Before Tea/Evening Meal

5.8 today after a reasonably successful day. Will be having an early night after the stress of yesterday followed by a bad night. I think tiredness is causing some jolts if phantom pain. Just hope sleep is not disturbed by either phantom pain or recurring nightmares! :(
4.6 for me.
5.7 for me but I'm not eating but running with club instead! Speed work tonight. But really that's a bit grandiose. I just try to go a bit quicker.
A 5.6 for me pre-dinner this fine evening
Early half bottle of red so not too bothered about blood sugar! Ok, 6.7. Lots of veg tonight including some very nice purple sprouting broccoli.
How do you get these low numbers. I try so hard with low carb diet but we'll done

I am generally careful with carbs and do a fair bit of walking. Although I’ve recently been upping the carbs (the week of my last hba1c I had roast dinner, and then a curry with rice!)
I was 5.6 before tea, which was sea bass and potatoes at Zizzi plus a beer and a glass of wine.

Then 3 hours of Dune 2, a walk home and:

5.7. But a strange day! I had a pot of Lapsang Souchong and a custard tart earlier and was ready to face the world. I have had more insulin than usual. I think I could be a bit stressed. Cancer blood test and appointment next week. Has it metastasized? Lots of abdominal discomfort this past week.
And a 6.9 for me this wet evening, now off for my dinner....
4.7 for me.
I am generally careful with carbs and do a fair bit of walking. Although I’ve recently been upping the carbs (the week of my last hba1c I had roast dinner, and then a curry with rice!)
It must be the exercise which due to osteoarthritis in knees I cannot do and before anyone says swimming I having a water phobia.
It must be the exercise which due to osteoarthritis in knees I cannot do and before anyone says swimming I having a water phobia.

Exercise definitely helps, although tonight's reading was without a walk home from work. (I've seen it go to the low 3s after exercise.)
Worked this morning, walked to the city centre, bought some vinyl, lunch (Chicken and potatoes) plus two nice Helles lagers, a cappucinno and a walk home. 4.6 before a light tea.