Before Tea/Evening Meal

It was 7.7 for me.
I prebolused 6 units about 3/4 of an hour in advance of meal and had starter and then main course. Nearly 3 hours later I was 6.7 but rising slightly so had another unit of Fiasp had a look round a few shops and then went to see Top Gun with my friend.... it was her birthday treat. :D At the end of the film I went to test my levels because I was going to be driving home..... 16.8 😱and rising!!.... The film is very intense and I knew I was really stressed but Blooming Heck! do I have a mountain on my graph!! Jabbed another 5 units and 2hrs later I am thankfully now down to 10 and still dropping. Probably need to wait a bit longer before I fall asleep to know I am safe but getting harder to stay awake. Have also increased my basal by 1 unit tonight especially as I didn't manage to walk much today again although the film certainly gave me a pretty good cardio vascular workout!! We watched it in a brand new Dolby surround sound theatre at the cinema with reclining chairs.... it was very swish!!
5.9 for me today.

6.6 afterwards.
I had a quiet day doing laundry - which is very physical since I switched to hand cranked laundry machines so I think that is doing me good. I had a decent night's sleep last night too and a sensible breakfast ( poached egg on smoked haddock with a slice of toasted home made keto yeast bread) and then I had gammon in parsley sauce with celeriac and cauliflower mash for my evening meal.
4.6 this evening, after a day of sorting clothes, switching from summer to autumn wear, and preparing to give or throw away those that no longer fit, was a size 16 at diagnosis now a size 12 and then food shopping late this afternoon
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A 6.7 for me pre-dinner this evening. not bad after a bag of crisps this afternoon Oh, and two squares of chocolate.
4.6 for me this evening and a shared Fish and Chip supper with very moderate chips washed down by a cup of tea. Currently 6.2 nearly 3 hours later so hoping I have managed that pretty well tonight but time for it to head into orbit yet!!
Bit late posting as after posting a reply to "No or Reduced Sensation" the forum seemed to go awry! It may have been caused by intermittent Wi-Fi but other sites were purely slow. Strange!

Anyway it was the same as breakfast at 7.2.
5.4 pre-tea. Had a snacky tea of feta cheese bake on lentil cakes and after tea was 9.5.... oops

(Typed last night but dozed off before posting :rofl: )
5.4 pre-tea. Had a snacky tea of feta cheese bake on lentil cakes and after tea was 9.5.... oops

(Typed last night but dozed off before posting :rofl: )
Lentils are sadly my nemesis :( I need loads of insulin for them and so difficult to judge and dose them..
Lentils are sadly my nemesis :( I need loads of insulin for them and so difficult to judge and dose them..
I have definitely had more carbs in other meals that were OK. It may be partly that I didn't eat veg alongside due to not having much time to eat
I have definitely had more carbs in other meals that were OK. It may be partly that I didn't eat veg alongside due to not having much time to eat
Sounds like you (and myself too) have more experiments to conduct with lentils to find the solution for us both. :D
5.2 before a late meal for me this evening 🙂
14.5 before tea… I blame the flu/covid vaccinations.
5.5 pre- tea - and only 6.0 two hours after! I had 3 lentil cakes today, with garlic & herb roulé, and a salad which included coleslaw, (34g carbs) rather than the 7 with just feta cheese bake (43g carbs) I had yesterday.

Lunch rise was a little higher though - 2.7 but 2.5 hours after as I lost track of time, so not sure if the peak was higher. That was homemade soup with veg and chickpeas (and a little sausage) with half a buttered bread roll - approx 55g carbs total (I didn't weigh the soup portions exactly 😉. Or the half bread roll come to that...). I thought I'd use the chickpeas rather than lentils for 2 reasons - to see effect on blood sugar, and because they were already cooked so soup was done quicker, and it was already afternoon when I started cooking it!
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Only a 3.7 for me pre-dinner tonight, three chocolate biscuits are going down well.
Only a 3.7 for me pre-dinner tonight, three chocolate biscuits are going down well.
3 chocolate biscuits (usually at least 10g carbs each so 30+ g carbs) seems a bit of overkill for a relatively minor hypo. The usual advice is 15g fast acting carbs. Biscuits are not usually as fast as Jelly babies or Dextrose/glucose tablets due to the fat and starchy carbs, so not really recommended but better than nothing if that is all you have. Your meal afterwards would then act as slower acting carbs to prevent your levels dropping again. For me in that situation I would have just 1 jelly baby (5g carbs) to treat the hypo and bring my levels up above 4 and then my meal. I appreciate we are all different, but I wonder if perhaps you have not been given advice on treating hypos.
Only a 3.7 for me pre-dinner tonight, three chocolate biscuits are going down well.
At 3.7 pre dinner unless it was dropping especially fast I wouldn’t treat it at all, I’d just eat my normal meal and reduce bolus a bit. Maybe one glucose tablet if I felt rough. 3.7 isn’t really hypo it’s more that 3.5-3.9 is counted as hypo in case you’re still dropping.
5.2 this evening after a hectic day and little sleep last night looking after my 15month old granddaughter who is recovering from chicken pox
A nice 5.6 after an afternoon with a lot of walking! Homemade black bean, butternut squash and ham stew with 3 more lentil cakes and garlic & herb roulé for tea (35g carbs) and 2 hours later only 6.7 (though to be fair I did eat in 2 parts as the walking etc kept me out later than planned thus dinner was sandwiched around getting youngest to bed, so only just over an hour after the stew which was a bit over half the carbs)