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I am new to diabetes don't really understand testing blood levels what is high and what is low and what to do to correct it my average readings are 6.4 to 8. 7 and I have some low levels of 4.6 and highs of 15.2 these readings are very rare , a high and low blood sugar chart would be very handy to check levels on so one knows what to do to correct things. regards Dave
Hello 1947David. I know just how you feel. I was diagnosed in Nov 16 and didn't ask all the questions I should have, declined a visit to the dietitian which I now wish I hadn't. However, the nurse initially told me to keep my readings in single figure but not to panic if I had the odd blip going over into double figures. I was told not to go below 4! I was very good in the beginning, in fact paranoid, but managed to keep around 4.5 - 6.5. I've been doing a no carb/low carb diet although have the odd cheat but I'm finding this gives me more and more headaches. I've tried various yoghurts and am now eating weight watchers because I'm trying to lose weight as well. Reading the carbs on packaging and understanding them is frustrating but I'm due to see the nurse in two weeks and will be asking her to refer me to the dietitian. I hope she does after me declining in the first place. After 3 months of testing etc I have a lot of questions to ask. I was given a meter in the beginning, I'm still testing every day because I'm not comfortable with foods that may or not push me up so here's hoping for a 'friendly' reception from the nurse! I also want to know whether the gluten free foods are good, there seems to be an abundance of them around but the carbs still look high to me. So, as novice and judging by what I was initially told, your levels look good but I am no expert! I'm on Metformin 500x4 daily and since going onto the full dosage, my levels are up around 5.8 - 6.5. Sorry such a long note but I hope it helps a bit.
Hi Rhapsody Thanks for your kind reply We seem to be about the same Weight loss exercise Reading carbs on packets , I wish I could find somewhere that lets me know what to do in the case of low /high sugar readings will have to se my Diabetes nurse I am also on 500x4 Metformin
have you noticed any side affects from them .

Well all the best to you and thanks for your interesting letter.

Regards Dave
Hi Rhapsody Thanks for your kind reply We seem to be about the same Weight loss exercise Reading carbs on packets , I wish I could find somewhere that lets me know what to do in the case of low /high sugar readings will have to se my Diabetes nurse I am also on 500x4 Metformin
have you noticed any side affects from them .

Well all the best to you and thanks for your interesting letter.

Regards Dave
Hi Dave. I can't say I've noticed significant side effects although perhaps I might mention the headache situation to the nurse. I keep putting things down to changes of meds because I'm also on blood pressure meds and sometimes I do wonder if all this stuff I'm putting into my system actually all agrees with each other. I sincerely hope they read my meds before adding others on (I'm sure they do) but everyone reacts differently to changes. I do also read packaging for sugar as well as carbs but luckily I don't have that much of a sweet tooth. The odd binge doesn't go amiss!! Cheers
Hello everyone, as Northerner has kindly mentioned, I’m here to answer any niggling questions you may have about Diabetes UK, pass on your views or thoughts and offer insight to things happening in the organisations. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all and become part of this very supportive community. 🙂:D
Hi l was newly diagnosed July l don't test with a meter there must be lots of people who don't loss weight and am on metformin what's your take on this
It's not just about weight Chris, so don' let the hype fool you. Unless you happen to be a suspect due to genetic factors, you can be morbidly obese without automatically becoming diabetic - or thin as a lath naturally and run marathons etc - and still get it!

We might not know of any family history of diabetes. However - my paternal grandma died when my dad was about 12 in about 1930 allegedly of heart failure. OK, so what actually caused her heart to fail, at a relatively young age, then? is a question I've been asking myself ever since 1972 !
Thank you Hannah to you & your colleagues for all the help, advice & support given on the forum. It is appreciated. I find reading other forum members messages interesting too because they discuss matters that haven't 't even entered my head! So I've been enlightened as to some other aspects re: T2. So thank you too peeps. Since being diagnosed last April I haven't really accepted it but I have addressed my diet & exercise regimes for my own good. Is it a psychological thing because i can't see the disease as opposed to say, a broken limb? I wasn't particularly concerned about my weight but nevertheless made an effort and so I've lost a stone & a half & dropped two sizes. Yeah! My family are concerned that i don't lose any more weight, bless them. My last review HbA1c - 47. BGLS fluctuate between 4.2 - 7.1 but I am aware as to why...I have a penchant for tirisamu & skinny latte (not at the same time tho!) & which I try not to indulge myself too often. My sweet tooth is having a horrible time being denied all sweet food & liquids ah poor tooth! But on a positrive note, I am doing my best to keep within the boundaries of diabetes & do try not to berate my self too much if I exceed them now & then. Enough of me, thank you for listening. Take care
Wiralass, you are doing a grand job. There are folk on here (including myself) who would kill for your HbA1c and BG scores. If you can get those numbers when you treat yourself occasionally, you've got this lark nailed🙂
Wiralass, you are doing a grand job. There are folk on here (including myself) who would kill for your HbA1c and BG scores. If you can get those numbers when you treat yourself occasionally, you've got this lark nailed🙂
Thanks mikeyB for your encouraging words. Doing my best seeing that I don't currently take metformim. My GP first prescribed glucophage metformin but after going through the rigmarole of gradually increasing tablets for six weeks I consulted my GP coz of the housebound side effects! So I was put on sukkarto Sr. That med had the same effect. So GP said stay off them for a while & this is where I am atm. Sometimes I wonder if I am diabetic at all or if I have reversed my diabetes, if that's possible.

Whilst writing, I'd like to mention that I went on line to research Turmeric and Curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. ( and ( Interesting reading. Both touch on the subjects of diabetes; prostrate cancer + more. I regularly add Turmeric & always black pepper to whatever I am cooking or sprinkle some over a salad for example. Research has found that consuming black pepper with Curcumin increases it's bioavailability.

What I also learned was that a study found that Curcumin may prevent or slow down the progression of Alzeimers disease and dementia by removing amyloid plaque build-up in the brain.I sometimes think I am losing my marbles as my forgetfulness lately is just driving me barmy Haha! I.e. when I can't recall a name (but later it does comes to mind) or can't remember what I went into another room for or have a mental block during conversations which I call having a senior moment !! I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm getting eye strain typing hope you're not ditto while your reading.! Time to end this epitaph.! Take care.
Whilst writing, I'd like to mention that I went on line to research Turmeric and Curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. ( and ( Interesting reading. Both touch on the subjects of diabetes; prostrate cancer + more. I regularly add Turmeric & always black pepper to whatever I am cooking or sprinkle some over a salad for example. Research has found that consuming black pepper with Curcumin increases it's bioavailability.

It is worth pointing out that the vast majority of these studies are in rats or mice, and there is very little evidence
A systematic review of the evidence in the US concluded "studies are badly needed to be done in humans", so let's not get our hopes up or let this stop us form doing what we really need to do to manage the condition well.
Hi Rhapsody Thanks for your kind reply We seem to be about the same Weight loss exercise Reading carbs on packets , I wish I could find somewhere that lets me know what to do in the case of low /high sugar readings will have to se my Diabetes nurse I am also on 500x4 Metformin
have you noticed any side affects from them .

Well all the best to you and thanks for your interesting letter.

Regards Dave

Hi 1947Dave. Diabetes & blood glucose levels (bgl) are a pain i know. It might help if you could attend a Diabetes Management Programme. Is there one being held in your area? When I was first diagnosed I was referred to a 6wk course. 4hrs once a week. My diabetes nurse referred me. I found it both interesting & enlightening. You would also meet like diabetics both type1 and type2.. Good luck & take care.

T2 since April 2016.
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Hi All,

I am currently writing a research paper on how the use of technology lacks in the medical space for patients. I am particularly focusing on how the adoption of recent technology can be implemented to improve the convenience for diabetic patients when obtaining repetitive prescriptions. I would really appreciate it if you could complete the following survey:

Look forward to your responses.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Manisha, and welcome to the forum. You do need this to be approved by Admin first - I expect @Northerner will be along in the morning to advise!
Hi im new to the forum so hi, just a silly question, this evening I cant remember if I have taken y metformin or not any advice please.

Welcome to the forum suzanne53, ditto trophy wrenches reply. I have a tablet organiser, if I didn't have that I'd be in the same boat as you! Take care.
Wirralass, T2 since April 2016,
Hi peeps! Hope this isn't considered a silly question but I heard that diabetics can eat dark chocolate! I was amazed to hear this. Is this true or definite no-no?

Type2 since April 2016
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Hi peeps! Hope this isn't considered a silly question but I heard that diabetics can eat dark chocolate! I was amazed to hear this. Is this true & if so when should/could it be eaten or is it a definite no-no?
Enter "chocolate" in the search box at the top right of any forum page, or into the Advanced Search (or Search Tags — yes, the tag "chocolate" has been used a few times) page, and behold what comes up in the search. 😉
Hello everyone, as Northerner has kindly mentioned, I’m here to answer any niggling questions you may have about Diabetes UK, pass on your views or thoughts and offer insight to things happening in the organisations. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all and become part of this very supportive community. 🙂:D
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