has felt dreadful, a period of hot and shivery but now he has a very high heart rate and some atrial fibrillation symptoms (for which he takes medication). We have used the 111 web service and are waiting a call back within 2 hours.
We have a walk-in centre which is no longer walk-in you have to go through 111 to get an appointment.
Otherwise, it is A&E, and we know what the wait will be like there.
An update on OH, 111 rang back in 1hr 40 mins and advised to go to A & E which we did, waited half an hour to be triaged and they are going to do some blood tests and he will be seen by a doctor. I have left him there as it could be several hours wait.
We have a walk-in centre which is no longer walk-in you have to go through 111 to get an appointment.
My walk in centre only has nurses and have told me before the only tests they can run are urine tests as they have no doctors. As it's none sd an urgent treatment centre.
And back to normal figures today. BG before tea 5.0
Busy with my granddaughters today, pumpkin picking, was a beautiful sunny morning here so after pumpkin picking we went for a walk and then lunch and a spot of shopping, totally forgot to take my blood glucose this evening.
Sorry to hear that. He hasn't had the Covid jab recently has he because I am certainly having some of those symptoms this afternoon after the jab yesterday. Felt fine this morning, but this afternoon I don't feel good at all and the heart racing and palpitations are a bit disconcerting. Thought I was having a hypo several times this afternoon with heart racing and feeling sick and wobbly legs but BG fine each time I checked, so I am guessing mine is a response to the vaccine yesterday morning.
It was nearly 2 weeks ago we both had the flu and covid vaccine. He does get AF episodes occasionally but never with such a high heart rate and lasting for more than 24 hours. He takes medication for it. It does freak him out.
It was nearly 2 weeks ago we both had the flu and covid vaccine. He does get AF episodes occasionally but never with such a high heart rate and lasting for more than 24 hours. He takes medication for it. It does freak him out.
Understandable. I would freak out if I was sitting in the drivers seat of my car and the engine suddenly started revving it's pants off. It certainly doesn't sound like it would be linked to the vaccine after 2 weeks, which is a shame in some respects as it might have been a relatively simple and slightly reassuring explanation. Hope they get him stabilized soon and he can come home. Spending hours in A&E is just torment.... unless you are into people watching and then it can be a real eye opener! Hope he took a good book with him although it sounds like he is probably not well enough to be bothered. Have you had any update yet?