Before Tea/Evening Meal

I'm sure you'll win the battle!!! 🙂
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Yes, sooner or later I will beat it into submission again and get it toeing the line..... hopefully sooner! I have just hit an all time "Personal Worst" for my Time in Range for the past 7 days. 😱 At least the only way is to improve from here!... I hope!
Love it that part of your anxiety is pressure to prove the Dr wrong. I can understand why that would add a bit of extra needle to the situation. Really wish you lots of luck with that. Also love that I can have your 6 when you are finished with it! Bet you wouldn't be making such an offer if it was a 5.2 though 😉
I just got very frustrated when firstly a nurse and then the Dr tried to persuade me that I needed Metformin(?) and when I said I needed time to absorb the information and do some research I was told I wasn't taking it seriously, I later found out that another Dr in the practice had seen results 8 days before they spoke to me and had marked them as normal.
I have to confess that it irritates me that some Drs reach for the 'script pad immediately before discussing options, fortunately the DN lead was happy for me to try diet and exercise first. I accept that there may come a time when I need medication and that even if the HbA1c is ok this time it might not be the next if I don't remain vigilant.
I would let you have the 5.2's with pleasure 🙂
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Yes, sooner or later I will beat it into submission again and get it toeing the line..... hopefully sooner! I have just hit an all time "Personal Worst" for my Time in Range for the past 7 days. 😱 At least the only way is to improve from here!... I hope!
You will and your numbers will improve again !! If memory serves you've had some really busy times the last couple of weeks, and then the fall so a lot has been happening for you
You will and your numbers will improve again !! If memory serves you've had some really busy times the last couple of weeks, and then the fall so a lot has been happening for you
Too much eating out more like .... and quite a few higher carb meals recently where i had very limited choice. I will be very happy to get back to my usual antisocial self, eating on my own and just catering to my own low carb needs and likes. It makes it all so much easier although it has been lovely catching up with friends recently.
Last night 5.3 after multiple hypos between 4:00 and 7:00! ☹️

Have to do morning test but stupidly left my kit out of reach so have to do a wheelchair transfer first. Resting up after a tiring day and 5:00 am visitation! 🙂
And it’s a 6.1 for me tonight, after an exhausting day in the garden getting ready for the winter weather to arrive.
5.2 this evening as I sniffle and sneeze virtually non stop - Does sneezing count as exercise 😉 :rofl:
Hope everyone has had a good day
5.2 this evening as I sniffle and sneeze virtually non stop - Does sneezing count as exercise 😉 :rofl:
Hope everyone has had a good day
Didn't you say yesterday that I could have your 5.2s? 😉 :D
Actually, you can keep it tonight as I was 4.4, so much happier with that. A 2unit increase in my Levemir this morning seems to have improved things quite a bit, but then I haven't had any lunch today let alone a whopping plate of meat and carbs like I did yesterday. That is no hardship of course as there are enough pickings on me to live off without needing a meal every 5 hours. Just had a bowl of rasps with Greek yoghurt and seeds tonight for tea as I had a nut bar for breakfast this morning. May have some cheese and olives later before bed maybe with a glass of something but quite content with that for now.

Yes sneezing is great exercise. Have had a few myself today and nose feels a bit moist but not surprising after going out on the horses in the pouring rain and getting soaked through to underwear! I hate having soggy knickers!! o_O I doubt it will develop into anything worse though. Hope your cold passes quickly.
Didn't you say yesterday that I could have your 5.2s? 😉 :D
Actually, you can keep it tonight as I was 4.4, so much happier with that. A 2unit increase in my Levemir this morning seems to have improved things quite a bit, but then I haven't had any lunch today let alone a whopping plate of meat and carbs like I did yesterday. That is no hardship of course as there are enough pickings on me to live off without needing a meal every 5 hours. Just had a bowl of rasps with Greek yoghurt and seeds tonight for tea as I had a nut bar for breakfast this morning. May have some cheese and olives later before bed maybe with a glass of something but quite content with that for now.

Yes sneezing is great exercise. Have had a few myself today and nose feels a bit moist but not surprising after going out on the horses in the pouring rain and getting soaked through to underwear! I hate having soggy knickers!! o_O I doubt it will develop into anything worse though. Hope your cold passes quickly.
You can have my 5.2's with pleasure after blood letting er collecting tomorrow 😉 I'm a woman of my word. Well done those numbers look much better than what you mentioned yesterday. Hope your soggy knickers have dried out! Not that I like soggy knickers myself but rather that than cold wet feet. Not that I've been out in rain this afternoon luckily my dogs (springers) are not keen on the rain, dashing out to toilet and back into the house as quick as they can, they didn't use to mind it but age has quietened them.
Thank you I hope so too, enjoy your glass of something 🙂
You can have my 5.2's with pleasure after blood letting er collecting tomorrow 😉 I'm a woman of my word. Well done those numbers look much better than what you mentioned yesterday. Hope your soggy knickers have dried out! Not that I like soggy knickers myself but rather that than cold wet feet. Not that I've been out in rain this afternoon luckily my dogs (springers) are not keen on the rain, dashing out to toilet and back into the house as quick as they can, they didn't use to mind it but age has quietened them.
Thank you I hope so too, enjoy your glass of something 🙂
I can assure you that Rascal was none too impressed at the idea of going out in that weather either and seriously protested although MeMe was keen, but my sister only visits once a week to ride out with me and it was glorious when she rang me to say she had set off, but then 10 mins after that it started to spit on and by the time she arrived it was chucking it down! We dillied and dallied trying to delay in the hope that it would ease off, but it just got worse, and in the end, we just gave up and headed out. At least it wasn't desperately cold and it only goes as far as the skin! 🙄
It was a lovely day until about 2pm when it started raining and it hasn't stopped since then. We've, like a lot of other people, have had a lot of rain this past couple of weeks, glad you enjoyed your ride out with your sister. 🙂
It was the same here. Very pleasant till about 3pm and then got progressively worse. I am sitting in the house, listening to it hammering down and unfortunately, I need to go back out there to do evening stables. I could of course take the car up to the yard but that is cheating, so looks like I will be getting soaked again tonight. 🙄 That glass of something may well end up being a hot toddy!
It was the same here. Very pleasant till about 3pm and then got progressively worse. I am sitting in the house, listening to it hammering down and unfortunately, I need to go back out there to do evening stables. I could of course take the car up to the yard but that is cheating, so looks like I will be getting soaked again tonight. 🙄 That glass of something may well end up being a hot toddy!
Ouch that doesn't sound much fun, if the rain is as bad as it is here I would cheat for once! Hope it doesn't take you long to do stables and you're soon home warm and dry enjoying a hot toddy. 🙂
Sorry, @rebrascora and @Wannie But it's been a beautiful day here, sunny all day and 22.6c at 2.15 this afternoon, have been out gardening for most of the day...... :D
Sorry, @rebrascora and @Wannie But it's been a beautiful day here, sunny all day and 22.6c at 2.15 this afternoon, have been out gardening for most of the day...... :D
Was sunny but breezy & a little chilly this morning, before heavens opened around 2pm and only stopped half hour ago forecast for more rain overnight:( only positive is that I no longer have straw coloured grass its turning a lush green and growing fast!! Glad you enjoyed a lovely warm, sunny day gardening and yes I'm jealous 🙂
I'm also jealous (don't begrudge you it though) although to be fair it wasn't a bad day here until the rain arrived. We just timed our ride really badly! Still haven't been up to the stables yet as dealing with something on another thread but looks like it has almost stopped so being delayed has been a good thing.... maybe.
So it was 8.6 Javed a unit correction an hour earlier though I had another doctors appointment ealliet and basically here.. dis agree to do a teat go a test for croiszial. It that just stomach issues now. It's a long lost of things.

Insense stomach and sign pain mainly side pain right know.

Getting extremely week and tired.

Shortest of bearg abs chear pain

Felling really sick almost have a few times going to the tolliet alor. Also tend to get a bit deazed

I tempted to go back to a an e I'm so bas but always just get sent home
5.8 for me, which I'm very happy with. Had bloods etc done this morning and went shopping for some clothes with my daughter, had a lovely time trailing around metro centre and went to an Italian restaurant for lunch, resisted starter and dessert but ate more than I have been doing, so decided I'd better do some more shopping and burn off some carbs 😉 2 hours after lunch 8.1 - I haven't seen one of those for a long while, so very glad that its coming down now 🙂