Before Tea/Evening Meal

6.9. Singing badly “I love chipolatas” (had to tailor the pronunciation.) to the tune of the pinocolada “escape” song? So far still in range. & my wife has picked up humming the “ear-worm” tune. Is it making love at midnight or having fun in the rain? Stuffed if I know.

You could modify this as a chipolata is half-way there! :rofl:

evening a unexpected slightly higher 8.1 on the libra, on seeing that I did a finger test and it showed to be 8.0
can’t remember if I took the same amount of insulin (as I have been taking recently)
or if I dropped it by another 2 units, GP did suggest I should be reducing my dose
It’s been a busy and successful day at work today

HAGW everyone
Late posting, but 5.4 yesterday evening. Managed to not spike too high even though an hour & half after tea I had some nonalcoholic drinks and crisp etc snacks at church quiz night - total estimated carbs over about an hour or so of an amount that would usually have spiked me higher as a meal, maybe because insulin response was already working from the lowish carb tea? Or maybe as I was nibbling/sipping not eating lol the carbs in one go. (I went with drinks that weren't excessively high in carbs, but since I try to avoid sweeteners they weren't particularly low carb either)