Before Tea/Evening Meal

Presumably your liver helped out and spewed out a bit of glucose but on the other hand there is no real difference between 4.1 and 4.7. Did you have to fast for your procedure as that might explain why it was a bit low.
Yes, @Leadinglights I did have to fast, I couldn't have anything to eat after 08.00 yesterday morning and the operation didn't go ahead until 4.15 in the afternoon so a total of over eight hours had passed, was I hungry or what, they did at least give me a cheese sandwich and a tea with sugar in while I was in recovery. Oh, happy days.
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I hope you are planning a low carb dinner then.
Yep, it was two rashers of bacon, three sliced small mushrooms and two sliced tomatoes - that will do until the morning unless my bedtime prick test tells me otherwise.
And it’s an 8.2 pre-dinner this evening.
5.6 for me this evening 2 and half hours after 50g cheese and 10g nachos as lunch/snack, missed lunch at hosp for biopsy.
Hope everyone has had a good day 🙂
5.3 this evening, Hope everyone's had a good day 🙂
8.1 today. I blame the grapes with the cheese and biscuits at lunch!
I was 9.7 two hours after lunch at M&S where I had a huge ham & cheese toastie, I should have left half of it, but I was too hungry and it was too nice. Happy to see the drop to 5.3 within five hours of taking first bite.
Hope you enjoyed your lunch 🙂
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Yessss 5.2
And for me at 6.15 tonight it was a 5.7 pre-dinner.
Another 5.7 pre-dinner tonight at 6.30 must be doing something right.
5.7 at 7.30pm before eating, busy looking after my granddaughters which is always a pleasure. Hope everyone had a good day
It was 6.6 for me at 5pm, with an upward sloping arrow after eating 8g carbs to top me up from 4.7 to facilitate driving home from the competition today. It was a long day and I was very dehydrated as I hadn't had anything to drink since breakfast at 6am. I made sure Zak (horse) had plenty to drink but just forgot to look after myself! 🙄 As a result, I had a stinking headache when I got home, but some paracetamol and fluids and food and a few hours of sleep sorted that and I'm now up and having a coffee before I head out to sort my animals for the night.
Another 5.7 for me this evening! Hope everyone's had a good day
And it is a 5.6 for me pre-dinner tonight after a long afternoon tidying my front garden up.
4.4 for me tonight. It has been a long weekend but quite successful and thankfully no headache tonight but definitely feeling shattered and will be an early night. I can't be botered to cook so having a tub of feta stuffed baby peppers followed by a couple of chipolata sausages with pickled beetroot, washed down with a glass of spiced rum with diet cola and water. I have hit it with 3 units of Fiasp and might have a half a square of dark chocolate with a spoon of peanut butter for afters just to top levels up before I crash.
Oops forgot to do pre-tea and I'm already eating it . Will have to just compare post-tea to post-lunch I guess.

I did quite a bit of walking today, and was very happy with post-lunch - may have been partly with walking, but 6.3 after having a small portion of baby potatoes in my lunchtime omelette - first time I've risked potatoes since diagnosis.

Youngest has randomly made a chocolate cake so I think I'll chance a tiny portion of that after my spinach & coconut soup with sausage which is my main course for tea, and see how the numbers go...