• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.1 today after an afternoon in the city - though an experimental check an hour earlier was 4.8. I’ll take both.
5.2 this evening. Last of the veggie katsu for me tonight….
4.4 for me right now and falling. Not had my Spagetti yet so I’ve just had to eat a kitkat to stop going too low. I know why it’s falling- the glass of red wine I was enjoying. I can’t finish that now until after dinner.
4.4 for me right now and falling. Not had my Spagetti yet so I’ve just had to eat a kitkat to stop going too low. I know why it’s falling- the glass of red wine I was enjoying. I can’t finish that now until after dinner.
Enjoy your red, when happy with BG. Do you currently have active bolus on board? Or is this your basal?
Just the basal dose. I had to wait until I’d had my meal before taking the rapid dose. Not ideal , but should be okay.
I personally find it easier to gauge on my basal approaching a potential low? Then hit it with a small amount of fast acting carbs to put it in the “zone.” But I appreciate your concern. Pasta. That can be tricky for me. But a late bolus makes sense on that one. I find it a slow digest?
A low 4.2 for me pre-dinner this fine evening - I must have burnt up a lot of sugar working today.
And it's a happy 5.4 for me this showery day.
5.4 for me too. Suspect it would have been lower but knew I was going to be late eating so had a nibble before leaving work.
My current Libre sensor is currently acting like a random number generator.