• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

Did you check the carbs in it rather than the 'sugar'. It may be sugar free but not necessarily low carb. If it has artificial sweeteners then some people find they increase blood glucose even though you wouldn't expect that.
It was from a pastry shop. A colleague brought a box of them to work and 2 of them were especially for me as they were sugar free, so, I had one since she had gone to the trouble. Thankfully, they were small.
It was from a pastry shop. A colleague brought a box of them to work and 2 of them were especially for me as they were sugar free, so, I had one since she had gone to the trouble. Thankfully, they were small.
Hard to know then and as a one off won't have done any harm. I hope you enjoyed it
Good evening all, a happy 7.1 for me tonight after a busy afternoon painting.
My contribution : 5.2. So far today 0% outside the GreenZone. (First time!). Range : 8 - 5.
9 before meal (40g of carbs) tonight so small correction - still 11.9 3 hours later (think my honeymoon period is coming to an end lol)
And it's a 5.2 for me pre-dinner on this fine sunny day, and after a day of working in the garden on some
energy-consuming chores that needed doing. I'm off, dinners ready.
After this morning's 4.3 tonight's finger prick was a 4.7 - I wonder if I can get three 4 somethings in a row?
And it's a 4.7 for me this evening, and I'm starving as dinner is late tonight.
A healthy 6.8 for me pre-dinner this lovely sunny evening. Just arrived home
after a short five-mile bike ride through our local country park....
Mine was 4.8 today. And didn't go too high after either despite eating a carby Maccies for tea. Plus some strawberries and coconut "cream"...