• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

And it's a 6.1 for me on another very warm but less sunny day.
4.8 pre meal. I don't usually test at this point but I was intrigued to see what it would be
5.3 for me.
Evening all, a happy 6.1 for me on a very hot day, it reached 31.2 in my garden this afternoon.

Going for my bike ride this evening it was to hot this afternoon. Now I need my dinner!
A 7.7 for me today. 77 is the Angel Number and as Michael is the Archangel I hope it is a good sign as week not going well so far!
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And I had a 5.8 before dinner on another fine, sunny and very warm day.
5.2 for me.
Today it's 5.1,
I've just rang the surgery to see what my my b/t test results were that i had done monday Rhumatoid one satisfactory, but my diabete ones come back as Hb1Ac 48, Is this high i'm not sure what it's supposed to be ???
Evening all, a 6.8 for me today and dinners on it's way.....

@Lesley P 48 sounds good to me, mine is 50 at the moment and I've been told I need to aim for a 58. I keep meaning to ask why I need to aim for that figure but keep forgetting. I was under the impression that the lower the number the better it is, I suppose they have their reasons.
10.9 after a low alarm and 2 jelly babies. Wasn't going to have dinner but that's not high enough for a correction dose this time of day so will eat and let dinner bolus take care of it
7.7 after lunch today and now I'm pretty sure that the sugar free ice cream I had had earlier, wasn't exactly sugar free 😎
5.2 according to my libre.
7.7 after lunch today and now I'm pretty sure that the sugar free ice cream I had had earlier, wasn't exactly sugar free 😎
Did you check the carbs in it rather than the 'sugar'. It may be sugar free but not necessarily low carb. If it has artificial sweeteners then some people find they increase blood glucose even though you wouldn't expect that.