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Can anyone please help me out. I have several recipes calling for 'almond flour'. However, none of the supermarkets I visited have any. Checking for supplies on line there is an article saying why almond flour/almond meal is not good! They go on to list 5 good reasons why you should avoid it. I am about to do some baking for myself for Christmas and four of the recipes call for this or coconut flour. I have bought coconut flour so should I just use this instead ..... how will it affect the result? :confused:
Hi @Rhapsody - welcome to the forum! 🙂
You may be best starting your own thread by going to General Messages and 'Post New Thread' - more people will see your question listed and you will hopefully get more of a response from everyone :D
Perhaps it something for the Diabetes UK 'Enjoy Food' team - whether almond flour or coconut flour work well as baking substitutes? I will put it to them and see if they have any input on the subject... 🙄
Hi @Rhapsody - welcome to the forum! 🙂
You may be best starting your own thread by going to General Messages and 'Post New Thread' - more people will see your question listed and you will hopefully get more of a response from everyone :D
Perhaps it something for the Diabetes UK 'Enjoy Food' team - whether almond flour or coconut flour work well as baking substitutes? I will put it to them and see if they have any input on the subject... 🙄
Thanks Hannah. Will do and see what I can learn. It's very frustrating for me at this stage .... grrrrrrr
Hi all, Wondered if someone can help. I'm a T1D for the past 34 years, have a 15 month old little girl and am struggling with my energy levels. I have been to see the specialist nurse at the hospital and apart from today my blood sugars have been so so. A friend has recommended to me to take bee propolis capsules to give me the boost I need and I'm not really sure whether I should take them. I'm getting desperate as I'm constantly feel drained, even though I know children are hard work. I even went to the doctor to get a full blood test, just to make sure and it was fine. Any ideas anyone?
I've no idea whether it can possibly help or not but bee products are not normally harmful to human health - ooh apart from the sting of course LOL - and certainly Manuka honey does have excellent 'healing' properties - it is used clinically at some hospitals to aid healing of eg diabetic leg ulcers - but applied EXTERNALLY in that case, LOL

I haven't actually heard anything about the propolis capsules apart from what's on the interwebnet, so can't give any help there. But if they aren't silly money and nothing anywhere you can Google suggests they are iffy - why not do a clinical trial on yourself!

Rhapsody - almond flour isn't sold as 'flour' - because it is simply described as Ground Almonds and yes it's always scarce at this time of year because people still make marzipan with it !! Usually Aldi and Lidl have it at the best prices. I've not cooked with coconut flour so I dunno if you can swap them in recipes. I've never ever heard that one shouldn't consume ground almonds - whole ruddy almond are really good for us so why would them ground up be different? - although obviously if anyone does have a Nut allergy they mustn't consume anything with them in - including traditional Xmas or Wedding etc cake with marzipan under the icing!
Hi Jen. Things do sound difficult. There are, however, many reasons why you may feel like you lack energy. Your diabetes, the little one, lack of sleep and your diet are all contributing to this fatigue – not to mention other possible reasons which I hope your doctor has been looking into. After 34yrs of type 1, I am sure you are well aware on what you need to do to get the control to stop feeling so tired. High fibre low fat diet can help to give you a little more energy in your day to day routine as too will a sound sleeping routine. Many ‘energy’ supplements have little evidence to them and can sometimes cause BG to go up and should only be taken if discussed with your doctor or DSN. Don’t forget our Helpline staff are at the end of the phone should you need them on 0345 123 2399.
If you would like some further advice or experiences from our lovely Forum members, it may also be a good idea to start your own thread by going to General Messages and 'Post New Thread' where more people will see your question.
I am quite new to Diabetes, I knew I have type 3 only few days ago. I started Metformin 500. I have been taking Sertraline for almost 6 years and now I am in the process of reducing the drug (I was on 125 and slowly I arrived now to 25). Are there interaction between the two drugs?
I'm only a patient not DUK.

Err Dibbles - could I simply enquire whether it's compatible with all NHS GP surgery computer ordering systems (EMIS and the other ones used) and the EPA scheme?
I am quite new to Diabetes, I knew I have type 3 only few days ago. I started Metformin 500. I have been taking Sertraline for almost 6 years and now I am in the process of reducing the drug (I was on 125 and slowly I arrived now to 25). Are there interaction between the two drugs?
Hi Kateita, Welcome .
I don't know of any interaction between Sertraline and Metformin, others here may know. Are you having any symptoms you think might be due to an interaction.
If you post a thread on the general forum you will receive many more replies
I am quite new to Diabetes, I knew I have type 3 only few days ago. I started Metformin 500. I have been taking Sertraline for almost 6 years and now I am in the process of reducing the drug (I was on 125 and slowly I arrived now to 25). Are there interaction between the two drugs?
For questions about medication, it's best to ask a pharmacist, as they're the experts. In the meantime, you could look at the patient information leaflet supplied with both medications, where interactions are usually listed.
For questions about medication, it's best to ask a pharmacist, as they're the experts. In the meantime, you could look at the patient information leaflet supplied with both medications, where interactions are usually listed.

Thank you! I have another general question as I am so new to all this. Is it normal while starting Metformin to feel bad at night? before sleeping? I a mean very weak and headache? It might be also due to the fact that I changed my diet and I eat less.
Thank you! I have another general question as I am so new to all this. Is it normal while starting Metformin to feel bad at night? before sleeping? I a mean very weak and headache? It might be also due to the fact that I changed my diet and I eat less.
Can I suggest that you ask this question on the other thread you have started? It would be easier than getting mixed up with other queries.
Thank you! I have another general question as I am so new to all this. Is it normal while starting Metformin to feel bad at night? before sleeping? I a mean very weak and headache? It might be also due to the fact that I changed my diet and I eat less.

Hello - welcome to the forum! As people have said, it might be better to start your own thread by going to General Messages and 'Post New Thread' - more people will see your question listed and you will hopefully get a bigger response from everyone 🙂
I've just invented a Diabetic Repeat prescription, for your mobile with no need for an app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 ;-) I hope this will be of some use to us diabetics! Anyone interested in a trial please feel free to ask me. I've only tested on an Android Note 4! sorry if you have an iphone! Even though it might work on that too!
The Prescription as dropdowns and tick boxes!
Can Diabetic UK help me further this project.

Hi Dibbles. If you are looking for some support or endorsement from Diabetes UK, you can fill out the form on the webpage here: This will go to the correct teams to assess 🙂
Hello everyone, as Northerner has kindly mentioned, I’m here to answer any niggling questions you may have about Diabetes UK, pass on your views or thoughts and offer insight to things happening in the organisations. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all and become part of this very supportive community. 🙂:D
Hi im new to the forum so hi, just a silly question, this evening I cant remember if I have taken y metformin or not any advice please.
None as far as tonight is concerned, sorry.

I suggest you get a pill organiser thing from the pharmacy with days of the week on, and every eg Sunday, you divide the following week's pills up into the little compartments. So now, you'd be able to see if there was still one resident in the 'Friday' slot.
just wanting to ask the levels of blood sugars taken is a reading of 15 .4 high and what should I do to get it down and is a reading of 6 to 8 ok is 4 to low and what shell I do . many thanks new to all this David
just wanting to ask the levels of blood sugars taken is a reading of 15 .4 high and what should I do to get it down and is a reading of 6 to 8 ok is 4 to low and what shell I do . many thanks new to all this David
Welcome to the forum 1947David. Can I suggest that you start a new thread in either Newbies or General Messageboard, so that you get more replies.
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