Ask Diabetes UK!

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Hi to everyone out there! I have a question: I was looking through Diabetes UK recipes and was horrified to discover that lots of the recipes have sugar and fruit juices in them; Am I missing something or am I not understanding the point of diabetes? *I am new to diabetes.*
Hi @AngelCake welcome. TBH I feel the same.
You could have a look at this thread , *what did you eat yesterday *.

And recipes the some of our members have created
Both can be found on the food/carb queries and recipe forum
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Hello All.
I'm sitting here enjoying the last bit of sunshine while I can.....and at the same time thinking about the flu jab. I have never had one, and have not had flu since I was diagnosed with swine flu a few years ago when we had the outbreak. I get the odd cold symptoms and cough but nothing more than that. I have had diabetes for 2 years now and and was wondering if I should have it. My motto is.....if it's not itchy....dont scratch. Any advice😉

I once had the flu jab and I got the worst flu ever *I thought I was going to die;* and I have declined the flu jab every year as I'm better off wihtout it. It's all trial and error and depends on how your body responds to it. Personally, I'm not keen to have flu put it on my body.
I once had the flu jab and I got the worst flu ever *I thought I was going to die;* and I have declined the flu jab every year as I'm better off wihtout it. It's all trial and error and depends on how your body responds to it. Personally, I'm not keen to have flu put it on my body.
The flu vaccine is not live, you are not putting flu into your body.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong! Can't get any replies to my questions, I'm always told that they have gone to another tread, but ho
Don't know what I'm doing wrong! Can't get any replies to my questions, I'm always told that they have gone to another tread, but ho
@2Bornot2B Hi ~ what questions do you want answering and which thread & date did you initially post your questions please? @Northerner may be able to help sort it out for you when you supply details, thanks.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong! Can't get any replies to my questions, I'm always told that they have gone to another tread, but ho
I got no idea what this means. Can you point us to some of your posts.
Why are you asking in this (the Asking Diabetes UK) thread? You've got no posts in here going back the last 3 months.
Lin & Ralph I've just tried opening that link too and the same Error message appears!!! Maybe @Hannah DUK can help out here please? Thanks
SUCCESS! I have found your original Thread *Diabetic Neuropathy soon after diagnosis* dated 31 August 2017. :D It is on Page 7 of 1177 in General Messageboard.
You can find it by clicking on General messageboard then keep scrolling down til you find the title of your thread on Page 7 ~ or by using the search box at the top of the page to the right and type in the title of your thread.

Hope this helps to prevent you tearing your hair out😱:D
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@Copepod Hi ~ Thanks for your post.

Hoping the following is read in the humourous vein in which it is written:D
"We may be Diabetics but we sure ain't Diabetic brainless!!" :D:D:D
Only too happy to oblige in Hannah's absence.
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I'm still not clean what's going on, other than 2Born2B isn't getting any answers to their posts.
From the error message I'm taking it that 2Born2B can see their own profile. It's the rest of us who can't. (??? Or some of us :/)
To find a post you've made there's a couple of way. One way is:
All threads your post in are automatically watched. So, on the forum menu bar click Forums. Underneath you get another menu bar, with New Posts at the end. Before that there is Watched Threads, choose this one. Half ways down the page or so, in little writing it'll say All watched threads. Choose that.
You'll now see all the watched (ones you've posted in) threads.
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There's another way, that doesn't rely on threads being watched. And you can show all threads you've posted in. Or threads you started.
Go to your own profile. Click on Posting. Scroll down till you see your profile pic. Just above that see:
Find all content
Find all threads.
Pick one of those.
There's another way, that doesn't rely on threads being watched. And you can show all threads you've posted in. Or threads you started.
Go to your own profile. Click on Posting. Scroll down till you see your profile pic. Just above that see:
Find all content
Find all threads.
Pick one of those.
Hi Ralph, you haven't lost your marbles by the way!
I just used the search box top right of page ~ searched for 2Bornot2B ~ and woohoo found a list of 18 posts relating to 2B's posts :D ~ saw that @everydayupsanddowns had transferred 2B's post from Ask Diabetes UK to a thread of its own ~ you get it now?!!!! :D:D:D
It appears 2B's not picking up her alerts otherwise she would have commented here!🙄 Well I'd like think so after all the **** Ljc yourself & myself did in an effort to help her! Sorry 2Bornot2B no offence meant.
Hello all - thank you kindly for jumping into action and checking all potential technical issues there!
Just to clarify - I am able to view @2Bornot2B 's threads so just checking there are no further technical issues being experienced and it was a case of a thread being moved?
Let me know if there are any other errors and I will look into it..
Some of you who have been with the forum for a while will have noticed that Diabetes UK have become much more supportive of our community over the past year or so, what with the upgrading of the platform and greater visibility throughout their home website 🙂 They are also hoping to offer support in answering any questions you might have about the organisation, research that's proposed or under way, viewpoints and recommendations, help they can give to people in the form of their Helpline and Advocacy services - so here's your opportunity to ask questions. 🙂

To help us in this task we have Hannah, who works in the Supporter Care section who will hopefully be able to answer your queries and keep us updated with what is happening at DUK.🙂

So, please ask away! 🙂
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