Before Tea/Evening Meal

A very happy 5.8 for me this evening. Not got much done today as it's been a day of
light showers but I'm pleased to say it has helped to add some water to my near-empty
water butt.
5.0 this evening. Small tea of crustless Quiche and small choc pot and 8.1 post meal 1.5 hours later oops. Ah well, I needed something quick and easy as I had paperwork to still finish but was hungry
Evening all, it's a 6.7 for me this evening and it's just started to rain - I just finished painting my fence in time.
I was so tired yesterday I forgot to post. After skimming the red (low) following physio I was 7.2 in the evening. Today after a lazy day (woke very early) 8.7...
Evening all, the rain has stopped, the sun is shining, and it was an 8.7 pre-dinner tonight.