• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

10.8 dropping to 8.8, flatline all night at 8/9s, so I'm thinking another unit of basal in the evening to 7. Current BP 116/65.

A nice, warm morning with a light breeze. The yellow thingy has just paid a call making it a little warmer. Always lifts the mood.

ive been having a lot of involuntary head movements and, more generally, the jitters today; I wonder if I'm going to have a bout of psychosis? Visual hallucinations are on the rise in the last few hours/days, the voices never cease their chatter.

Congratulations @PattiEvans on your HS!
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Congrats on your HS @PattiEvans
We bought a half lamb jointed and vacuum packed from a smallholder up in the Lincolnshire wolds last autumn. Worked out about £8 per kg overall but did include cheaper cuts like neck and breast and a kg of minced lamb. We kept the whole leg joint for Easter. Looking forward to it soon.
Our daughter is a sheep farmer but they sell their lambs on as fat stock, ie for someone else to fatten up and sell on. Every year she says she’s going to fatten some up and get one butchered for us but getting that done is expensive. But this year her son, who is 18, has just finished his butcher’s apprenticeship so she has no excuse now. They start lambing in about four weeks. Can’t wait. :D
Well I don't know what is going on this morning but I would have expected my liver to be depleted after last night's long hypo. I jabbed 5 units of Fiasp before I got up to deal with FOTF and correction plus my Levemir and another 3u and then 2u stacked corrections since then and it isn't budging from 10. That is 10 units in the last 2 hours. My Fiasp is clearly working since it dropped me like a stone last night while I slept, so cannot believe it has suddenly gone off! I guess it is just pretending to be water like it usually does when levels are above 8. I've given it another 2 units and will have the JBs on standby!
@zippyjojo, it is very normal to need basal reductions as you transition between winter and summer. I've already had to tweak (reduce) my basal from 9 to 8 in 2 x 1/2 unit steps. The warmer weather can improve our natural insulin resistance allowing our body to use any insulin more effectively and this is, I think, more clear cut in respect of basal.

Bolus can also change, but that usually needs more thought, since the incoming longer days not only brings different meals (eg less winter veg, more salads; different meal choices) but increased activity, such as more gardening including lawn treating and mowing). So you might eat more, but those meals may be more or less carbs overall - only you will identify the subtle change either way. In practice for me, since I assess my bolus needs day be day and dose accordingly - it's only if I look at last week's bolus totals in relation to this week, that the net overall bolus change becomes apparent. I sometimes think the bolus +s and -s for carbs and activity adjustments, can balance out and the net change is less obvious. Then, get something wrong, need a biggish correction and suddenly the bolus trend is wholly obscured!
Thanks so much Roland - that's really useful. My alarm went off several times last night and whilst I think a couple may have been compression lows I definitely felt a bit odd a couple of times as well. I did a finger prick and it was a bit higher but not significantly. I think I'll reduce my basal a bit and see what happens. Bolus wise I always err on the side of caution anyway and give 1 unit per 10g carbs but if it seems quite a carby meal I probably don't go the full hog - hard not knowing quite how much of my own insulin I produce.
It's an old victorian garden fashion. You use old tree stumps as a framework to grow ferns in a shady area. The photo is from last year when I set it up. It's under the shade of a large conifer.
View attachment 34571
We've recently bought a tiny parcel of land which should have originally been part of the farm but was for some reason separated off when United Utilities sold it. It's got some lovely trees in and a natural stumper from trees that have fallen etc. I ordered some ferns a couple of weeks ago (Lady in Red) and they are growing on in my green house at the moment but he plan is to put them out there so thank you for this - I thought they'd suit that area well. I love ferns.
Moan time! I was denied sleep for most of the night due to my darn RLS and chronic back pain, Arrgh! Got out of bed and wandered around, back to bed but legs started playing up again ~ and that's how it was all night :( Grrr! So kept myself busy posting songs on the thread "What are you listening to?" and reading interesting posts all over the forum. Does anyone else suffer with RLS and leg cramps, if so, how do you treat it? I've tried massaging my legs to no avail!!
Know I have already posted but wondered if anyone else had thought that there are a higher proportion of people who post here who have an active interest in music so sing,play an instrument,compose tunes etc.
It is totally unscientific and just an observation and we are all here for a totally different “ common denominator” but just an observation on my part as compared to the general population.
We've recently bought a tiny parcel of land which should have originally been part of the farm but was for some reason separated off when United Utilities sold it. It's got some lovely trees in and a natural stumper from trees that have fallen etc. I ordered some ferns a couple of weeks ago (Lady in Red) and they are growing on in my green house at the moment but he plan is to put them out there so thank you for this - I thought they'd suit that area well. I love ferns.
We had 3 big trees in the garden cut down last year and i was wondering what i could do with the stumps. The roots go too deep for us to dig them out but now i can make a bit of a feature of them.
Pleased to report another 2 unit correction got the Fiasp into action and I am actually able to have some breakfast AT LAST!
Morning all. 🙂 8.1 for me after eating a load of rubbish yesterday including a cone of chips. I hates myself.
Moan time! I was denied sleep for most of the night due to my darn RLS and chronic back pain, Arrgh! Got out of bed and wandered around, back to bed but legs started playing up again ~ and that's how it was all night :( Grrr! So kept myself busy posting songs on the thread "What are you listening to?" and reading interesting posts all over the forum. Does anyone else suffer with RLS and leg cramps, if so, how do you treat it? I've tried massaging my legs to no avail!!
I suffer from RSL and last summer, when it’s always worse, I tried magnesium spray. I was sceptical but I was also desperate! It isn’t cheap, about £20 a bottle, that lasts about a month. I get mine on subscription now from Harrogate Organics it works out a bit cheaper at £17. . It probably took about 3/4 weeks until I noticed a difference, I don’t know, or in fact care, if it’s a placebo it does the job. I just use every other night now. Three/four sprays behind each knee and in each elbow, then the same wherever you’re bothered with RSL, for me that’s my calves. I looked in Holland and Barrett and they sell it too for about the same price. If you haven’t already give it a try. You’ve nothing to loose, except 20 quid!
Know I have already posted but wondered if anyone else had thought that there are a higher proportion of people who post here who have an active interest in music so sing ,play an instrument, compose tunes etc.
I've had various acoustic guitars since I was a teenager including, for a while, a 12-string and can play a few songs, but I'm living proof that the notion that all Welshmen can sing is a complete myth.

As teenagers I and my two best mates thought about forming a group. We even chose a name - Sound Barrier - but the idea died when we left school, me to a job and them to Uni. Probably just as well. I expect we would have been rubbish.
Many Happy returns @Colin g Hope you have a lovely birthday.
Was a 5.9 for me this morning.Could have read 5.2 as it's my birthday.61 today 58 years with type 1 diabetes.Got more holes in me than a second hand dartboard Congratulations to @PattiEvans on your Hs.Enjoy your day people
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day.
I suffer from RSL and last summer, when it’s always worse, I tried magnesium spray. I was sceptical but I was also desperate! It isn’t cheap, about £20 a bottle, that lasts about a month. I get mine on subscription now from Harrogate Organics it works out a bit cheaper at £17. . It probably took about 3/4 weeks until I noticed a difference, I don’t know, or in fact care, if it’s a placebo it does the job. I just use every other night now. Three/four sprays behind each knee and in each elbow, then the same wherever you’re bothered with RSL, for me that’s my calves. I looked in Holland and Barrett and they sell it too for about the same price. If you haven’t already give it a try. You’ve nothing to loose, except 20 quid!
Thanks a bunch eggyg. I've not tried magnesium spray but no matter the cost, I'll buy a bottle anyway. Sometimes when my legs are doing their own thing, my body and then my arms join in too 😱 Drives me nuts! No laughing matter when I'm dog tired and need sleep! Thanks again eggyg x