Sorry for the delay
😳 Thank you so much for your inciteful and useful feedback, I have some comments from our Type 1 Events Manager. He'd be delighed to get some further input from you, so I will convo you the contact details
In the meantime, her are his comments:
"We are really testing the water with adult events this year with a view to next year’s planned events which we are hoping to confirm very soon. The feedback from the London event has been very useful and we will be acting on some of this for the upcoming events in Peterborough and Manchester in November. The professionalism was an issue pointed out and so we’ve re-jigged the team so that I will be there to run the logistics of the day allowing the Event Organisers to be free to ‘roam’ as it were, allowing them to be free to get a real feel for what is working and what isn’t and also to chat and interact more freely with the attendees whilst I look after the logistics. We’re hoping that will ensure things run more to plan and timings and make the whole day more professionally run".