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By the way isn't in your best work interests to follow a template or a we call it a Flow Chart.
Because if you follow a flow chart your work could be more or less easily substituted with a deck of punched card and a COBOL program (since 1963).

I would say that depends on the template and who it is being used upon, plus any lack of flexibility within it.
Hi @Bill Stewardson - thanks for your comments. I believe that you raised a similar point in another thread, which I have responded to here:

But I will offer my response again in brief 🙂 The variation of care between healthcare professionals is a key issue that has been identified and raised by the APPG (All-Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes) and Diabetes UK have been working with the APPG to raise this issue in Parliament. There is a report available on our website which outlines this issue in full: report 2016 version for website.pdf
Hello duk and hannah. I asked a question about plant sterols that are added to foods, spreads, yoghurts etc. Duk advises that we take them but nice advises against it. My question was moved to its own thread, which was great, but duk has not answered.
I wonder if you could have a look please? Many thanks.
Hi all,

Type 1 for 18 years. My equipment is very dated - still using a Novopen 3 with PenMate 3 which isn't ideal given that the dosage numbers are faded.
My problem is that fear of needles means I'm very reliant on the Penmate (hides the needle from view and springloads the injection), I've tried without it but it's not something I've been able to overcome.

I mentioned the old equipment with nurse and she was able to replace the injection pens with (I think) Novopen 5 however these weren't compatible with the penmate so I went back to using Novopen 3.

At a loss for what to do. With the exception of actually putting the needle into skin I'm fine with injections. Unaware if there is an updated version of Penmate or replacement I could look into? Very much aware that my current equipment could stop working at some point so ideally want to sort it out before then.

I'd appreciate any comments or support!
Thanks Lin, my own searches showed it to be discontinued and the Novopen 3 which screws into it (the penmate is just the springloaded part which hides the needle) has been too. Even tried a few ebay searches a while back!
The BD Autoshield pen needle completely hides the needle, and fits most pens. At least two other manufacturers do the same. They are prescribable in Scotland. I've no idea about England
I use Novopen Echos with Novofine Autocover needles, @Nathan - I am also unable to see a needle going into skin, and I'm fine with these, though they are a bit long (8mm). I've tried the BD Autoshield as well - so far as I remember the advantage of that is it's shorter, but the disadvantage is it's wider so you have less control over where the needle goes.
Hi I'm trying to get access to a Dietician but all the healthcare practitioners that I speak to say I can't?? And don't need ?? I want to help myself and lose weight but can't get any advice
Welcome to the forum Tony Fleming. I'll tag a couple of Diabetes UK staff members, who will be able to answer your query during normal working hours. @Hannah DUK @Emma Diabetes UK
Hi to everyone out there! I have a question: I was looking through Diabetes UK recipes and was horrified to discover that lots of the recipes have sugar and fruit juices in them; Am I missing something or am I not understanding the point of diabetes? *I am new to diabetes.*
Hi to everyone out there! I have a question: I was looking through Diabetes UK recipes and was horrified to discover that lots of the recipes have sugar and fruit juices in them; Am I missing something or am I not understanding the point of diabetes? *I am new to diabetes.*
Welcome to the forum, AngleCake. I'll leave someone paid by Diabetes UK to answer your question about recipes. However, would you like to introduce yourself in Newbies section?
Hello All.
I'm sitting here enjoying the last bit of sunshine while I can.....and at the same time thinking about the flu jab. I have never had one, and have not had flu since I was diagnosed with swine flu a few years ago when we had the outbreak. I get the odd cold symptoms and cough but nothing more than that. I have had diabetes for 2 years now and and was wondering if I should have it. My motto is.....if it's not itchy....dont scratch. Any advice😉
Hello All.
I'm sitting here enjoying the last bit of sunshine while I can.....and at the same time thinking about the flu jab. I have never had one, and have not had flu since I was diagnosed with swine flu a few years ago when we had the outbreak. I get the odd cold symptoms and cough but nothing more than that. I have had diabetes for 2 years now and and was wondering if I should have it. My motto is.....if it's not itchy....dont scratch. Any advice😉
My reason for having my flu jab each autumn is that if I don't get flu, I can't pass it to anyone less able to cope with the infection, but who might not be immunised.
Also, I'm getting as much sunshine as possible to build up my vitamin D for winter now, as well.
I have a flu jab every year because I don't relish being ill for several weeks with it like I have before.
I get mine to earn my GP surgery their QoF points so they get some extra cash. Us lot are expensive to keep :D
Hi to everyone out there! I have a question: I was looking through Diabetes UK recipes and was horrified to discover that lots of the recipes have sugar and fruit juices in them; Am I missing something or am I not understanding the point of diabetes? *I am new to diabetes.*

hi @AngelCake - The recipes on the website are intended as part of a healthy balanced diet and we provide a variety of different recipes for our varying audiences. While we all need to cut down on added or “free” sugars, these recipes can be enjoyed as part of balanced diet. Hope that answers your question?
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